one word: encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. explain why you’re choosing that word. now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
2010: CHAOS
I feel like I have not slept or sat down this entire year. With husband, child, home, work, blog, and even Junior League, I almost needed a clone. My husband took a management position at work late last year and we are still adjusting to the demands, a year later. Angry Kid finished preschool and started Kindergarten in September. We re-decorated our son’s room, tore apart our garage, and started/finished several other projects within the house. I dealt with furloughs, pay cuts, layoffs, and dramatic schedule changes at work. I re-worked and fine tuned my blogging. I attended six blog conferences and two out of town brand events this year, and spoke at two of those blog conferences. I decided to resign from Junior League because I realized that there are only twenty-four hours in the day.
Photo from Flickr: pattyequalsawesome
I feel like someone is always coming or going in our house, and we are just holding on for the ride. One of the Supervisors at work compared it to a rollercoaster. He said to put my hands up in the air. My problem is that the coaster still seems to be climbing, and I’m not at the part where we go down and scream, “weeeeeeee”.
When you Google the word “recovery”, one of the top ten hits is Eminem’s 2010 Album “Recovery”. I think that it is pretty rad that Eminem is somewhat linked to my 2011 word. I listen to this album almost daily. I may even sing along in my car. Angry Kid gets annoyed with Eminem. He does not know his awesomeness.
But really, enough about Eminem….this post is about me.
If you look at definitions of “recovery”, there are several. Many of them are related to substance abuse. The only substance that I abuse is Dr. Pepper. I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a 12-step program for that though. But I did find one definition that is perfect. Recovery-“restoration to a former or better condition”. I’ve learned the good ole’ fashioned way that there are some things that you cannot change, and that you need to take your destiny into your own hands. So basically, I need to work on myself, and hope that the people around me will understand that I might be making some changes, but they are good changes.
I am smart, and I know myself. I can’t do everything overnight. But recovery is a process, and I am willing to work on it, one step at a time. And as Eminem’s song goes, “I’m not afraid”.