What is it about Facebook?

facebook_purpose (Photo from sickfacebook.com)

What is it about Facebook that brings out the passive/aggressive side of people?  I do not understand why people think that they can post something on their wall, and not expect drama.   I don’t think that someon of these people would ever say these things to someone in person.

I was recently watching one of my favorite shows this summer, The Real Housewives of New Jersey.  I’ve posted about my strange fascination for “New Jersey” shows before.  In the latest episode, I think that they mentioned “Facebook” at least five times.  Danielle (the resident lunatic) who is 47 years old, kept going on and on about things that 18 year old, Ashley posted on her Facebook wall.  Really, you are 47 years old, why do you care what an 18 yr old is posting?  I think it is hilarious that there was so much drama, just because of Facebook.

I’ve been deleting or un-friending people in the past few months because of drama.  I have also deleted most of my co-workers.  I have nothing against my co-workers, but it seems that Facebook brings drama in the workplace.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “Did you see so-and-so’s pictures on Facebook?”  Now I just say, nope.

One of my favorite Facebook stories was during the election last year.  I think that politics brings out the worst in people.  It is amazing how opinionated that people get, and what things that they type on their “friends” Facebook walls. I was working nights at work, which is pretty much swing shift.  I typed something on my wall similar to this, “I can’t wait for this election to be over, I’m so sick of it already.”

I woke up the next morning and checked my iPhone, like I usually do.  Admit it people, we all do the same thing.  I saw that I had over 35 Facebook messages.  I immediately pulled up my Facebook app to see what the heck all these messages were about.  The messages were comments on my original status.  I was not trying to be passive/aggressive at all.  I was just making a generalized statement.  Well, one of my friends remarked something like, “me too.”  Then one of my co-workers responded with something like, “do you how hard we fought for the right to vote, etc…”  And of course the rest of the Facebook comments were those two people going back and forth at each other.  It was ridiculous.  At the very end, they ended up calling each other names and threatening each other.  These were two people who did not know each other at all, they were just mutual “Facebook” friends with me.  After everything, the co-worker un-friended me, and the friend told me about all the drama.  I guess that I missed out, because I was SLEEPING.

Some people have asked me, “if you don’t like all of this drama, why are you even on Facebook?”  I have to admit, that I do like a little drama.  It is entertaining.  Besides the fact, you gotta love when people post those “fresh” baby pictures, or school graduations.

Have you ever had Facebook drama, seen something really funny, or awkward?  What is your favorite Facebook story?

I am thankful for Mama Kat and her Writer’s Workshop, cause my mind is like Jello right now.  Mama Kat sponsors a Writer’s Workshop every week.

Mama's Losin' It

Oh, and speaking of FACEBOOK, come “LIKE” my page. All of the cool people are there.

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