Do you take happy pills?

On Mother’s Day, we headed to Disneyland with some family friends. We decided that we didn’t want to spend a ton of money on an expensive brunch where we would stuff ourselves anyway, and feel bad after.  Angry Kid was very excited to see his friends, Jacob and Madison.

We arrived to see a busy parking structure.  I can always judge by the parking structure, to see how busy Disneyland is going to be.  Angry Kid almost wanted to jump out of his carseat, because he was so excited.  I had to tell him to simmer down.  We promptly parked our car. As I got out of the car, I whipped out my iPhone.  I always get so confused in the Disney parking structure.  A few weeks ago, I decided to take a picture of the area where we parked our car.  They are numbered and have pictures of Disney characters.  On Mother’s Day, we were in the Goofy Level.

My mom and I pulled out the stroller.  Yes, he is almost five and still rides in the stroller.  My kid is lazy, he gets tired, and I really don’t like carrying around forty-five pounds of kid.  It is not fun. Angry Kid knew that he was hanging out with the “big kids” and was embarrassed about the stroller. He started freaking out about the stroller and did not want us to take it. I took it anyway, because I didn’t want to NOT have it.

We found our friends and went on our happy way.  Disneyland was crowded, but I’ve seen it worse. We actually got on a ton of rides in a very short amount of time. Angry Kid refused to sit in the stroller (he NEVER sat in it the entire time), and he was very cooperative. This was a change of pace compared to our last trip to Disneyland.  We even got my mom and all of the rides. She usually wimps out and tells me that she will “wait for us”, at the end.

Everyone wanted to go on the Matterhorn, which is one of the “bigger” rides at Disneyland.  My mom told me that she hadn’t been on it, for a very long time.  Angry Kid loves this ride, and so we agreed to all jump in line.  Isn’t the Matterhorn Mountain awesome?

Matterhorn @ Disneyland

Jacob was sitting on the edge of the poles in the line for the ride.  Guess who had to also be a big kid and set up there? Yep, Angry Kid, and he had to make an angry face for us too.


I was cracking up at my mom when we got off the ride.  She hadn’t had that much movement in a long time.  We rocked and swayed the entire time. The ride is quite jumpy.  Angry Kid had a great time, though.

We headed towards the train at the front of the park. Angry Kid wanted to ride around a bit. It was the perfect time. We would get a little sitting break, and Angry Kid loves the train.  There are tons of rides, but Angry Kid would just prefer to sit on the train and circle around Disneyland.

Jacob, my friend’s son, whom is eleven, cracked me up though.  While we were waiting in line for the train, he asked me, “how do you do it?” I said what.  He said that “Angry Kid is crazy”.  My usual response, which is me completely joking was, “Oh, I take drugs”.  Jacob came back at me with, “oh, so do you take happy pills?” I laughed. Seriously, what is world coming to, than an eleven year old knows about “happy pills”.

I think it’s funny though, because Jacob has always been a wild child too. He doesn’t remember when he was five.  I’ve known him since he was born.  He has never been that quite shy kid.  Believe me, neither is his mother.  I love my friend, Lisa, but she is just like me.

At the end of the day, I was able to get a somewhat decent picture of all three kids together.  Although Jacob wouldn’t release his death grip on the ice cream, nor Madison, who wouldn’t give up the sugar sand.  Angry Kid promptly ditched his $5 ice cream that I had just bought.


I was laughing at Madison and all of that sugar.  It was almost like drugs to her the way she was snorting it in.  Of course, Angry Kid had to get in on the sugar action.  He wanted to show off his tongue after ingesting the sugary goodness.


We headed out of the park around 5pm, which was actually a long day for us. My friend, Kelly and I reflected about our own childhood with the kids.  We used to get to Disneyland at opening, and stay to closing.  By having season passes, we can just pop in for a few hours, and leave when we want.

Also, the grandmothers conversed, and decided to do this again. Yippee, Angry Nana will be taking Angry Kid on some adventures in the future, while I’m at work.

Wordless Wednesday: Destined To Be A Geek

Geek Squad and Angry Kid

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

I’m using a new thumbnail version of linky.  By using this version, you are able to see a thumbnail of all of the pictures. Please use a thumbnail of the photo for your Wordless Wednesday Post.

My Kindle, not his

Angry Husband was looking for suggestions for Mother’s Day gifts.  He likes to have a little input from me.  He knows that I’m pretty particular, and somewhat picky.  I admit it, I’m a complete pain in the rear.

When I gave back from Bloggy Boot Camp, I mentioned that I wanted to read more.  I’ve even slowed down my blogging a little bit this week.  I’m trying to finish a book right now. I came back inspired to read.  I want to catch up with everyone else. Can you believe that I’m probably one of the only people that I know who hasn’t read that Vampire series.  You know that one, that they’ve made into movies.

My office is filled to the brim with books.  I have research books, text books, manuals, baby books, and many many many books that I’ve read for pleasure.  I would gesture that I would probably never open about 90% of the books in my collection again. What am I doing with all of these books? Really, all they are doing is cluttering up my house.  It is not like my house is big by any means.

So I texted Angry Husband. I told him that I wanted a Kindle. I know that Angry Husband was probably rolling his eyes when he got my message. He’s been trying to buy me a Kindle for at least two years.  He has asked me if I want one for Mother’s Day, my birthday, and Christmas, every year.  I promptly tell him that I love my good ole’ books, and they were fine for me.  But really, the clutter.  It is taking over my house right now.  I want it gone.

I gave it to myself.  I should have known it all along.  I wanted a Kindle.  It was made for someone like me.  I’m seriously reading three books right now.  I’m deep into one of my books, but I have two more that I’ve been carrying around for quite some time.

I had some gift certificates to Amazon.  I used those towards the purchase.  I even used an affiliate code that my friend gave me.  I wanted her to get some credit.

On Saturday, I received my Kindle. My new baby. Guess who’s hands it fell into?


That’s right. I purchased a Curious George book for Angry Kid on my Kindle just to look at.  He hijacked my Kindle for over an hour.  He completely freaked out when I took it to work with me.  I said, “this is mine, get your own kid.” Seriously, I almost want to tell people to get him Amazon gift certificates for his birthday.  He was enthralled with this device.

Many people suggested that I get an iPad when I was looking for advice about e-readers.  I already have an iPhone, a Macbook, and a Mac Mini in my house.  I don’t need another similar device.  I really think the iPad is pretty cool, but it is not needed.

I thought this photo was perfect for Sweet Shot Tuesday.  I love how the Kindle has no glare, and that you can see the picture and all of the writing from the book.  Angry Kid had the death grip on my Kindle, and was as cozy as he could be. Check out more fabulous photos on Darcy’s site!

Sweet Shot Day

And seriously, I’m making a wish list in Amazon for my Kindle.  Do you have any suggested reads?

Did they make me look thinner?

Last week, I attended a little get together at Ciaran’s house (aka Momfluential). Ciaran introduced to a fabulous product, Miraclebody Jeans

Miraclebody’s motto is “Look 10 lbs. lighter in 10 seconds.”

Do I look 10 lbs. lighter?

@AngryJulie in Miraclebody

Ok, I probably look 10 lbs. lighter and crazy.  I had a pretty busy week before and barely any sleep. But seriously, these jeans are quite awesome.  They completely sucked in all my bumps and lumps.

What is the miracle of MiracleBody? What makes them work?

  • Contoured waistband fits comfortably 1″ below the belly button for maximum control without a missy look.
  • Slightly higher in the back for a no-panty-peaking gap-free fit.
  • Pocket bags are stitched flat to eliminate unsightly bulk by the belly.
  • Patented embroidered back pockets with subtle embellishments are designed to draw the eye inward, giving the appearance of a slimmer look.
  • Unique handcrafted canvas control panel flattens the tummy for a smoother shape.
  • Two times more spandex than the ordinary jean to gently lift the rear while slimming the thighs.

They sell Miraclebody Jeans and other products on their website, and Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, and Lord & Taylor.

Miracle is also having a contest, “Women Who Shape Our Lives”. The Grand Prize is a trip to NYC (New York), and a makeover.

Disclosure:  These jeans made me look thinner. That is a good thing. I attended a fab party, and got some jeans to take home for no charge. They didn’t ask me to blog about it, but really, you wanted to see how thin I looked in them, didn’t you?

Spotlight Saturday: 05.02 to 05.08.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

I did not do Spotlight Saturday last week because I was out of town. I hope y’all forgive me as I had absolutely no time to read blogs. My reader has over a 1,000 blog posts to read right now.

1. Tales from the Sippy Cup: Yeah, my toddler Skypes-doesn’t everyone’s?

Shari rocks.  I finally met her recently in person. She’s dragging me over to her house soon so I can help coordinate paint colors. Anyway, Skype is awesome. I can’t say enough good things about Skype.  I used to use GChat and Facebook Messaging for chatting with my friends. I use Skype chat now. LOVE IT!

2.  The Happy Housewife-How to Win Swag Bucks

I’ve heard about Swag Bucks and never knew what they were. This is a great post explaining how to win them. Can you believe she bought a new iMac with her winnings? How awesome is that.

3.  Infarrantly Creative-Shirred Summer Dress

What a great re-fashion of a skirt found at The Salvation Army. She is so creative. I wish I knew how to sew.

4.  Riding with Jessica-WiseStamp-E-Mail Signature Tool

Jessica shows how this Firefox Add-On can great a personalized signature for your gmail account.

5.  Aura-Joon: Love Our Earth Week-Backyard Farming

Great photographs and a great idea. Now I just wish my backyard was a little bigger. But then again, our yippy dogs would probably chew on the vegetables.

Bootcamp, but for Bloggers

On Monday, I posted some pictures from Bloggy Boot Camp. They were from the first night.  They were just a preview of what an amazing weekend it was about to become.

I started off Saturday morning, with a delicious breakfast. I didn’t sleep well the night before the “big” event.  I was sharing a room with Tiffany, and I actually had anxiety, because I was afraid she wouldn’t get up.  Yep, I’m a freak like that. Yes, the waffles were quite delightful.


I then proceeded to run around like a crazy woman, the rest of the day.  You will understand if you were there. Because I as trying to get as many photos as possible.  I was going on the instinct of “missed photos”.  I always think about this after events.  I wish I would have gotten a photo with so-and-so, etc.  So since I’m crazy like that, I made sure that I got some great group photos.

What I loved about Bloggy Boot Camp was that I met new people. I made new friends.  I’m not shy at all and could probably talk to almost anyone and everyone.  That is one of my faults. I’m that annoying chick talking to you in the grocery store line about random stuff.

It was amazing to talk about things that I’m passionate about my blog, connecting to the community, photography, my awesome camera, headbands, and Utah (long story, but Utah came up a lot). I was able to grasp some one on one time with these amazing people (I say people because there were some men there too), and be able to show my experience, and also discuss my opinions.  I mean really, when was the last time that someone asked your opinion, and actually wanted it?

After hearing the speakers, (yes I did listen in between being the conference paparazzi,) I realized I was doing this blogging thing right.  I’m on WordPress, after two major crashes with Blogger last year.  Just talking about my blog going down before BlogHer gives me anxiety.  I utilize SEO; by tagging, naming my photos, linking back.  I comment. I participate in memes. I realized it is mostly about making the connections.  You HAVE to find your tribe, your people.  I hope that I have found my people, or have they found me? I always say that I’m an open door, come on in.  I appreciate the comments and e-mails.  I try to respond back in a timely manner, but work, parenting, life sometimes get in the way.  I DO NOT want to be a blog snob. Because really, I may have thousands of readers a month (really I don’t), but in the end, I’m “just a chick with a blog”.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there.  I’m really happy that you landed on mine.  I appreciate it. I really do.  I think many people in this whole blogging thing need to realize that.

What I really came away with though, was to really find your passion. May your passion being photography, crafting, couponing, or even vlogging, use it, because that it where your best blogging will come from. Really, I tried to vlog this post, but I’m a freak, and couldn’t do it.

After spending some late nights with my Bloggy Boot Camp roommates, I realized that one of my BIG passions has been neglected lately.  I’ve always been a huge reader.  I think that’s why I love blogs, because I love to read.  I was always that little girl in the corner, just reading a book. Seriously, I’m pretty mellow and quite, usually.  I love to get immersed in a good book.  After these late night chats this past weekend with Tiffany, Heather, Lula, Jen, Angie, Fran, and Kathy, I want to read more. I NEED to read more. So if you see me blogging about books more, you will know why.

I’ve held off buying some kind of e-reader for a VERY long time. For at least two years, Angry Husband has wanted to buy me one.  I said, “No, I like old school books.” Then, I looked at our office and saw all of the books piling up.  I decided to take the plunge and I will be getting a new e-reader for Mother’s Day. Before I use it though, I need to finish all four of the books that I’ve currently in the midst of.

But really, enough of my rambling about passions, awesome people, and Bloggy Boot Camp.  I know you want to see more pictures.  People come to my blog for the pictures, I know.


Kim from TomKat Studio and I. She is an amazing and talented party planner.

Arizona Desert Skyline

The skyline outside our hotel. It was quite beautiful.


Loralee and Sugar Jones. I think this is my favorite picture from this past weekend.

Dinner with the Girls

Everyone at dinner Saturday night.

@SITSGirls, @jylmomIF, and @Childhood

Tiffany, Jyl and Kelly who decided to jump in the pool, in their clothes.

Help A Mother Out @ Bloggy Boot Camp, Phoenix

Diapers that were collected for Help A Mother Out. A great charity.

Oh, and if you are debating about going to a Bloggy Boot Camp, well hit that submit button and sign up.  You WILL NOT regret it. It is the right price, they are localized, and well, the organized, Tiffany, she is so PRETTY!

Here are the rest of the photos that I took at Bloggy Boot Camp.

This is the group pool for adding YOUR photos to Bloggy Boot Camp. Be sure to credit the original photographer.

Wordless Wednesday: Bloggers Night Out

Blogger Cellphones

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday Linky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

I’m using a new thumbnail version of linky.  By using this version, you are able to see a thumbnail of all of the pictures. Please use a thumbnail of the photo for your Wordless Wednesday Post.

Meaty Arms

Turquoise Jelly Watch

On Sunday, I prepared for my 4th flight in a week.  I went back and forth to Phoenix, Arizona twice.  The first time I went to Arizona for an event with Bosch. The second time I went to Phoenix was for Bloggy Boot Camp.

I flew both ways to Bloggy Boot Camp with Tiffany. Tiffany, you know, the VERY PRETTY WOMAN, who was actually hosting the conference. Well, she liked the watch I was wearing.  I think she might have wanted to steal it from me.  It was a Guess Watch that I received as a gift over a year ago.

She liked that the watch was a “larger style” and that it was not petite.  I’m not a fan of tiny watches and either is Tiffany.  Throughout the weekend, she kept reminding me that we needed to look online for the watch.  She HAD TO have one.

When we arrived at the airport on Sunday, we were exhausted.  Really, exhausted wasn’t quite the word for it.  We really wanted to lay down on the floor of the airport.  Why don’t they have beds for people waiting for their flight? Are we not worthy?

We grabbed some food and did some shopping along the way.  Do you like my turquoise watch I bought? It was $29 and it is a “jelly style”.  I also got a black one.  I really needed another turquoise accessory, right? Tiffany completely regrets that she did not buy an awesome jelly watch like me. I know she does, because she told me.

After doing our shopping we headed towards our gate.  As soon as we sat down, I got a random text message. It said our flight was delayed for an hour.  Supposedly a certain Vice President of the United States had landed, and all of the flights were delayed.  Didn’t Mr. Biden know that these bloggers were overly tired and wanted to get back to California?

Well since we had some time, Tiffany and I decided to shop online.  She wanted to look for “my watch” online. We searched and searched. Apparently, my particular watch model was discontinued.  I found it online, but it was sold out everywhere.

We decided that we would look for a similar watch.  Our only problem was that the watch sizes were listed in millimeters (aka mm).  Yea, we had no idea about the sizing of millimeters.  Cause were are smart like that.  We pulled up a ton of websites to compare the sizes.  We finally discovered that the face of my watch was 36mm, at least we had a guideline. And then the searching began.

Here are some of the phrases that we used when we looked for watches:

  • Guess Watch 36mm
  • Boyfriend Style Bling Watches
  • Silver Wide-Faced Watches

We finally settled on a watch from Fossil. It was pretty similar to my watch.  When we got on the plane, Tiffany told me a story about her son. She said that he likes to snuggle with her all the time.  She actually told me that he once said this, “Mom, I just love to snuggle in your meaty arms.” I was laughing so hard, that tears were starting to come down.

Now you know why we were searching for wide faced watches, for Tiffany’s “Meaty Arm”.  Just kidding, Tiffany does not have huge arms. She just prefers wide and big watches, like me.

I’m submitting my photo of my awesome turquoise airport jelly watch to Darcy’s “Sweet Shot Tuesday”. I took it with my iPhone, because I totally wanted to share my awesome watch on Twitter.  You all should link up your photos to Darcy’s challenge. It is quite awesome, and I even won a prize for my photo from last week.

Sweet Shot Day

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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