I went on a cleaning frenzy this week. I’m prepping for the New Year, and what else would I be doing on my staycation. Angry Husband was sick this week, I think it might be the plague or something. I’m not sure, but he thinks he is dying. I think he needs some better food, and water, or something. Nevertheless, I hid in the office and our bedroom. I completely filled two trashcans in our garage and I’m not done.
My secret plot is take back the office that is not being properly used. Angry Julie is tired of blogging from the kitchen table. We have a really swanky office with built-ins and everything. His big ole’ PC is taking up the desk. Doesn’t he know how perfect my little Macbook will look on that desk? So I went through every cabinet and drawer in there. I found disc after of old music and photos. I was really good about burning my photos to CD and then storing them in random places. I found two discs in particular, that made me laugh.
These are photos taken of Angry Kid between nine months to about fifteen months old. He has always made “angry” faces and entertained us, despite being a CRAZY kid. So Happy New Year, and enjoy these great photos!
P.S. Don’t drink and drive on New Year’s Eve. Cause I’m not bailing you out of jail.