I was in utter panic last week. I had to leave for work and could not locate my keys. I was yelling at Angry Husband for like an hour. I ran an errand real quick, and took his truck. I came back and tossed the house again, looking for my keys. Gee, guess where they were? I never use my keys for the front door, so it was not the logical place for them to be.
I would like to thank the 32 oz. fountain Dr. Pepper for that flip out.
I’m participating in this RAD Pro Blogger Challenge with the SITS peeps and The BlogFrog. You may have seen the hashtag on Twitter #31DBB. If you are not on Twitter, just ignore my rambling, because none of this will make sense to you at all.
I just followed a ton of new people on Twitter, because of this. I usually follow people with caution, check out their stream, and see who else they are following. I really don’t want to see randomness all day long. I’m a Twitter addict. I like my Twitter with my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even late night snack. Twitter is like a comfort food to me.
But ack, seriously….I’ve gotten at least fifteen to twenty Auto DM’s today. What are DM’s? They are direct messages on Twitter. I get it, you are thankful I’m following you and stuffs, but your pre-programmed messages, well they suck. I’m tired of getting the “Thank you for following me, I appreciate it, please check out my website at iliketoautodmyoutodeath.com for more info”.
So I got a little stabby finally, and tweeted out that message above. I may have been drinking an awesome 32 oz. Dr. Pepper from Del Taco. But then again, too much caffeine makes Julie a little stabby and a little crazy, all at the same time.
The moral of this story is, “Help Julie find her keys, cause she loses them a lot, don’t Auto DM because it’s annoying, and keep the Dr. Pepper flowing if you want entertainment late at night.”
P.S. I just saw that I totally wrote a post in 2008 about losing my keys. I think I have a problem.