Angry Husband was looking for suggestions for Mother’s Day gifts. He likes to have a little input from me. He knows that I’m pretty particular, and somewhat picky. I admit it, I’m a complete pain in the rear.
When I gave back from Bloggy Boot Camp, I mentioned that I wanted to read more. I’ve even slowed down my blogging a little bit this week. I’m trying to finish a book right now. I came back inspired to read. I want to catch up with everyone else. Can you believe that I’m probably one of the only people that I know who hasn’t read that Vampire series. You know that one, that they’ve made into movies.
My office is filled to the brim with books. I have research books, text books, manuals, baby books, and many many many books that I’ve read for pleasure. I would gesture that I would probably never open about 90% of the books in my collection again. What am I doing with all of these books? Really, all they are doing is cluttering up my house. It is not like my house is big by any means.
So I texted Angry Husband. I told him that I wanted a Kindle. I know that Angry Husband was probably rolling his eyes when he got my message. He’s been trying to buy me a Kindle for at least two years. He has asked me if I want one for Mother’s Day, my birthday, and Christmas, every year. I promptly tell him that I love my good ole’ books, and they were fine for me. But really, the clutter. It is taking over my house right now. I want it gone.
I gave it to myself. I should have known it all along. I wanted a Kindle. It was made for someone like me. I’m seriously reading three books right now. I’m deep into one of my books, but I have two more that I’ve been carrying around for quite some time.
I had some gift certificates to Amazon. I used those towards the purchase. I even used an affiliate code that my friend gave me. I wanted her to get some credit.
On Saturday, I received my Kindle. My new baby. Guess who’s hands it fell into?
That’s right. I purchased a Curious George book for Angry Kid on my Kindle just to look at. He hijacked my Kindle for over an hour. He completely freaked out when I took it to work with me. I said, “this is mine, get your own kid.” Seriously, I almost want to tell people to get him Amazon gift certificates for his birthday. He was enthralled with this device.
Many people suggested that I get an iPad when I was looking for advice about e-readers. I already have an iPhone, a Macbook, and a Mac Mini in my house. I don’t need another similar device. I really think the iPad is pretty cool, but it is not needed.
I thought this photo was perfect for Sweet Shot Tuesday. I love how the Kindle has no glare, and that you can see the picture and all of the writing from the book. Angry Kid had the death grip on my Kindle, and was as cozy as he could be. Check out more fabulous photos on Darcy’s site!
And seriously, I’m making a wish list in Amazon for my Kindle. Do you have any suggested reads?