Back-To-School Shopping at T.J.Maxx

TJMaxx Back-To-School Review

My son has never had to worry about a lack of clothing.  I love shopping and so does my mom.  He has been well dressed since he was a baby.  But in the past few years, he has gotten quite picky about what type of clothing that he wears.  As he was starting Kindergarten, I really did not worry too much about clothing shopping for back-to-school.  He attended the same preschool for three years, and none of the kids from his preschool were attending his elementary school.  So basically his entire wardrobe was like brand new.

My son usually has growth spurts around his half birthday in November.  His real birthday is in May.  I always prepare for these growth spurts in advance, because they are like clockwork.  There is nothing worse than a kid waking up one day and seeing that his pants look like “floods”.

People don’t always realize the “seasons” for clothing shopping.  We live in Southern California and it is still warm here.  But I have to start buying long sleeve shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and jackets now.  By the time it gets cold here, the stores will be getting shorts and tank tops for the spring.   So while I didn’t officially shop for back-to-school, I was preparing for a Fall/Winter season which begins around the beginning of November.

I recently went to one of my favorite stores, T.J.Maxx to do some shopping. I love the styles and variety that they had for Angry Kid.  He is way into the California skate/surf lifestyle.  It was amazing how many “big name” brands that I found there, for about half the price.  I ended up purchasing three items, which were Paul Frank, The X-Games, and DC brands.  I also grabbed some socks, because you can never have too many socks.

I paid about $58 and some change for all of these great items. But seriously, the retail value of everything was $124.  And the best part, my son loves everything.  I love getting great deals on name brand stuff.  I admit it, I’m a total brand name snob.

Disclosure: I was provided with a giftcard from T.J.Maxx to make some back-to-school purchases.  I am a loyal T.J.Maxx fan and I shop there at least once a week. So yea, I have a shopping problem.

Evolution of a Blog Design

My friend, Cynthia, aka NapWarden is speaking at Bloggy Boot Camp in Philadelphia this weekend.  I’m quite jealous that I won’t be there to hear her speak and hang out with everyone.  No really, I’m sad.  But it has been quite a year for me, and I needed a little break from all of this traveling.

I spoke to Cyn on the phone tonight about her presentation among other things.  Her topic is about design…did you know that she does blog designs, and her own custom illustrations, over at NapWarden Designs and Illustrations.  We talked about all of the sites that we go to, just because we like their design.  I love pretty and fun blog designs.

While we were talking, I mentioned my old blog design.  She said that she had never seen it before…

I then said, YOU’VE NEVER SEEN the red hula dancer…..with the YELLOW BACKGROUND? She said, “nope”.  I’ve been blogging for over three years now and it has taken some time to figure out what to “not do” when you have your blog designed….as in, don’t use a red and yellow background…and have black writing on the yellow background.  I makes things VERY hard to read.

So you want to see the old design, don’t you?  I had this design from late 2007 to sometime in 2008, I believe.  I found the designer on e-bay, and paid less than $50 for it.  This was when people were really starting to personalize their blogs, rather than using free backgrounds, on Blogger.  I used the huladancer because it is one of my many nicknames.  I recently found a thumb drive with all of my old blog design coding on it. This is why I have never posted about this before.  I thought that all of the images were gone.

Original Angry Julie Monday Blog Design

My current design was done by Judith Shakes Designs.  I found Courtney aka Judith Shakes from seeing her designs on some of the blogs that I read.  I loved the graphics that she did.  I also was impressed that she used images that I’ve never see before.  Believe me, when you’ve been blogging for a few years, you start to recognize graphics.

I was on the wait list for quite some time to get my blog designed.  I think it was at least 4-5 months.  Seriously, yes I waited that long.  I was sooooo happy with my design when it was finally finished.  I originally had the design done in the Blogger system, but I had it changed over to WordPress last Fall. You can barely tell the difference between my Blogger design and my WordPress design.  Because Courtney is THAT good…

Current Angry Julie Monday Blog Design

I love looking at blogs for their design.  I always see new things that I want to try, etc.  I’m not shy about asking other bloggers about their plug-ins or widgets.  If it looks good, and works good, I think everyone should share the wealth.

Do you read certain blogs just because you love their design? What blog designs do you love? What do you love about them?

Wordless Wednesday: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games 2


Have you read it? Discuss…

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed. Sometimes like today, I had to write a few words.

“You’ve Just Been Spotted” OC Blog Awards Nominee

It is that time of year again! The Annual “You’ve Just Been Spotted” OC Blog Awards. Just Spotted is one of my favorite, ok maybe my most favorite Orange County Family sites.  It is a great place to find things to do, places to eat, and what is happening within Orange County.

I was excited to find out that I was nominated in three categories:

  • Personal and Family Blogs
  • Local Micro-Blogger (Twitter)
  • Favorite Local Blog

I’m excited that I actually received one nomination, yet being nominated for three different categories, how rad is that!  I hope that people enjoy reading my blog, my randomness, or maybe just looking at my pictures!  I really appreciate it!

So take some time, and go over to Just Spotted to VOTE.  Make sure you check out all the awesome blogs, businesses, and people that were nominated for the other categories too.  I think they are all swell, even the ones in the same categories as me.

Voting ends Sunday, September 12th, at 11:59PM PST.

End of Summer 2010

Well it is the end of Labor Day Weekend, which is a 3-day Holiday for most people, but not these working folk.  Angry Husband had today off and I worked half of the day. It has been such a busy summer, and the running around is getting old.

I started off the summer with a post about 30 Things I Vow, I think I accomplished only about five of the things on that list.  I think I focused on going to the pool, attending conferences, and being lazy most of this summer. My work schedule changed in early July, which caused our family to do some shifting around.  Angry Kid also graduated preschool, and moved onto day camp.  He had been at his preschool for three years, and it took some time for him to adjust.

It was not very hot this summer in Southern California like other places.  We had cool breezes and sometimes, I even wore long sleeves. I think we are getting our summer right now. This past week has been pretty warm.  Angry Kid is enjoying all the pool time though.  At the beginning of the summer, he was taking swim lessons through the city and we decided that it wasn’t really working for him.  We moved him to semi-private lessons at a local facility and he learned so much.  He went from floundering in June to diving off the high dive in August.

Now school has started and we have started to get more into a schedule and routine.  I still want to finish some projects around the house, and work on cleaning up some of my clutter.  And the gym time, I need some more of that.  I’ve been quite a slacker.

But I thought that I would share some of my favorite pictures from the summer:


A quick little trip to Huntington Beach.  Angry Kid played in the ocean and made some sand castles.

He graduated preschool, yippee!

Preschool graduation

Bruiser the Boozer

The 4th of July.  My dog was enjoying some libations.

One Big iPad

The giant iPad in the Apple Store window.  It mesmerized him.

OC Fair 2010 Ferris Wheel

The Ferris Wheel at The Orange County Fair.

The Orange Crush Cupcake from Meringue Bake Shop

Cupcake Camp OC


Photographing Alli and Catherine at SocialLuxe Lounge in NYC

@AngryJulie and NYPD

Hanging out with NYPD in NYC at BlogHer

Photo by Scary Mommy

The Fourfecta at LunchThe Fourfecta at BlogHer; Jill, Me, Cara, and Cynthia

Photo by Scary Mommy


Elise and Monica judging OC Cupcake Classic at the OC Fair


Roadtripping with Ciaran in the Lexus.


Speaking at Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco

Photo by ModChick

and finally a little video…..

Angry Kid jumping off the high dive.  He is very brave.

For more End of Summer Posts and Pictures, be sure to check out:

5 Minutes for Mom


I Heart Faces

Kindergarten, we have arrived

Angry Kid started preschool when he was two years old, yes it was mostly daycare in those days.  My son thrives on structure and it was better for him to be in a school-style environment.  Within this structure, he had a schedule that he followed everyday.  The day started off with us nagging him to wake-up.  We then got him dressed and drove him there.  When he got to school, they fed him breakfast.

When he started camp at the beginning of August, they also fed him breakfast.  We made his lunch for the first time ever, but they handled lunch and breakfast. Today, well that was hard to explain to the kid.  He got dressed (with a small fight), and ready for school.  I asked him what he wanted for breakfast and he said “nothing”.  I advised him that they would not be serving breakfast at school.  He then replied that he would like “blueberry pancakes”. Who is this kid? Does he not realize whom his mother is? I replied that we had one frozen waffle, if he wanted it.  He agreed.  His other choices were cereal and some other nonsense.  He told Angry Husband that he would like blueberry pancakes tomorrow, though.

1st Day of Kindergarten 2010

But we made it out the front door in time to walk to school.  Yes, we live close enough to walk.  Please ignore the twisted garden hose in the background of this photo.  It is a hose, not a snake.  Although the photo would be quite awesome if it was a snake.  The sun was blaring in the kid’s eyes, hence the squinting.  The hair is a tad short, new barber.  He looks like he is ready for the Drill Sergeants at Boot Camp, or something, right?

Angry Kid and Angry Julie, what a pair!

I even got Angry Kid to take a photo with me.  He was not happy.  Angry Husband bribed him with something to make him smile, whatever I got my picture with him. I’m usually the one taking the pictures, so this is quite rare, almost like a unicorn picture.

Well, after the little photo shoot, we headed to school.  We were old fashioned and stuff, we walked.  Angry Kid was yelping and whining the entire way about his legs falling apart or something.  And then he saw the line of cars…the traffic…the drop off lanes..the insanity.  I think he instantly understood why we were walking there.

We waited for the classroom to be open, while I checked everyone out.  I got a compliment on my necklace by another mom, she knew it was a Lisa Leonard necklace, because she had seen it on a BLOG.  I think I mumbled something about, “Lisa is my friend and she gave me this awesome necklace or something.” Because the wheels in my head were turning. I had an “oh crap, people read blogs, moment mentally”.

A few minutes later, Angry Husband gave me the look, and we started walking home.  I told him about the necklace.  He advised me to keep my mouth shut about “said blog” because once you tell one person, they tell another.  I actually agreed with my husband, for once.

We headed to breakfast after that, and then it was time to go get Angry Kid.  He has half day kindergarten, which ends so fast.  Angry Kid had a great day, and made some new friends.

I got home and opened his backpack, looking for paperwork. Yep, there was a thick folder of papers.  I think there should have been a note on the front of it that said, “before opening, please grab your calendar and checkbook”. Seriously, so many events and places to donate.

Tonight, I will be shopping for ingredients to make blueberry pancakes, because that is what the boss requested for breakfast tomorrow.

Wordless Wednesday: Happy to Angry in 2 Minutes

HappyAngry Kid Collage2

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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