After getting home from work, two hours late, I began our after school routine. I dug through the backpack, pulled out the folder, and brought out tonight’s project. Angry Kid gets homework assigned on Mondays, to be turned in on Fridays. I work tomorrow night, and get home late. It is easier to make sure it is all done tonight, rather than Angry Husband try and figure out what is not done.
Tomorrow was Angry Kid’s day for “Tell Not Show”. We had to put an item in a paper bag, and write three questions on the outside of the bag to describe the item. Angry Husband and I were searching the entire house for an item that would be worthy for this project. Our choices were a tape measure or a pair of sunglasses. Angry Husband was afraid that the precious tape measure would get lost, so the sunglasses became the item. I had polled Twitter for the questions on the bag.
My favorite part of this project? Well, it was writing on the bag. I found a fresh brand new Super Sharpie to use. I have a little secret obsession with Sharpies. I love brand new Sharpies, with a sharp tip. There is just something about the smell of a brand new Sharpie. Am I odd that I love the smell of Sharpies?
I like the smell of fresh cookies, babies, and all the other common stuff. But I have a unique love for weird chemical smells like bleach, chlorine, freshly chlorinated fountains in Las Vegas, and Sharpies. These are the little things that make me happy.
Angry Kid’s teacher will appreciate my Sharpie usage. She already complimented me on my writing style the first time I filled out paperwork. I have little, ok big, OCD tendencies about my printing. I used to practice writing things over and over again when I was a kid.
Do you like any strange smells? Or is it just me? Share your weird smell obsessions with me. Please tell me that this is normal.