From My Desk Archives: Angry Baby

I went on a cleaning frenzy this week.  I’m prepping for the New Year, and what else would I be doing on my staycation.  Angry Husband was sick this week, I think it might be the plague or something.  I’m not sure, but he thinks he is dying.  I think he needs some better food, and water, or something.  Nevertheless, I hid in the office and our bedroom.  I completely filled two trashcans in our garage and I’m not done.

My secret plot is take back the office that is not being properly used. Angry Julie is tired of blogging from the kitchen table.  We have a really swanky office with built-ins and everything.  His big ole’ PC is taking up the desk. Doesn’t he know how perfect my little Macbook will look on that desk?  So I went through every cabinet and drawer in there.  I found disc after of old music and photos.  I was really good about burning my photos to CD and then storing them in random places.  I found two discs in particular, that made me laugh.

These are photos taken of Angry Kid between nine months to about fifteen months old.  He has always made “angry” faces and entertained us, despite being a CRAZY kid.  So Happy New Year, and enjoy these great photos!

Angry Baby USC Fan

Angry Baby and Bubbles

Angry Kid ten months

Baby loves ribs

P.S. Don’t drink and drive on New Year’s Eve. Cause I’m not bailing you out of jail. Grocery Delivery Review plus GIVEAWAY

The Angry Family is quite busy.  It seems like someone is always coming and going. We can never quite coordinate our meal times, and it is even harder planning our meal planning.  It is typical to get text messages from my husband stating, “food?” or even “do you want to go to the store?” I dread the going to the grocery store.  I never know what to get and end up wandering the aisles aimlessly.

The rain last week in Southern California really left me unmotivated to go to the grocery store and it seemed like the perfect time to order our groceries to be delivered.  A few years ago, we lived in a different house, and I ordered groceries online several times a month.  Angry Kid was a newborn and it was just easier to have the groceries delivered than wake up a sleeping baby to go to the store.

We’ve used for grocery delivery on several occasions for the past five years.  I love how effortless it is to order groceries in my pajamas, right from my laptop.  I don’t have to take my list, circle around for a parking lot, and wander up and down the grocery store aisles like I usually do.  YES, I am one of those people who wander aimlessly throughout the grocery store.  It has been especially nice the past few weeks here in Southern California, where it is pouring rain.

Have you ever grocery shopped online?

It is really simple on Vons’ website.  I entered my zip code to make sure that delivery was available to my area, and then I created an account.  I then chose a delivery time; with an option of 1 hr, 2 hr, and 4 hr delivery windows.  For an additional fee, I could have a 1 hr delivery window for delivery.  I had the option of placing an order to be delivered tomorrow morning, which is super fast.  After selecting the delivery window (which holds for 2 hrs.), it was time to move onto my order.

1. Getting Started: Your are provided a selection of 112 of the most ordered items to chose from. These are basic items which range from Dr. Pepper (my favorite) to toilet paper.  You are also given information on whether the item is on sale, or the Vons Club price.  When you place an online order, you are automatically given the Vons Club price.

2.  Shop by Aisle: You can select your items depending on what aisle they would be found in, from baby to tobbaco.  After selecting the aisle, you are given further options to narrow down your choices.

3.  Shop by History: If you have made previous orders, you can make choices saved from those orders. This is particularly helpful for those items that you purchase every week, your household staples.

4.  Online Savings: A category where Browse through our many online savings options to find the best deals on products you use everyday. Low on time? Check out the savings spotlight for deals you just can’t miss!

5.  Express List: Enter all the items you are shopping for in list format, or separated by commas.  Click “Save and Find” when you are ready to start shopping. Save as many lists as you need, update them as often as you want.

I am completely picky about my groceries.  When I was sixteen, I was a courtesy clerk (bagger) for Pavilions for about a year.  You should see me in the store when I’m going through the check out line.  I am very particular on how things are packed, etc.   I have never had crushed bread or broken eggs ever with my online orders.  Everything is packed so nicely for delivery.

Here are some frequently asked questions about online grocery delivery:

Do you deliver to my area?

Currently, offers delivery to residential locations in the following areas: Northern California: San Francisco, Marin, Greater North Bay, East Bay, Sacramento, San Jose, Peninsula, Monterey, Salinas Portland, OR Seattle, WA Greater Phoenix, AZ Maryland, Philadelphia, Washington DC To find out whether we service your area or to request this service.

Is there a minimum order?

Yes, $50 is the minimum

What if I have specific instructions for my personal shopper?
You can indicate product specifications (such as “green bananas”, “firm tomatoes”, “thick cut deli meat” etc) using the “Request to your Personal Shopper” feature. We will make every possible effort to meet your expectation.
*If you have any other general questions about the online delivery service.  You can check out their Shopping Help Page for further details.
Safeway which is Vons’ home company has many great offers on their page.  Every week they update their WEEKLY SPECIALS, where you input your zipcode to find out what is available to you.
Also, in their recipes section, I found some delicious appetizers and drinks that would be perfect for last minute New Year’s Eve potlucks.  I think the Cranberry Raspberry Spritzer sounds divine. always offers FREE DELIVERY on your first home delivery order.  It is a perfect way to try out their service.

AND, The Best Part?

***I’m having a giveaway for $50 worth of gift certificates to Safeway/Vons.  They are only good in the stores and not online, unfortunately. And I’m making it really simple to enter.***
1. Comment on “Why would you shop online for grocery delivery? Have you shopped online for grocery delivery?”
2. Check out and all they have to offer.
3. “Like” Safeway on Facebook because you will also find grocery related deals, and offerings there also.
You may leave a only THREE comments which pertain to each of the above three questions/choices.  Only U.S. entrants please.  Contest ends on 1/3/11 at 10pm PST.  I will chose a winner via a few hours later and request their information.  I will then mail the gift cards to the winner within the week.

Disclosure: I was provided with Safeway giftcards to review their online shopping and grocery delivery service.  They did not persuade me to write this review.  I used images from their site for my post.  Just because I post about grocery shopping, does not mean that I will actually “cook” the purchased food.  I wave my magic wand and it appears.  Enter to win $50 in giftcards.  You can use the money on whatever you want in the store, whether it be really expensive baby formula or booze, your choice. Happy New Year! Thanks


Christmas in The Angry House

At around 8am, I woke up to eyes peeking at me from the side of the bed.  Angry Kid was staring at me with bright eyes, stating “Mama it’s daylight time, time to wake up, it is Christmas.”  I think I moaned something to Angry Husband who was already in the front room.

HexBug setup in our house

Within a few minutes from making my way out into our living room, I saw this.  Angry Kid received these mazes and some creatures from the HexBug collection.  He loves those.  He is OBSESSED with those little bugs.  I had Angry Husband take a video of him at Target a few months ago asking for them. Don’t mind my coffee table, it is a mess.


Angry Kid was quite excited here. He was not happy because I told him to “NOT” open the boxes of Legos yet.  He was quite annoyed at that.  Plus, I asked him to smile for a picture.  I got smart this Christmas.  I had a few family members send gift cards for Angry Kid before Christmas.  I took the cards and purchased/wrapped items that I knew he wanted.  I didn’t have to spend hours wandering around the store with him, and I spent the allotted amount.

Christmas Cookies

In between gift wrapping and snacking, I managed to bake several dozen cookies.  I used recipes from the back of the Nestle Tollhouse packages.  I’m a fancy baker like that.  See the white chocolate chips and butterscotch chips packages for recipes.  I’m too tired to hunt down recipes and such.

My parents finally arrived. I was about to send out a search party.  Angry Kid was wondering where they were, and I was getting hungry.  Seriously, they live like ten minutes away and it took forever.

I received a 50mm lens from my parents. I’ve been wanting this lens for awhile. I’m super excited.  But one of my surprise gifts was this Swatch watch.  How cool is this watch.  I think it says “Julie” so much.  Angry Kid was busy tearing through wrapping paper while we slowly opened our gifts.  Angry Kid wasn’t quite impressed with the large amount of clothing that he was received.

I was a failure at taking photos on Christmas morning.  I only took less than 20 photos and most of them were on my iPhone.  I was too busy making dinner, lasagna, baking, and organizing.  I had Angry Husband take some photos when Angry Kid opened the “big” present from my parents.  My mom has watched Angry Kid fawn over this at the Apple store for quite some time now. Yep, she gave in. That is what grandparents do.


Angry Kid showed me parents that awesomeness of Angry Birds.  My mom and dad were cracking up.  They were quite impressed with Angry Kid’s skills.  And don’t worry, before we even downloaded any apps on the iPad, we set all of the restrictions so that he can’t make any purchases in the store or from within apps.

iPad with Lego Background

Within a few minutes, Angry Kid had already personalized the iPad.  And a few minutes after 7pm on Christmas Night, the vomiting began.  Angry Kid barely ate on Christmas Eve and ate nothing on Christmas Day.  We spent the better part of an hour de-puking our couch.

Angry Husband took Angry Kid to the Urgent Care the next day. The diagnosis was double ear infection.  We’ve had no more puke since then.  While Angry Kid was chilling on the couch Saturday and Sunday night, we put away all of the Holiday decorations.

The funniest thing all week was Angry Kid pointing at all of the houses with lights still on.  He kept saying, “Christmastime is over. They need to turn off and take down those lights.” Gee, I think someone is a little OCD.  I had to explain that not everyone takes their decorations down right away.

P.S. Now Angry Husband is sick. Send HELP now.

Wordless Wednesday: Police vs. Army Guys

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Best of 2010

There is really only one word to sum up this year and it is “chaotic”.  I attended several blog related conferences and took a few trips too.  I had some ups and downs with work.  Angry Kid graduated preschool and started kindergarten.  I met new friends, and got rid of some old ones.  I had some regrets, and I was blessed with bliss.  All I can do is move forward and try the best I can.

Best of 2010
January-Even in Bad Weather, You Can Have Cute Shoes (My Hello Kitty rain boots, best purchase all year)

February-Overwhelmed with Love (My Blissdom Conference recap)

March-Making Rainbow Cupcakes (My step by step tutorial for making rainbow cupcakes)

April-My Ode to Zima (A tribute to my youth)

May-A Photo Gift For Dad (A easy picture project that you can use for many different themes)

June-I Heart Faces Photowalk Across America (A photowalk I went on with some awesome photographers)

July-The 5th of July (How my son was taught Modern Warfare 2, & I am just a tenant in this house)

August-Privacy and Your Blog: Ten Things to Think About (Speaking at Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco)

September-Six Years of my Life, in a Plastic Tote (Finding all of my school papers and my Master’s Thesis)

October-An Extreme Bedroom (After several months of work, we finally finished Angry Kid’s bedroom)

November-Brands: Protecting Yours While Working With Theirs (A topic I spoke on at Bloggy Boot Camp, St. George)

December-A First Time For Everything, and a Little Graphic (Angry Kid’s first set of stitches)

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”

Cherishing Those Cards


I sent my Holiday cards out late this year, and I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one.  It seems like the majority of the cards showed up after Wednesday of last week.  I was waiting to do a display until I got the majority of my cards.  I usually tape my cards to the back of the front door, and I wanted to be a little more organized with my cards this year.  I get so inspired, ok maybe a little jealous by all of those fun craft blogs I read.  It inspires me to be more creative.

I took ten feet of white plastic coated chain (package found at Lowe’s), wooden clothespins (Walmart), and put up three tiny nails on the top of my shutters.  I just looped the chain around the nails.  I then used the clothespins to secure the photo cards onto my display.  I only used my picture/photo cards on this display.  I have the non-photo cards sitting around on tables, etc.

Organizing Holiday Cards

At the beginning of this year, I wrote a post about “Preserving My Holiday Cards”.  This will be my fourth year doing this.  I love looking back at all of the creative and beautiful cards that my friends and family have sent over the years.  This is a great idea of you want to keep your cards.

I hope to enjoy my cards up on display for another day, at least until my husband goes on his rampage of taking everything down.  He already took down all the Holiday outdoor lights on Sunday.  There are piles of stuff all over the garage.  Someday, the garage will be clean again, right?

handmade projects

iGiftThanks an iPhone App

I’m pretty good about sending “Thank You” notes for gifts.  It might not be right away, but they eventually get there.  I always sending them after birthday parties and Holidays.  I love finding the perfect stationary, and I might be a slight stationary hoarder.

But seriously, I’m REALLY crunched for time right now.  I live and breathe for my iPhone, and all of the multi-tasking that I can do from it.  I love the camera on my iPhone4.  I really don’t even use a point and shoot camera anymore because of how clear my photos are with this phone.  I also love the e-mail functions, and the fact that I can store all of my contacts with their addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses in one place.

My friend, Ciaran, recently released an app for the iPhone which is for “sharing your love and thanks anytime”.  iGiftThanks takes your photos, and adds a decorative frame to them.  You can then e-mail, MMS, Facebook, or even Twitter out your “THANK YOU” to friends, family, or whomever.

On Christmas Morning, I sent the following e-mail to my husband’s grandparents:

Great Nana and Great Papa,

Thank You so much for the Lego City Fire Station.  I love it and I can’t wait to build it!


Angry Kid (His Real Name Was Written, Obviously)

I included this photo on the e-mail with the frame from iGiftThanks.  I think that it was really cute, and it really captured the holiday and the moment.  I sent it via my iPhone within minutes of taking the picture.  Of course, Angry Kid opened even more presents after that. I still have some other messages to send.

Our friend, Karen, gave Angry Kid some great footie pajamas on Christmas Eve.  He changed his outfit at least three times Christmas morning, but he was wearing the pj’s at one point.  I sent a text message to Karen’s daughter with a photo via iGiftThanks also.

I love how easy it was to use this app.  I’m all about the ease of use, and instant gratification from my iPhone.  Ciaran knows people like me, she is also an avid iPhone user.  And really for $1.99 you can’t go wrong.

iGiftThanks can be found in the iTunes app store and has a one time cost of $1.99. Get it now! I’m sure you have some Holiday gift opening photos that you took on your iPhone.  Use this app and send your Thank You notes now!

Disclosure:  This is a review of the iGiftThanks app.  I paid for it with my own money.  Yep, Ciaran may have bribed me a soda in the future.  But really, I am lazy and this is perfect for lazy, I mean “really busy” people like me.

Surprises and Festivities

Friday (Christmas Eve) was my husband’s birthday.  Of course the phone started ringing really early and off to work he went.  He said that he would return in a few hours and he did.  When he came home, we discussed our surprise for my parents.  We were getting them a flat screen television and a stand to go with it.  My mom has been shopping or what we like to call “complaining” about their TV for quite some time. I  sent a text message to one of our family friends and told them that the husband and I would be a little late for Christmas Eve dinner, and that my parents would be bringing Angry Kid with them.  We figured it would be about two hours to set-up and install the new TV.

I called my mom and asked her to take Angry Kid to our friend’s house. She asked, “why”, of course.  I told her that Angry Husband had to work late and I had to go to the airport and pick someone up.  I could hear my dad literally cursing in the background.  I hung up with my mom and told Angry Husband about the conversation.  He may have rolled his eyes.  He then started gathering his tools, and exclaimed, “let’s go now”. So I called my mom and asked if someone was home.  She said my dad would be home.  So we gathered all of our things, the tools, the TV, and the stand and made our way to my parent’s house.  My dad did not understand why we were there.  I mentioned  that we were going to surprise them for Christmas and that he was not being very cooperative.  So I pointed to the truck and said, “your gift is in the truck”.

We started clearing out their old entertainment center, which took FOREVER.  My mom had a ton of stuff hidden in all of the crevices and cabinets.  We piled the stuff in the spare bedroom, and in the middle of it, she came home.  My dad said something like, “how come you didn’t tell me about this?” My mom said, “I didn’t know.” Yep, that’s right, because it was a SURPRISE…sigh.

50 inch Panasonic TV for my parents

So a few hours later, Angry Husband finished his project.  I took Angry Kid on some errands with my mom while most of the work was being done.  Angry Kid wanted to “help”.  After finishing up, we headed home to get changed.  We arrived at our friend’s house within an hour of our original expected time.  I got to tell the entire story of how our “Christmas Gift Surprise” did not go well.


Angry Husband got some birthday cake that our friend, Karen made.  It was a red velvet with a cream cheese frosting.  It was really really really good.  But really, the kids were going nuts because they wanted to open some presents.


Angry Kid got a Nerf Gun. Yippee. I did not want to buy any Nerf Guns because I knew someone else would.  It is not fun when someone shoots you in the back of the head with one of those.  Jacob got a Kindle.  He loves to read, and he was VERY excited about it.

Nerf Gun Dart Tag

Even though Angry Kid wasn’t feeling well all day, he managed to load up the gun, and use all of us for target practice.  Doesn’t he look like a natural with that gun.  I’m finding these darts everywhere around this house today.  Angry Husband bought even more darts at Target today, grrrrr….


Angry Kid LOVES Jacob, and asks to see him all the time.  They are two of a kind.  It is quite hilarious.  After a busy and long day, we headed home.  Angry Kid passed out in the car, and we slipped him into his bed.

I left out some reindeer food, cookies, and milk, and turned off all the lights.  At 8:00am, the next morning (Christmas Day), I was abruptly woken up by Angry Kid.  He said, “Mama, it is daylight time, and Santa came”.

I will continue the story of Christmas Day in another post….

P.S. Don’t ever try to surprise my parents.  They ruin the fun, sigh…

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Angry Julie Monday


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