We broke up

Angry Julie and her Monster

It’s official. It has been FIVE weeks since I’ve had a Monster Energy Drink.  I was starting to have crazy sugar cravings when drinking them.  I constantly wanted more and more Monsters.  I then wanted candy.  It was time to stop.  We had quite a long standing relationship.  I’ve broken up with my Monsters before.  But this is probably the longest time that I’ve gone without them.

I haven’t given up caffeine entirely.  I’m not that crazy.  I still make my daily visits to the little store at the local gas station.  I pass by the Monsters, and stare a little. Then I move onto the fountain drinks and get myself a Dr. Pepper.  I try not to keep any soda in the house, because I would probably drink it all.

I admit it.  I miss my Monsters. They made me so happy, yet they were very very very bad for me. I was known for showing up to an event with my Monster in hand. They were my signature drink.  I even had my picture of me with a Monster in my “About” page. I changed that picture also.

Onto other things though…..

My BFF, Stacey got me one of those acrylic Starbucks’ Acrylic Insulated Tumblers.  She got me a Venti.  It is fabulous and I drink about a bazillion glasses of water daily.  I think Angry Husband is jealous of my tumbler.  I see him looking at it with jealousy.

I went and saw Sex and the City 2 with Stacey.  I liked it. I laughed.  Some of the Samantha scenes were a bit much.  I totally related to Charlotte when she was crying in the kitchen pantry. I’ve been there before.  I learned a new word, “InterFriendtion”.  I loved how the showed the characters “in their youth”.  It was very long.  It was a good girlfriend movie.  The previews before the movie even started were “chick flicks”.  It has been decided, it is the summer of chick flicks.

I staged a family room makeover with only a $100 rug from Costco.  Angry Husband was impressed.  It looks so much better.  Perhaps, there is an extra chair sitting in our garage now.

We are in the midst of swim lessons again. Oh save me from smacking some of these parents.  Seriously, step away from the edge of the pool. Your child can fix their goggles themselves.

My TV shows are all ending for the summer. I need something new to watch.  Any suggestions?

I’m reading Eat, Pray, Love. I saw a preview for the movie.  I never wanted to read it before.  So I just started it.  I finished The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Help within the past month. They are all GREAT books.  Read them!!!

And last but not least, I returned to the gym today.  I went to a 24Lift class this morning.  My friend, Doris teaches it and I think I shocked her by showing up! I’m going to be very very very sore this weekend.

So this is what summer looks like so far!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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