Six years of my life, in a plastic tote


“A Profile of Ecstasy Abuse and the Social Implications of Ecstasy Use in America”

What does this phrase mean to you? Well, I can tell you what it means to me.  This phrase was on a fifty page document, with my name on it, with this phrase as the title.  This was the topic of my Master’s Thesis.  This was the end of my Master’s program, and the start of student loan repayment.  With a few years for a break in between, six years of my life dedicated to a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree.  I finished my Master’s program, ten years ago, this month.

Angry Husband is currently re-organizing our garage for the bazillionth (yes, that it is a word I made up) time.  The man can’t remember to put the toilet seat down, yet he re-organizes our garage several times a year.  I am constantly tripping over tools, boxes, zip-ties, you name it, in our garage.  Yet, if a box or a tote that belongs to me, sits too long in one certain spot, my husband loses his mind.

He most recent gripe was this plastic tote.  He pulled it down from the top of the garage cabinets.  He said, “whatever is in the heavy tote, get rid of it.”  I knew what was in the tote.  I was not “getting rid of it.”  This tote was completely filled with notes and papers from my undergraduate and graduate school careers.  They were all related to my majors.  I’m pretty obsessive compulsive when it comes to school-type stuff.  I took very detailed notes, and highlighted all the right parts.  If my notes were too messy, I re-did them later at home.  I’m a complete freak about things like that.

I’ve kept this tote for a few reasons…some of them may be: it’s my stuff, you never know when you might want a good paper/discussion/profiling of the Columbine School Shooting Incident….and someday, a complete Plan C…D..or maybe even F..I might want to teach some of these topics in the college level.

While organizing the contents of this tote, I started reading some of my notes and papers.  I was a sharp cookie, or really I am a sharp cookie.  I believe that my thoughts, and opinions on things are still the same, and perhaps they have developed even more with some life experience.

But really, where am I going with all of this rambling? I feel that I have lost some of my brain sometimes, or maybe people think that I have lost some of the brain.  I have been in my career field for thirteen years, a mother for five years, and a blogger for three plus years…  I am “running” with a completely different crowd now than I was ten years ago, really two years ago, and that is ok.  I like to “run” or “hang” with like-minded people.  But I am not stupid.  I am not ditzy.  I have a brain.

I guess I’m just getting tired of being treated like I’m an idiot.  This applies to every facet in my life, whether it be family, work, blogging, friends, you name it…  Angry Husband gets pissed at me all the time, because I never say anything.  I lay low.  I hide in the shadows.  I let a ton of stuff just roll off my shoulders…and then I vent.  I want to apologize to my crew, the people who listen to my rants.  Because I have been ranting, a lot lately.  Because although I may not say it, blog it, or tweet it…I read and listen.  I wonder why I have so many anxiety issues?

and yea, Angry Husband, that tote is going back up in the rafters, until I need it.

P.S.  I may use stupid words like umm yea, awesome, rad, my blog posts.  I can write properly.  I am just lazy. And yes, my Thesis was on Ecstasy…that is quite rad!

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