SoCal Family Connect, a new BlogFrog Community

I’m a huge fan of the blogging communities that I’ve been involved in the past few years, but I was introduced to a brand new one earlier this year.  Have you heard of The BlogFrog?  When I was at Blissdom in February, I heard bits and pieces about The Blog Frog.  But I was able to meet Holly from The Blog Frog at Bloggy Boot Camp in Phoenix in May.

A BlogFrog Community is a place where readers can interact with each other and get to know each other better.  It is a great place to interact with other bloggers.  You can ask questions, read blog posts, get some feedback/discussion, and get to know the bloggers that you read, just a little bit better.  Sometimes, it can be a little hard to understand someone’s personality, just through a blog post.

I’m excited to announce that I’m one of the Community Leaders for one of the newest BlogFrog Communities, The SoCal Family Connection. The SoCal Family Connection Community will serve as a resource for moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, caregivers, and others living in the Southern California region. This community is sponsored by Screamin Daily Deals.

I will leading the SoCal Family Connection along with the following bloggers:

  1. Heather Spohr: The Spohrs Are Multiplying, @mamaspohr
  2. Kelly  Lewis: Just Spotted and According to Kelly, @according2kelly
  3. Sugar Jones: Sugar in the Raw, @sugarjones
  4. Jim Lin: Busy Dad, @busydadblog
  5. Maegan Tintari: LoveMaegan @lovemaegan
  6. Megan Enloe:  our fearless sponsor with Screamin Daily Deals @ScreaminDeals

And because we all know this community is going to be awesome, Screamin Daily Deals is giving away iPad to one lucky winner!  At the end of the month, one random winner’s name will be drawn from the top ten community participants and award them the iPad.

Disclosure: As a community leader for The SoCal Family Connection, I am being compensated.  But I love The BlogFrog and a great deal.  So hop on over there!

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