The 5th of July

Well today is actually a Holiday too. Which is completely weird.  The good thing about it, we have an extra family day this week without having to use vacation time.  Angry Kid has no camp.  I’m still recovering from yesterday though.  We had a little under fifteen people in our tiny house, which was fine, since we expected that.  We had a problem of testosterone overload though. My friend, Monique and I, were the only females here.

I bought Angry Husband a PlayStation3 for Father’s Day this year, as our Xbox 360 had a fatal illness.  When I bought the PlayStation3, I also got the game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  I should have known that this was a major mistake.  Because this is the view that I had for most of the day yesterday.

4th of July centered around the PS3

Monique and I were able to entertain ourselves though.  Mostly by making fun of the boys.  Because we could.  So we sat and chatted about everything.  And then we headed for the porch.  We hung out with the dogs. There might have been some alcohol involved.  We watched everyone in my neighborhood walking their dogs.  My dogs went nuts.  It was funny.

Monique and Bruiser. Her new friend.
Bruiser the Boozer

Bruiser has a drinking problem.  He has the potential to become quite the boozer.  He was a hot mess yesterday.  Angry Husband tried to groom him, which was quite entertaining.  Bruiser tried to run away and so yea, there were bald spots on his neck.

Angry Husband cooked up some hamburgers and hot dogs.  Which he tells me this morning, he forgot to eat.  I kinda laughed.  He was doing all the cooking and didn’t eat anything.  He said that he woke up at about 2am, and said that he was starving. Monique and I got sleepy so we headed towards the master bedroom.  Our entertainment of choice was HGTV. We watched House Hunters.  And of course, I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this; yelling at the people on the show.  Seriously, you decide that you don’t like a house because of the paint and carpeting color?

After hiding in the bedroom. Yes, we were hiding. I came out to this in the front room.  Angry Kid was being taught how to play the game. He enjoyed hanging out and play with the adults.  It was hilarious.

Mini Gamer

As the night went on, it was time for fireworks.  Our Homeowner’s Association puts on a fireworks show every year.  I told Angry Kid to put on some shoes and a hoodie.  He came out with rain boots on a hoodie. He said that he didn’t want to get his feet wet.  He’s smart because the sprinklers came on last year while we were watching the fireworks.

Perfect Attire to Watch Fireworks

We headed towards the usual area where we park ourselves to watch fireworks.  Angry Kid hung out with Ben and Austin.  I think he talked their heads off.  He was educating Austin on iPhone apps, because he is an expert on iPhone games.  Angry Kid was quite yappy.  I shouted over to them, “Could you please quiet your child down.”

Mentoring the adults on the iPhone

We had a great fireworks show.  Our friends with quiet impressed.  I brought the camera and tried to get some fireworks pictures. As usual, it was a fail.  It would help if I had practiced with my camera a bit more, than the ten minutes that I spent trying to program it.  These are some of the photos that I got.

Happy Face Fireworks

You are probably wondering where I am in all of these photos? Well duh, I was taking the photos.  I asked Angry Husband to take a picture of Monique and I at the end of the night.  He took two. This was the best of the two.  I look all squinty from the flash.

Monique and I

Today, I will spend the day relaxing and probably cleaning.  I have different days off (again) so I’m going to try and adjust to them.  I hope everyone else had a great 4th of July.

Angry Kid and the TB Test

I’ve been running around like  a crazy person for the past few days trying to organize things for Angry Kid.  I have some minor things to turn in still for Kindergarten and also paperwork for the new after school program in the Fall.  On Tuesday, I took Angry Kid to the doctor for a TB test (Tuberculosis Test).  He asked if he was going to get a shot, I told him that it wasn’t really a shot, but just a little prick in the arm.  At least I told him the truth.

We promptly got into the room and the assistant put out the tray with the syringe on it.  She then began to clean Angry Kid’s arm.  He has had shots and vaccinations before.  But I don’t think he realized that the needle would be going into his forearm.

He immediately stated, “I gotta go potty.”  I said, alright.  He jumped off the table and went to the bathroom.

He came back a few minutes later. He sat down and she went to clean his arm again. He says again, “I gotta go potty”.

Well we waited about ten minutes and he didn’t come out of the bathroom.  I then went and knocked on the door.  He did not answer.  I then realized that he was hiding in the bathroom because he did not want the TB test.  I tried the door several times and realized that it was locked.  I then started pounding on the door.  I had other kids in the waiting room knock on the door, and tell him to come out. He wouldn’t budge.

I finally asked the receptionist for the key to the bathroom.  They looked all over and could not find the key.  She actually called the building maintenance for a key.

A few minutes later, Angry Kid walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.  He then walked to the room and sat down.  We got ready to do the test again and he jumped up and said, “I need to wash my hands.”

Not a chance kid.  I held him down on my lap. Seriously, the kid is strong.  And we did the test.  It was a tiny needle prick into his forearm.  He got a band-aid and we were done.

I told Angry Husband the story later that night.  He asked Angry Kid about it.  Angry Kid pretty much ignored all of the questions.

I took him back to get it checked today.  We all laughed at the doctor’s office about Tuesday’s events.

Oh, and the test was fine.  He has completed all the medical testing required for elementary school. You would think he was applying to college with all of this paperwork and running around that we’ve been doing.

Backing up your data

Backing up my Macbook

A few months ago,  I was able to install a bigger hard drive in my Macbook all by myself.  My Macbook stock hard drive was too full from all of the pictures that I store on it.  I had bought a portable hard drive and had it all ready and formatted.  I talked to some of the Apple Genius’ whom advised me to just go with a bigger hard drive.  They told me that if I dropped the portable hard drive, that I could potentially lose everything.  I decided to go with the bigger internal hard drive.

Before I started any installation on my Macbook, I backed up the old hard drive on our Apple Time Capsule. I knew that the hard drive was almost full and it had a lot of data on it, so I did this overnight.  I think it took around fifteen hours total to completely back it all up.  I was able to successfully install the new hard drive, but I had a few issues recovering my old data.  I had to take it into the Apple store, and have them look at it.  Apparently, I did an oops and accidentally backed it up three times. They were actually impressed that I even backed it up at all.  They said that many many many people do not back-up their computers and lose all of their hard drive.

My friend, Sarah at Technology for Mommies has some great posts about backing up your data and also some products that you can use to do back-ups.

This past weekend, Angry Husband let Angry Kid play some games on his iPhone which is a 3Gs.  Angry Kid came to Angry Husband with the phone and complained that it was not working.  It was stuck in what Angry Husband called a “boot loop”.  Which is pretty much a black screen with the Apple logo.  Angry Husband knew that this was not good.

Angry Husband called me and told me about the iPhone.  I politely listened, but in my head I was doing the eye-rolling, I told you so.  I’ve told him time and time again to not let the kid use his iPhone.  Angry Husband told me that he could not take his iPhone to the Apple store to get fixed, because his phone was jail broken, which is a no-no. He didn’t want to hear it from me.

I sync and back-up my iPhone every few days.  I have too much stored on there to lose it.  Angry Husband had to reset his entire phone and lost EVERYTHING.  He lost about 300 business contacts that he cannot recover.  He had thousands of pictures and videos on there, GONE. Maybe someone will listen to me next time, when I tell them to back it up!

It is a good thing that I save and back-up all my data because I don’t want to lose awesome videos like this.  Angry Kid was playing with Angry Husband’s iPhone a few months ago, and I was able to capture this video.  Angry Husband now wants a ton of the photos that I have on my phone.

P.S. Angry Husband is getting the iPhone4, which I told him to not mess with.  He’s a spoiled brat like that.  I might upgrade in the future, but I’m not due for an upgrade and it will be more expensive.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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