Letting Go

Some people may write about letting go of friends, family members, or bad things in their life.  But, I have to be the random person to write about letting go of my greatest addiction ever.  You see, I had it bad for Monster Energy drinks.  I couldn’t start the day without one.  I may talk about drinking Dr. Pepper sometimes, ok a lot, but a girl has to have some kind of caffeine in her life.  I tried to go without caffeine for awhile, it was not a good thing.  But after talking to my pal, Tiffany, I decided to quite cold turkey.

Angry Julie and her Monster

In late April, I was doing some traveling and could not locate any Monster Energy Drinks when I was out of town.  I figured it was a good time to quit, and so I went cold turkey.  In June, I even wrote a post about “breaking up” with my Monsters.

I have not had a Monster Energy Drink since then.  Every time that I go to a store or convenience store that sells Monsters, I stare at them.  I get all giddy when they go on sale, and yet I haven’t purchased one.  Even seeing this picture that Jen Johnson took, makes me crave a Monster.  But it is for the good, because I know that they were not good for me. Who knows what could happen to me long term health wise if I kept drinking them.

Now onto other things, I need to let go if the thoughts that my hair looks good dark. Ye gads, seeing my hair is this photo drives me to make a hair appointment, ASAP!

I’m writing this post for Day 5 of #Reverb10: Let Go.

I have let go on some friendships, and other stuff this year, but alas, I’m not putting in the time or energy to write about that.  By writing about them, it just lets them have control, once again.  I don’t need the negativity in my life, anymore.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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