Spotlight Saturday: 09.12 to 09.18.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

Note: I’ve been a total slacker with this lately.  I read blogs still, I promise.  I just forget to spotlight the awesome ones.

1.  FamilyFreshCooking-Food Blogging for Money, Passion, and Living

Marla speaks about monetizing and blogging.  Although Marla is a food blogger, this post applies to every blogger.  It just makes sense.

2.  Moosh in Indy: I Am

After years of dealing with the roller coaster of infertility, after having her first child…Casey is pregnant!!! Woot!

3.  The TomKat Studio-Kim Stoegbauer on

I had the pleasure of meeting Kim at BloggyBootCamp in Phoenix.  She is a fabulous party planner and creates her own printables.  She was featured on Martha Stewart’s website for Dreamers Into Doers.  If you are trying to plan a party, make sure to check out Kim for some ideas.

4.  Loralee’s Looney Tunes-The Accidental Midwife

After getting her precious Diet Coke, and having some car troubles…well, she helped deliver a BABY!

5.  BusyDadBlog-Yay for Community

Jim, a dad awesome.  He is one of the community leaders in our SoCal Family Connect community that I participating in on BlogFrog.  And of course, he created an awesome video.

Daddy First Aid

Last week Angry Husband was home, because it was his day off.  Angry Kid got out of kindergarten and was hanging out in the front yard, with Angry Husband and a friend.  All of the sudden, I heard screaming and came out the front door.

I saw Angry Kid running from our side yard, with what appeared to be a swarm of bees flying around him.  I then heard Angry Husband screaming, “run run run”.  I had no idea what was going on.

Apparently, Angry Kid had accidentally stepped on a nest of hornets, which was on our lawn buried a little.  When he stepped on the nest, they came flying out.  Angry Kid got stung on his right hand.  My husband freaked out a little, because he (Angry Husband) is allergic to bee stings.  Angry Kid has never been stung before, so we were unsure if he was allergic or not.

Angry Husband finally got the kid to calm down so he could look at his hand.  He was able to get the stinger out.  Since, they were already on their way to lunch, Angry Husband went into the kitchen to give some ice so that they could go.  Because things like food are very important to the men in my house.

I thought my husband was going to return with a bag of ice, or maybe even vegetables to use as an ice pack. Nope, my husband handed my son a can of Dr. Pepper and told him to hold it.  My son got stung in the palm of his hand.

We had to explain the random Dr. Pepper at the restaurant, but it made for a good story.  When the Dr. Pepper was no longer cold, and my son’s hand felt better; the Dr. Pepper was pushed aside.  I grabbed it and exclaimed, “this is like liquid gold to me, do not leave my precious Dr. Pepper, I can still drink this when it is cold again.”

P.S. My son was not allergic and is fine now.  He loved telling all of his friends about his hornet sting.  And you know, he told the guy at the pool about the hornets in our front yard.  He thought my son said, “whores”.

SoCal Family Connect, a new BlogFrog Community

I’m a huge fan of the blogging communities that I’ve been involved in the past few years, but I was introduced to a brand new one earlier this year.  Have you heard of The BlogFrog?  When I was at Blissdom in February, I heard bits and pieces about The Blog Frog.  But I was able to meet Holly from The Blog Frog at Bloggy Boot Camp in Phoenix in May.

A BlogFrog Community is a place where readers can interact with each other and get to know each other better.  It is a great place to interact with other bloggers.  You can ask questions, read blog posts, get some feedback/discussion, and get to know the bloggers that you read, just a little bit better.  Sometimes, it can be a little hard to understand someone’s personality, just through a blog post.

I’m excited to announce that I’m one of the Community Leaders for one of the newest BlogFrog Communities, The SoCal Family Connection. The SoCal Family Connection Community will serve as a resource for moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, caregivers, and others living in the Southern California region. This community is sponsored by Screamin Daily Deals.

I will leading the SoCal Family Connection along with the following bloggers:

  1. Heather Spohr: The Spohrs Are Multiplying, @mamaspohr
  2. Kelly  Lewis: Just Spotted and According to Kelly, @according2kelly
  3. Sugar Jones: Sugar in the Raw, @sugarjones
  4. Jim Lin: Busy Dad, @busydadblog
  5. Maegan Tintari: LoveMaegan @lovemaegan
  6. Megan Enloe:  our fearless sponsor with Screamin Daily Deals @ScreaminDeals

And because we all know this community is going to be awesome, Screamin Daily Deals is giving away iPad to one lucky winner!  At the end of the month, one random winner’s name will be drawn from the top ten community participants and award them the iPad.

Disclosure: As a community leader for The SoCal Family Connection, I am being compensated.  But I love The BlogFrog and a great deal.  So hop on over there!

Wordless Wednesday: Pals hanging at Pretend City


Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”!

If this your first time here, HELLO! I do a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here. Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed.

Baby Photographers

When my son was born, we took tons of pictures.  I didn’t really know any professional photographers at the time, and most of the local professionals were quite expensive.  So we settled for some in-store studio type photo sessions.  When I look back at those photos, I realize how “cheesy” the photos were.  They propped my son up in odd positions and put obnoxious backgrounds behind him.  This was only five years ago.

Since I’ve been involved in online forums, and blogs the past few years, I’ve found so many wonderful photographers.  I haven’t been to a studio since.  Many of these photographers are moms, just like me, who wanted “better” photographs of their own children.  So they picked up a camera and started on their own.

Photographs courtesy of Shannon Dodd Photography

As a busy working mom, I know it is hard to find the time to get quality photographs of your child.  Once a upon a time, I just made an appointment with the local portrait studio and prayed that my son was not fussy or it wasn’t during naptime.  I spent my hours mad because they were over-scheduled or behind on their appointments.

There is a now a great site, which is a great resource to find a photographer locally that best suits your needs.  You can search by a  photographers location or name on their site.  They also have a blog with has some great posts with tips on how to choose a baby photographer and/or how to have the perfect newborn photography session. is also having a contest, Smile Baby Contest, where you have a chance to win $2000 in free baby photography. wants to know the lengths you will go to make your baby smile.  The contest ends September 30, 2010.  Please go to the contest page to find out more details about how to enter the contest.

You can find on Facebook and Twitter also.

Disclosure: This review was done for Team Mom.  The photographs were provided to me by my friend, Shannon Dodd. All opinions in this post are mine.

Best Local Micro-Blogger

Best Local Micro Blogger

Guess who’s a winner?


Really, what category do you think I won?

I’m not known for my awesome writing, and stuffs….

It is all about the Twitter…

Tweet 1
Tweet 4
Tweet 3
Tweet 5

Yep, that’s right!


“You’ve Just Been Spotted” OC Blog Awards

Best Local Micro Blogger

JUst Spotted Blog Awards Winner

Featured on “Make It Work Mom”

Make It Work Mom Feature button

I’m featured today over on “Make It Work Mom”.

I’m so happy that Camille featured me.  I love when working moms are celebrated.  At least someone appreciates and understands my craziness..

Please go and check it out!!

No, I can’t talk on the phone while driving

Focused on driving

We hadn’t been to Disneyland since the beginning of summer.  We have season passes, but we’ve been way too busy lately.  I asked Angry Kid if he wanted to go, and he got dressed as fast as he could. When we arrived at Disneyland, I was excited because it was very quiet there.  I’m sure that the summer crowds have died down since school started.

I let Angry Kid choose which rides we would go on.  He chose Autopia of course.  The kid loves to drive, but unfortunately his feet do not reach the gas pedal.  So I pushed it down for him.  I tried to have him hold my iPhone while driving.  I thought it would be a funny picture.  He refused it and said, “I can’t talk on the phone while driving, I will lose concentration and crash…”  He’s pretty smart like that.

Although he did not want to talk on the phone, shiny things distracted him.  The kid’s eye wanders everywhere. I can only imagine how it will be when he turns sixteen.  He kept jerking me around in the passenger seat because he saw something interesting and lost control.

And the end of the ride, we waited behind the many other cars to get out.  I reflected that the line of cars was like the 405 Freeway in Southern California.

Autopia Traffic is like the 405 Freeway

I am participating in I Heart Faces Photo Challenge this week, “Vroom Vroom”.  Be sure to check out their site for other entries and fabulous photos.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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