I Hearts Faces Photo Walk Across America

This past Saturday, I participated in the I Heart Faces “Photo Walk Across America”. This event was being held in 20 different cities across America.  Our photo walk took place in the Dana Point Marina area of Orange County, CA. We had a great group of photographers present and I think we definitely represented Orange County.

I came equipped with my Nikon D80, and I was ready for some photographs.  It was pretty awesome to have some people that actually want to pose for my photographs, since everyone else around me usually runs away from the camera.  I may post a ton of photos here on my blog, but usually they are the 4 or 5 out of several hundred that turned out.

I Heart Faces Photo Walk Orange County Group Photo

A Group Photo Taken by Susan Keller, one of our co-leaders.  She set her camera on a timer to take it.  I think it is pretty fabulous.

I thought I would share a little scenery of the location where our Photo Walk took place.  We were down by the water, so it was very “beachy”.  It truly represents Orange County.  Our day was surrounded by June gloom, which is quite common around these parts, this time of the year.


Dana Point-i Heart Faces

I Heart Faces Orange County Photo Walk

Dana Point Harbor, CA

But this was an I Heart Faces Photo Walk, right? I had to take some pictures of people.  Although I did like the landscape, I got some pretty decent shots of people too. I’m quite impressed with myself.  Even if I took most of the photos in automatic.  Yes, JJ, I’m going public.  I really don’t play with my camera(s) much and I use automatic, like A LOT.

Elaine, looking HAPPY!!!!!Such Happiness

DSC_0025Casual Pose

Susan setting up our group shotSetting up for our self-portrait group shot

He caught a fishy!Random fisherman, catching a fish. I had to photograph it.

Amy just hanging outA sign to hang out on.  What a great prop.

But I saved the best photo for last.  It was classic photo of our fearless co-leader, my personal paparazzi, and friend JenSusan said that she did not own a cellphone.  Jen just gave this look.  I’ve seen it before. I think it is quite hilarious.

JJ with her "WHAT, you don't have a cellphone face!"

I had a great day with some excellent conversations.  I can’t wait to look at all of the photos that we taken that day.

I took a bunch more photos that day.  I have a set on Flickr with all of my photos taken that day.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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