iWalk to School

iWalk To School Day

Today was “Walk to School” day at Angry Kid’s school.  He was excited because he got this blue wristband this morning when we arrived at school.  The ironic and funny thing is, we walk to school everyday unless it rains.  We live very close and the walk is less than ten minutes.  Angry Kid whines every once in awhile, but he is fine once we get there.  It is also a nice time to chat with him along the way.  Angry Husband and I both lived far from our schools growing up, so this is unique and nice for us also.

Wordless Wednesday: Our week in photos

Wordless Wednesday October 27, 2010

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.


A little over a week ago, I headed towards Ojai with my pal, Tiffany.  I already mentioned our entertaining road trip.  We were heading to the Creative Alliance event. After packing up our stuff, we headed towards our destination, Calliote Canyon.

After reading the first few sentences, you are probably thinking, “Oh great, Julie is going to another blogging event, whoppee.”  After reading some comments on Heather’s blog, I actually hesitated on posting my experience in Ojai, so I took some time to reflect.

As a working mom, it is somewhat hard to find some “me time” to hang out with girlfriends.  Yes, I have people at work that I talk too, etc., but it is not the same.  I’m having a hard time, finding the time to get some face-to-face time with my friends. Many of us have kid(s), husbands, and very busy schedules.  We live in different cities; we work; we have children’s activities; etc.  Yes, I have met friends for lunch while the kiddos played, but really, most of the time is spent chasing down the kids, in between idle chit chat.  I have great phone conversations, but it is really not the same as talking to someone in person and having adult conversations. There are always things going on in the background, like conversations that have to do with small children going potty, or having a time out.  With all that rambling, what I really meant was that I seriously crave adult time with like-minded people, without husbands, co-workers, kids, etc.  So, yes…I admit I may have gone to a few blogging events this year, but they were all paid for either overtime from work, or other forms of petty cash that I have put aside.  I even used mileage from my mom’s American Express Rewards account to fly to New York City in August.

I feel like I had to write that above paragraph as a disclaimer.  So after driving around a curvy road, we arrived at this:

Calliote Canyon, Ojai

I think that these photographs show how beautiful the location was.  I haven’t been in such a quiet place in a long time.  Upon arriving there, I lost my security blanket.  Well, my electronic security blanket that is.  I often use my iPhone for distraction/fidgeting.  I focus on my phone because I get shy/nervous/insecure and it helps me focus.  It is a really bad habit, but I could have worse habits besides my iPhone and Dr. Pepper addictions, right?  We did have Wifi, but it was a bit sporatic.

When we arrived, everyone was eating breakfast and barely waking up.  I was able to chit chat with some of the women while everyone was getting settled.  I think took a little walk to explore the location and to take some pictures, obviously.  Most of the pictures in the collage above were taken on my nature walk.  I also took some other random photographs of the people I walked with Tiffany, Jessica, and Cynthia.

Tiffany, deep in thought...


Don’t they all look so inspired by nature? I think so.  It is a good thing that this women are my friends, because I’ve been having way too much fun with using thought bubbles on these pictures lately.

While waiting for our event to start, which had a perfect start time, at mid-afternoon, I introduced myself to some people.  I knew many of the women attending this event, but there were some people that I’ve never made a connection with.  I know, shocking, right.

Lee Vandeman Speaks
After having a delightful lunch, well not-so-much for me, Lee stood up and spoke. I have food issues, stomach issues, bread issues…just plain issues, so I had some fruit for lunch.  Lee talked about how the idea of this event came together, and her thoughts and feelings about all of this awesome.  Lee is very laid back, and calm.  I’m not so calm or laid back, but I appreciate other people who are.

We then split up into smaller intimate groups and had some topic-driven discussions.  Seriously, everyone was so interesting, I can’t really remember what the topic was, or what I was talking about.  I had already had a long week and I was overly tired.

We then headed towards the yurt to hear Tiffany speak.  She was speaking on the topic of, “Making Things Happen”.  You are probably wondering what a yurt is?  Well, this was my first time hanging out in a yurt.  A yurt is a portable, felt-covered, wood latice-framed dwelling structure used by nomads used by the steppes in Central Asia.

Tiffany started a great conversation.  After Tiffany’s introduction, we went around the room, or the yurt and introduced ourselves.  We talked about our blogs and sites, but we also talked about our dreams and aspirations, or the next step in our lives.  For some, like me, it was scary to tell my story and what I want to do in the future.  I never get to tell my story, or share what I am about in the blog world. When I spoke at Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco, it was my first time to really share more of myself with the blogging world.  I was actually the last person to introduce myself, and I felt a little cleansed after sharing.

Angry Julie in the Yurt

Kim Prince took this photograph of me.

After feeling the love in the “Yurt”, we headed outdoors again for some snacks and a presentation in the area of the fire ring, which was similar to an outdoor theater type space.  We were introduced to one of the event sponsors, Paper Culture. which has awesome cards which are printed on 100% recycled cardstock and they give back to other charities, along with planting a tree for every order.  I will be doing another post at a later date, just about Paper Culture.

It was beautiful sitting out there in the stadium seating near the fire ring.  You could actually “hear” nature with the birds chirping and the trees whistling in the wind. We also may have seen a few creatures (of the smaller variety) scamper around.

A beautiful catered dinner was served after this along with dessert.  In the midst of the darkness a fire was being started in the fire ring. Before Tiffany and I left, we spent some time chatting with the other women.  I may have caught Kim pouring wine from a box.  She was pretty proud of her box o’ wine.

Fireside at Creative Alliance

After saying our goodbyes, Tiffany and I headed down that dark road towards home.  We were both exhausted and tired but happy.  You are probably thinking, why did they not stay the entire weekend? Well Tiffany had a conference that she was hosting the very next weekend, and she tries to spend only one weekend a month away from her family.  I desired to spend a Saturday off with my family, plus motel rooms for the entire weekend was an expense that I could not afford.

It was great to finally spend some time with people without running around like a crazy person.  I would like to thank the sponsors Moji and Paper Culture for participating in and believing in an event like this.  I would also like to thank everyone involved in planning it.

P.S.  Big smootches to everyone who listened to my anger and frustration in the “yurt”.  I rarely tell my stories, and there are so many that I can’t EVER even blog about, but I appreciate you listening to me.

An Extreme Bedroom

I admire those people who can start a project and get it done in a weekend, or within the month at least.  I am not one of those people.  Angry Kid’s room was supposed to be completed by his fifth birthday in May.  We started it in the beginning of the year.  I think this “project” has turned into a year long decorating project.  I think that is more fun this way.  I started the project off with buying a comforter, and then working from the colors in the comforter.  It took me a few weeks just to pick out paint colors.

I was going to collages of certain areas in Angry Kid’s room, but I figured that I would just show how the room looks, counter clockwise.  If you are standing in the doorway of the room, I’m starting to my right.


This is Angry Kid’s dresser, and television.  We have a Wii hooked up and he also watches Netflix via the Wii.  We are able to stream all those old shows that he loves.  He is obsessed with vintage Scooby Doo.  The TV is mounted via low profile mount.  It has a built-in DVD player.  Angry Husband found this TV at Best Buy as an “open box” model. The shelves are made up of skateboard and L-brackets.  I won the skateboards in a raffle.


The laundry basket was Angry Kid’s as a baby.  It has been spray painted and a new liner was sewn in.  The orange tub is metal and was found in the party section at Target.  We throw Angry Kid’s shoes in there.


This is the empty wall.  I think we may place street signs or something above the bed.  I want to do a magnet board of some kind also.  I have a large unpainted frame for the magnet board.  I need a piece of galvanized steel that is large enough to fit the frame.  Any ideas?


Angry Kid’s bed is on this wall.  The black dirt bike rider is a decal that I purchased.  The blinds are faux wood from Lowe’s.


The bedding is from Target.  I matched the paint colors to this bedding.  I have a down comforter also that is not in the picture.  I need to find a comforter cover for the down comforter.  I think I’m going to go with a solid orange color.


The skateboard deck hanging on the wall was purchased at a skateboard show.  It is signed/autographed by several famous skateboarders.


The shelving unit is plain black and was purchased from Homegoods.  It had some nicks and bangs on it, but this is a 5 year old’s room.  Angry Kid stores his books, his Nintendo DSi, and his Tag Reader in it.  I also have a charging station for Wii controllers, Lego holders, and a jar for spare change.


These jars were a recent purchase.  I thought it was great way to display these colorful Legos. Really, it was to show Angry Husband and Angry Kid that we do not need any more Legos in this house.


The closet is a combination of IKEA and the Container Store.  It was our first big project in this room after we got the paint done.  We want a more practical/storage style closet.  Angry Kid has a dresser and there are drawers underneath his bed for clothing storage.  We left some small hanging spaces for nicer shirts and jackets on the far side of the closet.  I want to eventually have all the same bins, and have them labeled too.


The curtain rod is a piece of galvanized steel plumbing pipe.  We clear coated it with spray paint, so that it won’t rust.  The curtains are from Pottery Barn Teen.  I had to find the perfect color to match the room, and to also slide back and forth on the pipe.  The curtains are usually left open.  But if we have company over, and the closet is a mess, well the curtains are closed.


The hats and bags are on simple hooks from IKEA.  We made sure to reinforce them and screw them into studs.  Otherwise they will pull out from the wall easy.


This is the end of the tour.  I thought I would share the paint colors here, in case you were wondering. The blue on the bottom of the walls is  Valspar Ocean Sigh .  The orange on the chair rail and closet is Valspar’s Roasted Squash.  The gray up top is Valspar City Storm.

We also need to do the crown molding and add a ceiling light/fan too.  There are recessed lights around the edges of the room.  We used to have  a ceiling fan but it broke.  We have not replaced it.  We are looking for a really cool light, or maybe another fan.

Hopefully, we can finally put this project to a rest, and start on the next one!

A portrait to be proud of

I’m traumatized when I look back at elementary school pictures of myself.  The biggest problem was my hair.  I don’t know what my mom was thinking.  I’m not sure how the, “Dorothy Hammil” hairstyle was a good look for me?  My hair looked like a mushroom on my head.  Then there was the one time that my dad cut my bangs the night before school pictures.  Let’s just say that they were not straight across and it was very noticeable.

Angry Husband brought home the CD from Angry Kid’s school pictures this morning and I was pleasantly surprised.  I may have jumped for joy.  Because they are great.  He has been doing this cheesy smile where his eyes crinkle up and get squinty. A think this is a great start to school photos.  And we bought the CD because we have printing rights, and we mostly send things out digitally.


Wordless Wednesday: How many licks does it take?

Tootsie Pops at Lucille's BBQ

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

The Parking Lot Pumpkin Patch

I came home from my trip late Friday night, just in time to spend some quality time with the family.  I work weekends, and sometimes, we don’t get enough quality time together, with my schedule and Angry Husband’s schedules passing each other by.  We asked Angry Kid what he wanted to do during the day.  His only request was going to the pumpkin patch.  We always go to the most fabulous pumpkin patches, yet Angry Kid wanted to go to the parking lot pumpkin patch.

What is a “parking lot pumpkin patch” ? Well, it is a mini mall asphalt parking lot, or a street corner where they temporarily set-up a pumpkin patch, or even a Christmas tree lot.  They put up some fencing, a petting zoo, bounce houses, and other gizmos.  My son would rather go to this than the awesome “real” pumpkin patches around here.  He wanted to go in the mouse and pirate ship bounce houses.

Pumpkin Patch CollageThey actually a pretty decent variety of pumpkins.  It was hard to tell how much they cost, because the fees were not based on weight.  Usually you have to weigh pumpkins to get the actual price.  They had a flat pricing board where you placed the pumpkin on it, and the price was determined by the width of the pumpkin.  We were able to escape at the end of our little trip with a $12.50 pumpkin, and about $10 in ride tickets.

Angry Kid was happy to jump in the bounce houses, sit in the spinning shoes, ride motorized cars, and take pictures in simple wood props.  Angry Husband and I just stood back and laughed.  I think this is the most fun that Angry Kid has ever had at a pumpkin patch.  I’m not sure if it was the bouncing, or that he has hit a certain age now.  He is excited to carve his pumpkin, but we told him that we have to wait a few weeks.

Pumpkin Patch Collage 2After hanging out at the pumpkin patch, we headed to more exciting places like Lowe’s, Target, and lunch.  We purchased Angry Kid’s first Monopoly game, Monopoly Jr.  I think we played that game at least ten times this weekend.  Angry Kid even brought it over to my parent’s house on Sunday night for dinner.  My mom beat everyone.

I’m sad that I missed out on the goodness of The Creative Alliance retreat on the second day, but I think my family needed this bonding time, even if it included parking lot pumpkin patches, and routine trips to Target and Lowes.

Halloween and Harvest Goodness


Halloween is probably my most favorite time of the year.  I’m a huge fan of orange, and well the candy factor is also quite nice.  I’ve started to decorate the house, and we have already attended one Halloween themed event at Disneyland.  What a great way to start off the season.  I’ve been seeing all kinds of great ideas lately on some of the blogs I read, and I thought I would share them with you.

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies-A guest post on my blog by Meringue Bake Shop last October

Picky-Palate-Mummy Munch

15 Hauntingly Healthy Halloween Recipes from Family Fun Magazine

Pudding-Filled Jack O’Lantern Oranges from Jolly Mom

Pumpkin Chocolate Halloween Pancakes from Family Fresh Cooking

Halloween Cookies (Butter Cookie Recipe) from Tidy Mom

Apples dipped in HEAVEN-How Does She?

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Granola Bars from two peas and their pod

Have you seen some great recipes?  Please share them.  I always need something new and original!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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