The Parking Lot Pumpkin Patch

I came home from my trip late Friday night, just in time to spend some quality time with the family.  I work weekends, and sometimes, we don’t get enough quality time together, with my schedule and Angry Husband’s schedules passing each other by.  We asked Angry Kid what he wanted to do during the day.  His only request was going to the pumpkin patch.  We always go to the most fabulous pumpkin patches, yet Angry Kid wanted to go to the parking lot pumpkin patch.

What is a “parking lot pumpkin patch” ? Well, it is a mini mall asphalt parking lot, or a street corner where they temporarily set-up a pumpkin patch, or even a Christmas tree lot.  They put up some fencing, a petting zoo, bounce houses, and other gizmos.  My son would rather go to this than the awesome “real” pumpkin patches around here.  He wanted to go in the mouse and pirate ship bounce houses.

Pumpkin Patch CollageThey actually a pretty decent variety of pumpkins.  It was hard to tell how much they cost, because the fees were not based on weight.  Usually you have to weigh pumpkins to get the actual price.  They had a flat pricing board where you placed the pumpkin on it, and the price was determined by the width of the pumpkin.  We were able to escape at the end of our little trip with a $12.50 pumpkin, and about $10 in ride tickets.

Angry Kid was happy to jump in the bounce houses, sit in the spinning shoes, ride motorized cars, and take pictures in simple wood props.  Angry Husband and I just stood back and laughed.  I think this is the most fun that Angry Kid has ever had at a pumpkin patch.  I’m not sure if it was the bouncing, or that he has hit a certain age now.  He is excited to carve his pumpkin, but we told him that we have to wait a few weeks.

Pumpkin Patch Collage 2After hanging out at the pumpkin patch, we headed to more exciting places like Lowe’s, Target, and lunch.  We purchased Angry Kid’s first Monopoly game, Monopoly Jr.  I think we played that game at least ten times this weekend.  Angry Kid even brought it over to my parent’s house on Sunday night for dinner.  My mom beat everyone.

I’m sad that I missed out on the goodness of The Creative Alliance retreat on the second day, but I think my family needed this bonding time, even if it included parking lot pumpkin patches, and routine trips to Target and Lowes.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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