A Profile Photo

At the beginning of the month, I participated in I Heart Faces Photowalk Across America. One of the points or objectives of the event was to get a new profile photo for your website or your blog.  You don’t really think about profile photos until you need them.  These are traditionally referred as headshots (used by actors and actresses to get work), but in the blogger world, we call them “profile photos”. A profile photo is used to identify the owner of the blog with their readers.  You might also be using a profile photo on your Facebook account, or other social networking sites.

profilePhoto by Elaine

This is my current profile photograph on my “About Me” page here on Angry Julie Monday.  I change my profile photo about every six months, because I’m always messing with my hair whether it be the length or color.  It also reflects my personality/mood at the time.  If you know me well enough, you will see my “Julie looks” that I like to give out. Right now, I’m obsessed with turquoise.  It is the color of the year!

As a frequent reader of blogs, I want to be able to identify with the writer, and who this person really is.  I also identify with people through their Twitter profile photos.  I get confused when people constantly change their profile photos (on Twitter).  When you are following thousands of people, you learn to identify with a color or theme.  I use my blog button on my Twitter profile because of my job and some other things, but mostly because I’m ADD and would be changing my Twitter Profile Weekly.

Why am I writing this? Do I have a point? I’ve gone to two blog conferences this year, and several other blog related events.  I’ve attended these events with other people, and other bloggers.  Before I went, I checked out everyone’s websites.  I wanted to “know” who they were.  It is really hard to identify and/or find people at these events when I don’t know what they look like.  Even though I may use my avatar on Twitter, I’m pretty narcissistic and post pictures of myself frequently.  I want to know what you look like, RIGHT NOW! Not two years ago, not when you got married, not when you were 100 lbs, and modeling.

So this is a little reminder to everyone attending some of these conferences and events this summer.  There is a conference this week in Utah, Evo, which I’m totally bummed that I cannot go to.  But, I am attending that really HUGE conference in NYC in August, you know the one, BlogHer. PLEASE post a current photo of yourself on your site, unless you are anonymous, which I totally get.  I want to know what you look like, if I meet you in person.  You will recognize me, because I will be that really loud girl, wearing a headband.

Do you want some tips on how to get a great profile photo? Here are a few.

1. A recent clear, close-up photo of your face

2. No hats or sunglasses

3. Your CURRENT hair color

4. Have someone else take your photo! Maybe there’s a local photographer looking for models for their portfolio? Another bloggy friend.  You can take photos of each other.

Do you need an example of WHAT NOT TO DO for a profile photo? Yes, I edited a photo of myself. I may wear this outfit, a lot. I really really really like this headband too.

What Not To Do Profile Photo

Here is your mission: make sure your profile photo is up to date!

Conference attendees, you make not think that this is not a big thing, but if you would like to work with brands, turn your blog into a business, etc.  You need to look professional.  These brands will be looking at your blog, before and after the conferences.  All of those link-ups, etc that you are participating in, well potential advertisers look at those lists too.

P.S. This may be one of those pre-BlogHer posts.  I’m trying to be not so obvious about it, though.


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Angry Julie Monday


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