Last week, my family took Angry Kid to his first baseball game. It was The Angels. I was super bummed because I had to work that night and couldn’t go. I put my camera in the backpack and asked Angry Husband to take some pictures of Angry Kid, the game, etc. I got several text messages from Angry Husband, that “he hates my camera, and it will not focus.” I’ve told Angry Husband several times, that my lens requires you to find a “hard line” to focus on if you are using automatic. I think he took about ten photos in total.
Notice the churro firmly clutched in Angry Kid’s hand. My mom told me a funny story about this churro. She said that the vendor was going around selling these churros up and down the aisles at the stadium. Angry Kid actually stood up and flagged the guy down. Angry Kid waved at the guy and said, “hey you, over here, come here”. This is so typical of Angry Kid as he is not shy at all.
Angry Kid lasted through most of the game. Angry Husband said that he got a little, “antsy” at the end. But luckily, I had packed the iTouch in the backpack which had some games to entertain Angry Kid. The next day, I asked Angry Kid if he liked the baseball game. He nodded at me. I guess that means yes.
I can’t wait to take him to more games, so that I can attend. I think I know what our summer activity will be this year. We waited till this year to expose Angry Kid to things like this, because he can get bored very easy. Plus, baseball games are not cheap.