Do you see this bonding? This goes on all day and night. Angry Husband is the preferred parent. I’m the one that takes care of things. I’m the one to find the backpack, pack the lunch, RSVP for a birthday party, go buy the present, do the laundry, etc. until midnight every night.
I’m not making this up. Even my parents have noticed. My mom has mentioned more than ever, that Angry Kid is a total daddy’s boy. It is all about D-A-D-D-Y. I don’t play the video games or watch Star Wars. Seriously, it must be genetic for males to watch movies over and over and over. I think I’ve seen enough Star Wars and Clone Wars for a lifetime.
Tonight, it was the coin game. I had to go online to even see what game it was, Coin Push Frenzy. Yes, they are a little obsessed. They also play Plants Vs. Zombies and Tap Fish. I have games on my iPhone, but the only reason I have them is for Angry Kid to play them.
Angry Kid cries when Angry Husband leaves the house to go to work, the store, out with his friends, and even the damn mailbox. When I leave the house, I get a wave and a “Bye Mama”. Daddy is King.
I’m ok with it though, because one of the moms at kindergarten was volunteering the other day, and told me that Angry Kid was talking about me. Angry Kid told her that “his beautiful mom (ME ME ME) was also volunteering every Monday and she wore a beautiful shirt on Monday.” I have to admit that Angry Kid does have good taste, the shirt was from Anthropologie, and it was might pricey.
“Signs that my little one is just not into me anymore.”