Last week while on the tram to Disneyland, Angry Kid asked for a snack. I had the mental image of dollar signs after he said that. Because snacks are not cheap at Disneyland. We live locally, so I try and feed him before we leave, so I don’t have to spend copious amounts of cash on crap.
So we head down Main St., and he asks for a snack again. I ask him what he wants and he points to a cart. I was shocked when I saw which cart that he pointed to. He wanted something from the fruit cart. He requested an apple and I got a water. He wanted the biggest apple that they had. Who is this kid, and where did he come from?
So then we headed towards the rides, and ended up standing in line for Finding Nemo. A woman with three kids was commenting on how nice it was to see a child eating an apple rather than all of the junk food that you can buy at Disneyland. She complimented me on my parenting and showing my child proper nutrition, etc. I started laughing. I told her that Angry Kid begged for the apple and it was his food choice. I was expecting to buy him an ice cream or something.
He then began to chomp into that shiny apple. He told everyone how “tasty” it was too..
And his smirk that he has in the photo, well that was because that woman WOULD NOT STOP talking to him. She kept going on and on, and on…. I think Angry Kid was getting annoyed. He was just nodding his head, and letting her talk.
Angry Kid is the KING of smirking…I get more smirks than smiles from that kid. I thought that this photo and story would be perfect for I Heart Faces Smirk Photo Challenge.