Refashioned Corkboards

Our Blank Canvas, Bulletin Boards

A few months ago, ok it was probably around Christmas, I saw these awesome corkboards at HomeGoods.  They had some pretty unique frames and they had several colors to chose from.  Unfortunately I did not follow the HomeGoods/Costco Rule that day.  Do you know what the HomeGoods/Costco Rule is? If you see something you like, BUY IT! Because if you think about it, and don’t buy it, you will regret it.  You will go back to that store, even sometimes an hour later, and that item will be gone.

Seriously, I went back the next day, and all of the corkboards were gone.  I think they had over twenty, and they were ALL gone.  I was completely depressed, because those corkboards were the perfect size for my project.  Well, the project that was in my head. You know those, you think about all the time.  You are just looking for the perfect thing-a-ma-jig.

Office Wall Before Bulletin Boards

Our office has built-in cabinets, that we had done a few years ago.  But we have some empty space that needed filling.  I had the perfect idea, now I just had to find the right accessories i.e. corkboards. Did you notice that I did not clean up for all of you on the Blogosphere. Yea, that’s how I roll! Can you tell that we need some organization? Cause we do!

I have dreamed about those boards for months.  Seriously, I went to every HomeGoods in Orange County looking for those boards.  When I obsess over something, well it’s all over.  I was determined to find them.  About a month ago, I stumbled across the HomeGoods in Tustin near my house.  I love me some HomeGoods, and I usually walk out of there with something in my hand. Well guess what I stumbled upon? I know it’s easy to guess, right? I found TWO of those corkboards that I had been searching for.  It was like the clouds parted and the sun was shining right down on me.  The bulletin boards were perfect, except for one thing.  They were an ugly gray color.  I love me some gray.  I think that gray is the new black, but alas they did not match the ideas in my head (or the room decor).

I came home and begged Angry Husband to help me with this grand project.  How do we get these fabulous gloss white framed corkboards? Well he taped off the frames (bulletin board area), sanded them,  then he primered them with two coats of primer (spray can) and then he sprayed 2-3 coats of gloss white.  He finished them off with a coat of clear spray paint.  We then let them dry for about a day.

Angry Husband did not like the hangers on the back of the boards.  He actually rolled his eyes at them.  We are huge fans of dry wall anchors and screwing things onto the wall.  Angry Kid was a wild toddler so everything is pretty much bolted down in our house.  Angry Husband pre-drilled all four corners of the frames for the boards, then he screwed the corkboards into the wall (well the drywall anchors).  We now have perfection and it appeals to my OCD.  I think that these boards look very professional (and so very Pottery Barn-ish), don’t you?

P.S. The corkboards were $49 each.  I got them in May. They are around the same size as these, which cost $179 each. HUGE savings.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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