It never fails. When I have an event to attend or a vacation to go on, something happens. I’ve had the awful acne, bad haircuts, lost credit cards, etc. I leave for New York City in a few days to go to the BlogHer Conference. This is a conference with Bloggers. Bloggers take photographs, and lots of them.
I was prepping my garage yesterday for my new washer and dryer. As the delivery guys were unpacking their truck, my dogs lost it. They barked so much that I almost lost my mind. I instantly jumped to my feet and tried to put the dogs out through the dog door into the backyard. Wolfie, my stubborn dog refused to go out into the backyard. I finally shoved her outside, and pushed down the plastic piece that locks the dog door.
When I came up from bending over (shoving the dogs out the door), I slammed my face into my bike. How did I do that? What the heck? Well, my bike was hanging over the dogs play area/pen. I slammed my nose into the spikes on one of my pedals. I then stumbled away, with little tiny stars floating over my head. Well not really, but ouch it hurt real bad. The delivery guy had the washing machine on the dolly, and asked if I was ok. I mumbled something like,”yes, but I’m a little dizzy.” He then replied, “well, there is blooding running down your face.”
This was my solution to my bleeding/scraped nose. Seriously, facial cuts bleed and bleed and bleed. It would not stop. I stuck this bandage on my nose for thirty minutes because I had to leave for work soon after. I did not go out in public like this, if you were thinking that. Cause I know you were.
I went to work about an hour after “the incident occurred” and the cuts were still bright red. I had put some medication on it, to numb it a little. But, EVERYONE was asking about my nose. I told my story, and people almost didn’t believe me. Seriously, why would I make up something like this. I couldn’t wear my sunglasses or eyeglasses either, because the bridge of my nose hurt too bad to wear them.
I feels a little better today, but it is still sore. I’m able to wear my sunglasses, but only for a short period of time. And YES, people are still asking what happened to me. I think they like to make up their own little creative stories.
My nose looked like this after I took the bandage off.. I took the photo with my Macbook Photo Booth program, and my house was dark. You can see the cuts on my nose, but you can’t see the bruising. I have black and blue bruising around the top of my nose, and slightly under my eyes.
I blurred the photo a little. I do not want to see all the pits and valleys in my face. So if you see me at BlogHer, you will now know what happened to my face. And if you take my picture, please Photoshop this mess out.
Angry Husband had no sympathy for me at all. I’m pretty clumsy, and I’m always hitting cabinets, doors, you name it. He went outside and had me explain to him what happened. He could not understand it all. Like I would make this dumb story up? Geez…