My son has never had to worry about a lack of clothing. I love shopping and so does my mom. He has been well dressed since he was a baby. But in the past few years, he has gotten quite picky about what type of clothing that he wears. As he was starting Kindergarten, I really did not worry too much about clothing shopping for back-to-school. He attended the same preschool for three years, and none of the kids from his preschool were attending his elementary school. So basically his entire wardrobe was like brand new.
My son usually has growth spurts around his half birthday in November. His real birthday is in May. I always prepare for these growth spurts in advance, because they are like clockwork. There is nothing worse than a kid waking up one day and seeing that his pants look like “floods”.
People don’t always realize the “seasons” for clothing shopping. We live in Southern California and it is still warm here. But I have to start buying long sleeve shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and jackets now. By the time it gets cold here, the stores will be getting shorts and tank tops for the spring. So while I didn’t officially shop for back-to-school, I was preparing for a Fall/Winter season which begins around the beginning of November.
I recently went to one of my favorite stores, T.J.Maxx to do some shopping. I love the styles and variety that they had for Angry Kid. He is way into the California skate/surf lifestyle. It was amazing how many “big name” brands that I found there, for about half the price. I ended up purchasing three items, which were Paul Frank, The X-Games, and DC brands. I also grabbed some socks, because you can never have too many socks.
I paid about $58 and some change for all of these great items. But seriously, the retail value of everything was $124. And the best part, my son loves everything. I love getting great deals on name brand stuff. I admit it, I’m a total brand name snob.
Disclosure: I was provided with a giftcard from T.J.Maxx to make some back-to-school purchases. I am a loyal T.J.Maxx fan and I shop there at least once a week. So yea, I have a shopping problem.