I can’t tell you how long it has been since I’ve been to the movies. Angry Husband goes a few times a month with his friends. My options are 1. try to see a movie with Angry Husband, 2. Go by myself, or 3. Wait for it to come out on video. Those are not good options. It is so hard to see movies out with my friends because of my work schedule, life schedule, and other people’s schedules.
So I jumped in on Lindsey and Kathleen’s Twitter conversation on Saturday afternoon. They were talking about seeing “The Social Network” at a late night showing. Yep, I’m pushy like that. I totally invited myself to their party. I really wanted to see the movie and this was the perfect opportunity.
So at 10:45 PM on Saturday night, I met Lindsey and Kathleen for a little movie watching. I haven’t been to a late night movie in a long time. I felt like a cougar in that movie theater. Seriously, everyone was much younger than me. They were the “Facebook Generation”.
I was enthralled by this movie. I loved it. But, alas if you know me by now, I love social media. I was amazed by this story of how Facebook was founded and developed. Of course, they showed the good, the bad, and even the ugly. But really, doesn’t every big business or successful company have a story like this? This is how people succeed, and yes there will always be a little greed and jealousy involved.
I’m not going to give any details or highlights about this movie, but it is a must see!
And wow, I got home at 1:30am. I may have slept till 10am this next morning..but sooo worth it!
And really, seeing a movie like “The Social Network” with bloggers, is really the only way to do it.