Bootcamp, but for Bloggers

On Monday, I posted some pictures from Bloggy Boot Camp. They were from the first night.  They were just a preview of what an amazing weekend it was about to become.

I started off Saturday morning, with a delicious breakfast. I didn’t sleep well the night before the “big” event.  I was sharing a room with Tiffany, and I actually had anxiety, because I was afraid she wouldn’t get up.  Yep, I’m a freak like that. Yes, the waffles were quite delightful.


I then proceeded to run around like a crazy woman, the rest of the day.  You will understand if you were there. Because I as trying to get as many photos as possible.  I was going on the instinct of “missed photos”.  I always think about this after events.  I wish I would have gotten a photo with so-and-so, etc.  So since I’m crazy like that, I made sure that I got some great group photos.

What I loved about Bloggy Boot Camp was that I met new people. I made new friends.  I’m not shy at all and could probably talk to almost anyone and everyone.  That is one of my faults. I’m that annoying chick talking to you in the grocery store line about random stuff.

It was amazing to talk about things that I’m passionate about my blog, connecting to the community, photography, my awesome camera, headbands, and Utah (long story, but Utah came up a lot). I was able to grasp some one on one time with these amazing people (I say people because there were some men there too), and be able to show my experience, and also discuss my opinions.  I mean really, when was the last time that someone asked your opinion, and actually wanted it?

After hearing the speakers, (yes I did listen in between being the conference paparazzi,) I realized I was doing this blogging thing right.  I’m on WordPress, after two major crashes with Blogger last year.  Just talking about my blog going down before BlogHer gives me anxiety.  I utilize SEO; by tagging, naming my photos, linking back.  I comment. I participate in memes. I realized it is mostly about making the connections.  You HAVE to find your tribe, your people.  I hope that I have found my people, or have they found me? I always say that I’m an open door, come on in.  I appreciate the comments and e-mails.  I try to respond back in a timely manner, but work, parenting, life sometimes get in the way.  I DO NOT want to be a blog snob. Because really, I may have thousands of readers a month (really I don’t), but in the end, I’m “just a chick with a blog”.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there.  I’m really happy that you landed on mine.  I appreciate it. I really do.  I think many people in this whole blogging thing need to realize that.

What I really came away with though, was to really find your passion. May your passion being photography, crafting, couponing, or even vlogging, use it, because that it where your best blogging will come from. Really, I tried to vlog this post, but I’m a freak, and couldn’t do it.

After spending some late nights with my Bloggy Boot Camp roommates, I realized that one of my BIG passions has been neglected lately.  I’ve always been a huge reader.  I think that’s why I love blogs, because I love to read.  I was always that little girl in the corner, just reading a book. Seriously, I’m pretty mellow and quite, usually.  I love to get immersed in a good book.  After these late night chats this past weekend with Tiffany, Heather, Lula, Jen, Angie, Fran, and Kathy, I want to read more. I NEED to read more. So if you see me blogging about books more, you will know why.

I’ve held off buying some kind of e-reader for a VERY long time. For at least two years, Angry Husband has wanted to buy me one.  I said, “No, I like old school books.” Then, I looked at our office and saw all of the books piling up.  I decided to take the plunge and I will be getting a new e-reader for Mother’s Day. Before I use it though, I need to finish all four of the books that I’ve currently in the midst of.

But really, enough of my rambling about passions, awesome people, and Bloggy Boot Camp.  I know you want to see more pictures.  People come to my blog for the pictures, I know.


Kim from TomKat Studio and I. She is an amazing and talented party planner.

Arizona Desert Skyline

The skyline outside our hotel. It was quite beautiful.


Loralee and Sugar Jones. I think this is my favorite picture from this past weekend.

Dinner with the Girls

Everyone at dinner Saturday night.

@SITSGirls, @jylmomIF, and @Childhood

Tiffany, Jyl and Kelly who decided to jump in the pool, in their clothes.

Help A Mother Out @ Bloggy Boot Camp, Phoenix

Diapers that were collected for Help A Mother Out. A great charity.

Oh, and if you are debating about going to a Bloggy Boot Camp, well hit that submit button and sign up.  You WILL NOT regret it. It is the right price, they are localized, and well, the organized, Tiffany, she is so PRETTY!

Here are the rest of the photos that I took at Bloggy Boot Camp.

This is the group pool for adding YOUR photos to Bloggy Boot Camp. Be sure to credit the original photographer.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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