Happy 3rd Anniversary Angry Julie Monday

Birthday cupcake

Today is the 3rd Anniversary of my first blog post on Angry Julie Monday.  I just can’t believe how much my blog has evolved since it started in 2007.  My son was barely two years old then, and now he is five.  I started this blog to write about the randomness in my life.  I cannot believe how much better my photos are now, compared to then.  Plus, my writing, wow did I say that?  Seriously I actually put my thoughts together now, they aren’t as random as they used to be.  I will always been random, but not as random as when I started.

Anyway, I’m going to relax today and enjoy my Blog Anniversary! Angry Kid is graduating preschool today, so it is a big day in our house.  I hope everyone is enjoyed their summer so far!  I know I am.  I love warm weather and can’t wait to eat so more of this great fruit and float around in the pool.

I hope you have a great day, and keep reading my little ole’ blog.  Hey maybe even subscribe to it, or something? I really appreciate all of the people who continue to read Angry Julie Monday!

Photo from iStockPhoto.

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Angry Julie Monday


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