Wordless Wednesday: Movember


A little tribute to Movember-which challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a mustache.  I won a set of these great mustaches on a stick from Nikki at The Salty Pineapple.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Nectar of the Gods


I gave up my Monster Energy Drinks in May.  It was a hard transition.  Until I focused on the nectar of the gods, Dr. Pepper.  I prefer a fountain Dr. Pepper with crushed pebble ice over the can, but in a jam, the can is beautiful.  Who could say anything bad about this?  Some people may have their coffee addictions, but I have my Dr. Pepper, or as some prefer to call it, “DP.

Sweet Shot Day

I’m linking up to my3boybarians “Sweet Shot Tuesdays” with this post and picture.  Feel free to join in on the photo fun!! There are always fabulous photos over there!

Thirty-Five or Halfway to Forty

Doesn’t this look delicious? It is a white chocolate cheesecake tower from The Painted Pony in St. George, Utah.  This was my birthday dessert that I had after a delicious dinner with my two road-tripping buddies, Kelly and Tiffany.

We had a fabulous, wonderful, and somewhat odd road-trip to St. George, Utah from Southern California this weekend for Bloggy Boot Camp.  I got home at 3am this morning, and crashed. But I woke up to so many awesome memories, and a fabulous breakfast with my best friend, Stacey and a her daughter.  Because, today was my birthday, my 35th.  Ye gads, I’m on my way to 40 now…


My friend, Casey, posted this recently on her Facebook page.  She had this captioned underneath it, “Admit it. You know you put this on your Christmas wish list.”  I had to send her an e-mail, with a photo attached.  I put the phrase, “Ur gonna die….” in the subject like of my e-mail.  Her response to my e-mail was, “Oh my dear god!!!! Only you!! Thank you for making me laugh. Was this before Angry Kid came along? LOL”.

So you are probably wondering what was the photo that I attached to my e-mail?  It was taken in early 2004.  Forgive me for my fat and the multiple chins.

This is what happens when your husband buys you a small dog for Valentine’s Day. You become one of those idiots who put your dog in clothing, and you wear them in things like “Pet-A-Roo’s”.  Who told me that this was a good look?  I was probably wearing jean shorts and my Birkenstocks too.  Ironically, I at the end of 2004, I was pregnant.  Obviously my husband liked my look during those days.  But seriously, what the heck was I thinking?  People dogs are not meant to be worn.  You look like an idiot.

And Bruiser, poor Bruiser.  He was soo cute then. What happened to him? Now he’s a shaggy barky mutt.  I guess that is what happens when you stop “wearing” the dog, and start wearing the kid.

People humor me people, I have gotten better with age, right?

Wordless Wednesday: A Healthy Breakfast

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Sanrio Small Gift Mobile Pop-Up Tour


This is the picture that you get when you hand over your camera to a stranger.  Do I care, not really.  Because I got to check out the Sanrio Small Gift Mobile Pop-Up Tour which is to celebrate Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary.  I’m a huge Sanrio and Hello Kitty fan.  I have been a fan since I was about Angry Kid’s same age, if you do the math, it is 30 years.

I anxiously awaited Angry Husband’s return home from work on Sunday so that I could go and check this out.  I may have told him this, “I sound a little lame, but can you tell when you are coming home because I want to go to this Hello Kitty thing in Tustin.”  He laughed and said he would be home in a bit.  As soon as he came home, I dashed over there.  I was able to land parking quickly, but I had to stand in huge line of other Sanrio fans.  I may sport my addiction to Hello Kitty every time it rains, and I get tons of compliments, so it was nice to find other adult fans.  I barely saw any small children there, as most of the attendees were adults.


I couldn’t help but focus on the beautiful sunset while I was waiting in line.  While everyone was chatting, I was taking photos.  I couldn’t help myself.  And if you heard the conversations going on around me, you would be slowly loosing IQ points.  I had a group of Asian girls behind me commenting on white girls or white parents not buying Hello Kitty and Sanrio for their daughters.  That only “Asian” parents supported this brand.  Well this white girl, whom grew up in the 1980’s was a HUGE Sanrio fan.  But I will have to say that I did grow up in a Korean neighborhood, so that did have a little influence on my addiction. But everyone I knew growing up, was a huge Sanrio fan.


I had to take a picture of this truck that was towing the main trailer.  I think it is adorable.  I think every Sanrio fan would love one of these.  The employees at the event handed out menus with the special items that they had for sale at the event.  It seemed that many items were selling out.  I was totally unsure of what to buy when I was looking at the menu.  I figured that I would wait to see what was available when it was my time to make a purchase.


I ended up buying two t-shirts and a iPhone4 case.  I don’t have an iPhone4 yet, but I will probably be getting one in the next few months.  Everything is still in the bag, otherwise I would have photographed it too.  I will try and take a photo of everything to put on my Facebook Page sometime this week.

After paying for my purchases, I stopped to take a few more photographs.  I just loved the vehicles that they brought to the event.  They were quite awesome.




If you are fan of Sanrio like me, they are hosting more events.  You can check out their Small Gift Mobile Pop-Up Shop List for where they will be next. Plus, they are having an entire week of events in Los Angeles the week of November 12-21, 2010, to celebrate Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary.

The Great Park and The Farmer’s Market

Last week was the first farmer’s market held at The Orange County Great Park.  My friend, Kristin, was selling her cupcakes at the farmer’s market, so I headed over there.  We bought some fruit, ate some food from local food trucks, and came out with delicious cupcakes from Kristin.  Angry Kid had a great time and asked to go back again this week.

It was supposed to rain today, and the clouds were hovering over the horizon.  My mom was over at my house, and kept saying it was going to rain and that we should not head to the farmer’s market.  I told her that the kid needed to run around and get some of his energy out.


Last week we came home with some great apples.  My son took one of the apples in his school snack each day of the week.  Today, he declared that apples were “sooo October” and that he did not need apples today.  We ended up getting some juicy strawberries and a cantaloupe.


I rarely buy flowers because I am always running around and don’t want to leave them in the car for a prolonged period.  I knew that we were going home after this, so I purchased a bundle of flowers.  Seriously, $5 for a bundle of awesome flowers, was an amazing price.  Plus, I loved the Fall November colors.


Angry Kid took a little ride on the carousel.  He’s pretty good at them. He hopped right on and buckled himself in.  Because of his age and height, I also had to ride it.  I chose to stand, and got a little dizzy.  I learned a little thing for the future; do not try and take photographs while standing on a moving carousel.


While standing on the platform for the carousel, I photographed the Great Park Balloon.  This balloon soars up to 400 feet in the air, and can hold up to 25 to 30 passengers.  I think that this balloon is awesome to photograph, but I think I will keep my feet firmly planted on the ground.  Angry Kid kept asking questions about it, but I may have changed the subject.


Angry Kid immediately ran for Kids Rock after his exited the carousel.  Kids Rock is a shaded area with climbing rocks, picnic tables, with a recycled rubber floor.  He got a little frustrated at first when he tried to climb the rocks.  I showed him that there were different levels on the rocks, and that he needed to find the perfect spot, according to his height.  Obviously, he managed his way to the top of this rock, announcing, “I’m taller than you mama”.





Angry Kid told my mom that he wanted to go to the “garden” or better known as the Farm & Food Lab.  He loves seeing how everything grows.  I have a feeling that we may be planting some type of garden next year.  I just need to figure out how to keep our dogs from eating what we plant.


Oh look food trucks! Where did these come from? Maybe, momma may have guided The Angry Kid towards the Tropical Shave Ice truck.  I have heard a ton of great things about this company, and seriously, authentic shaved ice, who can refuse that?

The Angry White mini rapper type kid really liked the shaved ice, of the rainbow variation.  I may have had my own treat.  I am officially a Farmer’s Market addict, and I will try and go every week if I can.

Behind The Seams

Two of my favorite places to shop are T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s.  Every time I go to either of those stores, it is like a treasure hunt.  You never know what you might find.  Whether it is clothing, home goods, accessories, or even luggage, I always find great stuff.

I attended an event at Marshall’s in Los Angeles called “Behind The Seams”Alison Deyette spoke to us about the company and told us about the current fashion trends.  I met Alison last year at a Marshall’s event in the winter.  I love hearing about how Marshalls does the buying for their stores.  Marshalls has brand name merchandise and styles that can be currently found in department and specialty stores right now, but for 60% less.  Marshalls’ buyers aren’t restricted to having the same merchandise in every store like other companies.

Marshall's Behind The SeamsWe were at the store early in the morning, so I was able to wander around it and capture some photographs of their displays and merchandise.  They have such a variety of brands and items.  The main photo in this collage pictured is two similar outfits, one was purchased at a department store and one was purchased at Marshalls.  The difference in prices between the outfits was over a $100.

Along with Marshalls’ company philosophies, we also chatted about “Current Fashion Trends for Fall 2010″.  We talked about some of the most have pieces and trends.

1. Sweaters-Big is better; chunky; textured; loopy; fringed, or even sweater dresses are in.

2. Handbags-faux fur and real fur; fold-over/cross body styles; soft slouchy hobo types; snake prints; and of course the current hot Fall colors which are reds, greens, blues, grays, and taupes.

3. Outerwear-wool coats in plaids or solids; leather jackets with detailing; cocoon frame jackets; and details like buttons or other unique features.

4. Footwear-ankle boots are the Fall must-have; pops of color; platforms with lace up or zipper detail; and slouchy leather boots.

5. Polished Career Style-feminine blouses with delicate details; skirts from penciled to tiers and wraps; slim leg pants; and tailored jackets with structured shoulders.

6. Statement Jewelry-over-sized necklaces, bracelets, and rings; darker stones; and darker metals for an edgy look.

7. Knit Scarves and Hats-a mixture of textures, colors, and fabrics; hats are a must have-fedoras and berets; layer up with a wrapped scarf; and look for fur trim, studs, gems, chains, bows and rosettes on hats, gloves, and even scarves.

8. It’s All in the Details-Fall’s top patterns are Fair Isle, soft plaids, stripes, and animal prints; give your look a feminine edge with details; and creating a unique look with military influence, leather touches, faux fur trims, and asymmetrical closures.

After discussing all of the trends for the Fall, we also discussed the economy.  Alison talked about how people are shopping with budgets in mind now, and how they are trying to be a bit more frugal.  She challenged us to go on a “shopping diet”.  This “diet” was a challenge to use less money, buy current trends, and incorporate new pieces into our current wardrobes.  I think this completely makes sense.

Ironically, I think that I always shop this way whether the economy is bad or good.  I believe in having key pieces in my wardrobe at all times.  I then buy a few trendy type items and add and mix-up my wardrobe options.  Because I wear a uniform to work, I spend a little less on clothing than the average person does.  Although I do splurge on some specialty type pieces throughout the year, whether it is a pair of comfortable shoes, or a special dress for an event.

I was given a $100 gift card to Marshalls/T.J. Maxx and was challenged to add some new pieces to my current wardrobe.  I couldn’t wait to go shopping and I picked out four things very promptly.  I am a little more careful these days when I go shopping, so I know what I have/don’t have, and what styles personally work for me.  I will be doing another post sometime soon, showing what items that I purchased with my gift card, and how I incorporated and mix/matched with current pieces in my closet.

Disclosure:  I was provided with a $100 gift card to T.J. Maxx/Marshalls for participation in the shopping diet challenge.  I purchased items of clothing with this certificate for review purposes.  I was not influenced in any way when writing this review.  Some facts and statistics posted here were provided by T.J. Maxx/Marshalls.

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Angry Julie Monday


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