I spent my childhood drawing and coloring. I would write little stories and then illustrate them. My specialty was mice. My nickname from my dad, was mouse. I would draw little mice families and write about them. The highlight of all of this was in sixth grade when my teacher used to laminating machine and laminated my entire story. I wish I could find that story now. It is probably hidden in a box somewhere.
In college, I learned how to cross-stitch. I think it’s one of those sorority initiation things. I learned to cross-stitch for a pillow for my Big Sis and I also learned the magic of making a fabric photo album. I can’t tell you how many times that I burnt my fingers with the glue gun making those photo albums.
After college was done and over with, I still tried to cross stitch in my spare time. I think I still have about ten unfinished cross stitch projects. I would spend hours on them. When I got to a difficult part, I would get pissed off, and toss it to the side. And then they would go into the project graveyard.
I am a creative person but literally just don’t have the time to be creative as much, anymore. My days are filled with work, chasing after Angry Kid, and the day to day stuff. I can barely fit in a workout right now, which I desperately need. So I turn to blogs and websites to inspire my creativity now. Ok, well I read about other people’s creativity.
I was talking on the phone to my friend, Kelly, last night. We were talking about craft sites and crafty people online…I keep listing tons of crafty bloggers that she had never heard of. I guess I follow a few too many. Is that a bad thing? I read MANY, ok more than twenty craft blogs and sites a day. I get so many ideas and inspirations that every once in awhile motivate me.
Speaking of my friend, Kelly, she is quite crafty and creative herself. She even has a button on her blog sidebar dedicated to crafts. For Christmas, she made me these beautiful earrings and necklace. How do I even compete with that?
Enter, another crafty friend, named Shey. Have you heard of *Shey* [B] Camera Strap Covers? Shey and I started off as Twitter friends. I think we became even better friends at Bloggy Boot Camp in Phoenix when I stalked her with my camera. Shey is used to being the one behind the camera. I think she spent the entire weekend trying to hide from my camera. I even managed to get a few pictures of her.
Last month, Shey was doing giveaways for her birthday, and I won one of them. I won a Too ChaCha for Words Tank from Erin of Haute Tots. Well, ironically, I was already a follower of Erin and her blog, Bringing Up Burns. The blogging world is very small when you think about it, because I found Erin’s blog several months ago, which was linked to several other blogs I follow. I really didn’t think much about it, when I realized that Erin and I went to high school together.
Erin also lives very close to the city I work in. I was able to pick up my tank top last night…late last night. Oh my swoon, it’s beautiful. I love it. Erin was just sewing away in her garage. That’s why crafty people do. They find a place to hide from everyone to unleash their creativity.
Oh, and my friend, Lindsay…wow. Lindsay and I met on a parenting forum years ago. We were both obsessed with clothing for our little boys. Wow, times have changed since then. I can barely get Angry Kid to wear a clean shirt these days, let alone something that matches.
While we were on the forums together, Lindsay started selling custom clothing for children. She became famous instantly on e-bay. She made beautiful creations which fetched top dollar. Naturally, blogging was a natural thing for Lindsay to do. She started her blog, Living with Lindsay. She blogged about projects that she did in her own home. Whether it be her fabric covered headboard, or her book page wreath.
Picture from Living with Lindsay
Have you seen Lindsay’s book wreaths? This easy, simple, and CHEAP craft project went viral on the blogs. I’ve seen a ton of people post about it. I like to think, “I knew Lindsay when…” I am constantly amazed at the things that Lindsay has come up with.
So although, I am surrounded by creative crafty people, I’m quite craft lazy. Actually, I would probably say that I don’t really have the time to get involved into things. I have tons of things bookmarked though. Every once in awhile, I try to bake or do a project. I just don’t actually post about it here. Maybe I should.
I have given up on scrapbooking. I had all of the scissors, papers, tools, etc. I gave them to Angry Kid to craft with. He probably uses them more than I ever have. Besides, I don’t need to scrapbook anymore. I have a blog.