Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.
Note: I’ve been a total slacker with this lately. I read blogs still, I promise. I just forget to spotlight the awesome ones.
1. FamilyFreshCooking-Food Blogging for Money, Passion, and Living
Marla speaks about monetizing and blogging. Although Marla is a food blogger, this post applies to every blogger. It just makes sense.
After years of dealing with the roller coaster of infertility, after having her first child…Casey is pregnant!!! Woot!
3. The TomKat Studio-Kim Stoegbauer on
I had the pleasure of meeting Kim at BloggyBootCamp in Phoenix. She is a fabulous party planner and creates her own printables. She was featured on Martha Stewart’s website for Dreamers Into Doers. If you are trying to plan a party, make sure to check out Kim for some ideas.
4. Loralee’s Looney Tunes-The Accidental Midwife
After getting her precious Diet Coke, and having some car troubles…well, she helped deliver a BABY!
5. BusyDadBlog-Yay for Community
Jim, a dad awesome. He is one of the community leaders in our SoCal Family Connect community that I participating in on BlogFrog. And of course, he created an awesome video.