Roadtrippin’ to Ojai

In February of this year, I was in Chicago for an event, and met with Cynthia for some appetizers and chit chat.  Cyn told me about this event that Lee and her were talking about doing later in the year.  I told her to remind me later in the year about it, and of course I would be there, because it was in California, my home state.

I purchased my ticket, and asked for the time off from work.  Since it was driving distance from my house, I really didn’t focus on planning how I was going to get there.  But luckily, at the beginning of last week, I was able to make plans for the roadtrip with Tiffany, the goddess behind The SITS Girls and Bloggy Boot Camp. As Tiffany would say much later, we could have fun, even if we were in a cardboard box.  Although it was a seemingly short road trip, I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.  Tiffany and I also learned that; 1.  it is a good thing we don’t live close, 2. we spend too much money together, and 3. we should never ever go to Target together.

We finally arrived at our destination in Ojai, CA, and it was dark.  Seriously, so dark we could barely see anything, and cell phone service was, well there was no cell service.  But we found everyone at a local restaurant.  I think I had the best sausage pizza ever, and I’m totally not a sausage pizza eater.  I blame Tiffany for that.  I was able to initially meet some wonderful women, that I’ve never met before.  In the four plus years that I’ve been blogging, there are people that I’ve wanted to meet, but we literally have just passed/missed each other by minutes at events.  I love that we weren’t rushing around and could just spend some one on one time chatting.

And then I hit bottom.  Seriously, waking up at 5am, working all day, and then traveling, well it makes you tired.  I don’t think that there was enough caffeine in the world to keep me awake that night. Tiffany and I decided that it was time to head back to the MOTEL.  I had to capitalize that because, MOTEL really needs to stick out.

We arrived at our motel, where we instantly noticed that the main office was closed.  You could tell that we were in a small town, because there was a note with my name on the door, which stated that my room keys were in the mailbox, just to the right of the note.  We grabbed the keys, and drove around the corner to find our room.  I had to give some work humor with a phrase like, “you know what defines a motel from a hotel, you can drive your car up to the door of the room.”  I have such odd humor, I’m glad that I surround myself with people that “get me”.  Tiffany may have mentioned something about “pepper spray”.

We headed into our room, which was refreshingly nice.  We organized our stuff, and sat on the fluffy white covered beds.  I did an exclamation of “god bless wifi” or something like that. Because I started checking my e-mail etc., when I sat down.  I think we were exhausted and finally crashed around 11pm, but I still tossed and turned.  I thought I was loosing my mind, but then I realized that every time I moved, a damn motion sensor light came on in the room.  The night was not like a simple night light either, it was bright and lit up the entire room.  Tiffany had a sleeping mask on, and she could still see the light too.  I think the sensor was activated at least 3-4 times during the night.  I may have cursed profanities at the light, a few times.

The Annoying Motion Sensor Light

I added a few “decorative touches” to my photo of that damn motion sensor light.  I may have told Tiffany that it seemed like we in the perfect setting for a horror movie, or where serial killers go to bury their bodies.  I hope that the other people who stayed in the motel had the same experience with the lights, because we could not make this stuff up.

We then headed towards our destination at Calliote Canyon, down a long and winding road.  I would like to thank Tiffany’s OnStar navigation system for getting us there.  I’m quite jealous, and actually researched the system when I got home.  I’m pissed because my Tahoe is a 2007, and it is only available for 2009+ models.

We caught everyone at breakfast time, but we had some small talk while everyone got ready. Since, this post could go on forever, I’m breaking it up into two posts.  I will try and get another post up soon about The Creative Alliance soon. But in the meantime, here are some sneak peek photos below.



Wordless Wednesday: It’s Miller Time

It's Miller Time

It’s a bank….for monies..

You can thank Big Lots and my husband for this photo.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.



Today was 10.10.10.  I think that it is/was a great date and I wanted to do something special.  Well really, it is just another excuse to post my photographs, right? We had beautiful weather here in Orange County today.  I thought I would share TEN great photographs that I took today. The first photograph was taken in Angry Kid’s room.  I was trying to spell out 10-10-10 with Legos first, but seriously, it took too long.  I then dug through the toy bins and found several different types of cars.

Angry Kid and his Angry Birds

Angry Kid is OBSESSED with playing Angry Birds.  I blame my husband.  I have refrained from even downloading the game for a long time.  Many of my friends love the game.  I am already too distracted.  But seriously, $.99 and it kept him occupied while I did laundry, did dishes, and took a shower this morning.

Angry Kid and Ryan

Angry Kid and Ryan.  We went to a birthday party for Ryan’s birthday today.  It was a good picture day.  Angry Kid actually asked me to take a picture.

Air Hockey King

Angry Kid is very serious about his Air Hockey skills.  Can you just see the focus in his eyes.  It was hilarious.

Playing in the sprinklers in October

Our sprinklers have been on the fritz for a few weeks, ok maybe like two months.  Our gardener is working on fixing them.  They magically came on tonight while we working on the front yard and garage.  Angry Kid ran in the house and put on his swim trunks.  I think he really misses our daily excursions to the pool.

Poor wet doggy

But poor Wolfie was in the front yard when the sprinklers came on.  Angry Kid kept chasing her around in circles.  She came up to the edge of the fence and gave me a little “save me” look.  I didn’t give in to the sad “puppy dog” looks, because she really needed a bath anyway.

Angry Kid profile

Welcome to the new “background photo” on my Macbook.  He was right up in the camera.  I was following around trying to practice with the different settings.  It is pretty shocking, but I was using my “manual” settings.

Wolfie in October

Wolfie was really over this sprinkler situation. This was her begging me to put her back in the backyard.  She was really “over” this front yard activity for the day.  I obliged and returned her to her doggie sanctuary.

Badass with his skateboard

I told Angry Kid that he could not ride his skateboard without the proper gear which included, his helmet and “real shoes”. He marched off wearing no shirt, swim trunks, and Crocs.  He thinks he is cool with his temporary tattoo (which has been on there for several weeks), and his underwear hanging out of his swim trunks.  I swear, all he needs is a mullet.

10-10-10 Self Portrait

A self-portrait via Angry Husband’s iPhone4, since I’m always the one taking the photos.  I literally have to take self-portraits to get photos of myself lately.   I’ve been a mess this past week and I literally had frumpy hair. I felt like I looked like such a boy.  I had to jazz my extra plain outfit up today with a headband that Erin made me and one of my many Lisa Leonard necklaces.  I love my headbands that Erin made so much, that I texted her with another order for two more. And well Lisa Leonard necklaces, you can’t have enough of those.

Wow….Sundays are terribly long days around here.  It is my first day off after working all week and I spend the day trying to play catch up. I had to add in a birthday party and continuous garage construction for some more drama.  Along with photo editing programs working at snails pace all night.  I’m done with the computer for the night, but now it is time for some Sister Wives and Mad Men on TV.

School Projects and My Favorite Smells

Tell Not Show

After getting home from work, two hours late, I began our after school routine.  I dug through the backpack, pulled out the folder, and brought out tonight’s project.  Angry Kid gets homework assigned on Mondays, to be turned in on Fridays.  I work tomorrow night, and get home late.  It is easier to make sure it is all done tonight, rather than Angry Husband try and figure out what is not done.

Tomorrow was Angry Kid’s day for “Tell Not Show”.  We had to put an item in a paper bag, and write three questions on the outside of the bag to describe the item.  Angry Husband and I were searching the entire house for an item that would be worthy for this project.  Our choices were a tape measure or a pair of sunglasses.  Angry Husband was afraid that the precious tape measure would get lost, so the sunglasses became the item.  I had polled Twitter for the questions on the bag.

My favorite part of this project?  Well, it was writing on the bag.  I found a fresh brand new Super Sharpie to use.  I have a little secret obsession with Sharpies.  I love brand new Sharpies, with a sharp tip.  There is just something about the smell of a brand new Sharpie.  Am I odd that I love the smell of Sharpies?

I like the smell of fresh cookies, babies, and all the other common stuff.  But I have a unique love for weird chemical smells like bleach, chlorine, freshly chlorinated fountains in Las Vegas, and Sharpies.  These are the little things that make me happy.

Angry Kid’s teacher will appreciate my Sharpie usage.  She already complimented me on my writing style the first time I filled out paperwork.  I have little, ok big, OCD tendencies about my printing.  I used to practice writing things over and over again when I was a kid.

Do you like any strange smells? Or is it just me? Share your weird smell obsessions with me.  Please tell me that this is normal.

Wordless Wednesday: SoCal Skylines

SoCal Skyline

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Mickey’s Halloween Party

Mickey's Halloween Party

Last Friday, we had the pleasure of attending “Mickey’s Halloween Party” at Disneyland.  This event has been re-named as it was previously called, “Mickey’s Treat”, and was held at Disney’s California Adventure Park for the past few years.  This was our third year attending the “Halloween Themed Event”.  We didn’t attend last year, as Angry Kid was sick.

The event started at 7pm, and we lined up at the main gates of Disneyland around 6:45.  The lines were getting long, but the employees were trying to get the regular Disneyland guests out of the park before the Halloween Party started.  Mickey’s Halloween Party is a special event and it requires a separate ticket.  It was quite chaotic, as the park closes at 7pm, and Mickey’s Halloween Party starts at 7pm.  There was a lot of shuffling going on, and it took some time getting through the gate.

While waiting for entry into Disneyland, Angry Husband took some time re-applying Angry Kid’s makeup.  He was quite OCD about that make-up.  Angry Husband took Angry Kid costume shopping that day.  Angry Kid already had a costume, but it was way too hot for our current weather predicted for the weekend.  I think the costume, was totally inspired by Angry Husband.


When we finally made our way into the park, we headed for some food. We sat in traffic on the way to Disneyland, and we needed to get some grub.  After enjoying some tasty hot dogs (husband’s choice), we headed towards Frontierland for some Trick or Treating.  Angry Kid had his bucket ready for candy.  We figured that it would be better to start with the trick or treating and then we could relax and enjoy ourselves.


Angry Kid was posing while we were waiting in line for more candy stops.  The line for Trick or Treating got pretty long in Frontierland.  It basically was one long chain that wrapped around and then ended at Pirates of the Caribbean.  Seriously, Angry Kid has so much candy, that it was a perfect place to end.


After Trick or Treating, we headed towards the Haunted Mansion.  The Haunted Mansion is decorated with a “Nightmare Before Christmas” theme for the Holidays. The decorations are amazing.  After going on The Haunted Mansion, we headed towards Tomorrowland to meet-up with Kelly and her family.  I ended up going on Ghost Galaxy with Kelly and her son, while Angry Husband took Angry Kid on some rides.  Angry Kid has been on Space Mountain’s Ghost Galaxy before, but I can tell he was a little scared to go this time.

After going on the rides, we head towards Main St., and saw The Halloween Screams Fireworks show. This fireworks show is only occurring during Mickey’s Halloween Party.  I was able to see last year’s show which was awesome.  This was Angry Husband’s first time seeing the fireworks show and he loved it.  Seriously, Disneyland puts on the best fireworks shows.

After the fireworks ended, we headed home.  Angry Kid had school earlier in the day, and he was barely awake.  Before we got into the car, we stopped and took a “make-up removal break”.  Angry Husband did a great job putting on and removing the make-up.  It was quite a task.  Angry Kid fell asleep in his carseat on the way home with a great big smile on his face.

It has been almost four days since we attended the event, and Angry Kid hasn’t even asked about the candy.  He is funny like that.  He wants tons and tons of candy, but he rarely eats it.  Angry Husband and I have a secret stash in the freezer.

Disclosure: We were provided tickets for Mickey’s Halloween Party by the Disneyland resort.  Mickey’s Halloween Party will be going on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Halloween Day during the month of October.  The ticket prices range from $49-$59, with some discounts for Annual Passholders.  You can get more information about tickets on their web site.

The Social Network

I can’t tell you how long it has been since I’ve been to the movies.  Angry Husband goes a few times a month with his friends.  My options are 1. try to see a movie with Angry Husband, 2. Go by myself, or 3.  Wait for it to come out on video.  Those are not good options.  It is so hard to see movies out with my friends because of my work schedule, life schedule, and other people’s schedules.

So I jumped in on Lindsey and Kathleen’s Twitter conversation on Saturday afternoon.  They were talking about seeing “The Social Network” at a late night showing.  Yep, I’m pushy like that. I totally invited myself to their party.  I really wanted to see the movie and this was the perfect opportunity.

So at 10:45 PM on Saturday night, I met Lindsey and Kathleen for a little movie watching.  I haven’t been to a late night movie in a long time.  I felt like a cougar in that movie theater.  Seriously, everyone was much younger than me.  They were the “Facebook Generation”.

I was enthralled by this movie.  I loved it.  But, alas if you know me by now, I love social media.  I was amazed by this story of how Facebook was founded and developed.  Of course, they showed the good, the bad, and even the ugly.  But really, doesn’t every big business or successful company have a story like this? This is how people succeed, and yes there will always be a little greed and jealousy involved.

I’m not going to give any details or highlights about this movie, but it is a must see!

And wow, I got home at 1:30am.  I may have slept till 10am this next morning..but sooo worth it!

And really, seeing a movie like “The Social Network” with bloggers, is really the only way to do it.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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