On Mother’s Day, we headed to Disneyland with some family friends. We decided that we didn’t want to spend a ton of money on an expensive brunch where we would stuff ourselves anyway, and feel bad after. Angry Kid was very excited to see his friends, Jacob and Madison.
We arrived to see a busy parking structure. I can always judge by the parking structure, to see how busy Disneyland is going to be. Angry Kid almost wanted to jump out of his carseat, because he was so excited. I had to tell him to simmer down. We promptly parked our car. As I got out of the car, I whipped out my iPhone. I always get so confused in the Disney parking structure. A few weeks ago, I decided to take a picture of the area where we parked our car. They are numbered and have pictures of Disney characters. On Mother’s Day, we were in the Goofy Level.
My mom and I pulled out the stroller. Yes, he is almost five and still rides in the stroller. My kid is lazy, he gets tired, and I really don’t like carrying around forty-five pounds of kid. It is not fun. Angry Kid knew that he was hanging out with the “big kids” and was embarrassed about the stroller. He started freaking out about the stroller and did not want us to take it. I took it anyway, because I didn’t want to NOT have it.
We found our friends and went on our happy way. Disneyland was crowded, but I’ve seen it worse. We actually got on a ton of rides in a very short amount of time. Angry Kid refused to sit in the stroller (he NEVER sat in it the entire time), and he was very cooperative. This was a change of pace compared to our last trip to Disneyland. We even got my mom and all of the rides. She usually wimps out and tells me that she will “wait for us”, at the end.
Everyone wanted to go on the Matterhorn, which is one of the “bigger” rides at Disneyland. My mom told me that she hadn’t been on it, for a very long time. Angry Kid loves this ride, and so we agreed to all jump in line. Isn’t the Matterhorn Mountain awesome?
Jacob was sitting on the edge of the poles in the line for the ride. Guess who had to also be a big kid and set up there? Yep, Angry Kid, and he had to make an angry face for us too.
I was cracking up at my mom when we got off the ride. She hadn’t had that much movement in a long time. We rocked and swayed the entire time. The ride is quite jumpy. Angry Kid had a great time, though.
We headed towards the train at the front of the park. Angry Kid wanted to ride around a bit. It was the perfect time. We would get a little sitting break, and Angry Kid loves the train. There are tons of rides, but Angry Kid would just prefer to sit on the train and circle around Disneyland.
Jacob, my friend’s son, whom is eleven, cracked me up though. While we were waiting in line for the train, he asked me, “how do you do it?” I said what. He said that “Angry Kid is crazy”. My usual response, which is me completely joking was, “Oh, I take drugs”. Jacob came back at me with, “oh, so do you take happy pills?” I laughed. Seriously, what is world coming to, than an eleven year old knows about “happy pills”.
I think it’s funny though, because Jacob has always been a wild child too. He doesn’t remember when he was five. I’ve known him since he was born. He has never been that quite shy kid. Believe me, neither is his mother. I love my friend, Lisa, but she is just like me.
At the end of the day, I was able to get a somewhat decent picture of all three kids together. Although Jacob wouldn’t release his death grip on the ice cream, nor Madison, who wouldn’t give up the sugar sand. Angry Kid promptly ditched his $5 ice cream that I had just bought.
I was laughing at Madison and all of that sugar. It was almost like drugs to her the way she was snorting it in. Of course, Angry Kid had to get in on the sugar action. He wanted to show off his tongue after ingesting the sugary goodness.
We headed out of the park around 5pm, which was actually a long day for us. My friend, Kelly and I reflected about our own childhood with the kids. We used to get to Disneyland at opening, and stay to closing. By having season passes, we can just pop in for a few hours, and leave when we want.
Also, the grandmothers conversed, and decided to do this again. Yippee, Angry Nana will be taking Angry Kid on some adventures in the future, while I’m at work.