Back-To-School Giveaway Bonanza Winners

Well all my giveaway winners have been selected and contacted.  I want to thank everyone for entering all of my giveaways.  It was a ton of work, but also fun! I hope everyone continues to read and enjoy my blog.  I will have more giveaways coming up in the next few months.  My son starts Kindergarten on Thursday, so we are preparing for everything right now.

Here are the winners from my giveaways:

Dell Inspiron 14R Laptop

Bethann (

Mabel’s Label’s

Elaine (

A Modern Eden

Jamie (


Heather (

Lauren (

Jessica (

Lyra (


Kristie (

Ashley (

Goodbyn Lunchbox

Mitzi (

Shannon (

Sandy (

Ronell (

KIND Snacks

Mindi (


Donna (


Heather (

Flip Ultra HD Video Camera

Kim (

OfficeMax Backpack with Supplies

Amber (

Cisco Valet

Anna (

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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