First Professional Baseball Game

Last week, my family took Angry Kid to his first baseball game.  It was The Angels.  I was super bummed because I had to work that night and couldn’t go.  I put my camera in the backpack and asked Angry Husband to take some pictures of Angry Kid, the game, etc. I got several text messages from Angry Husband, that “he hates my camera, and it will not focus.” I’ve told Angry Husband several times, that my lens requires you to find a “hard line” to focus on if you are using automatic.  I think he took about ten photos in total.

Angry Kid, The Angels, and a Churro

Notice the churro firmly clutched in Angry Kid’s hand.  My mom told me a funny story about this churro.  She said that the vendor was going around selling these churros up and down the aisles at the stadium.  Angry Kid actually stood up and flagged the guy down.  Angry Kid waved at the guy and said, “hey you, over here, come here”.  This is so typical of Angry Kid as he is not shy at all.

Angels Game Collage April 2010

Angry Kid lasted through most of the game. Angry Husband said that he got a little, “antsy” at the end.  But luckily, I had packed the iTouch in the backpack which had some games to entertain Angry Kid.  The next day, I asked Angry Kid if he liked the baseball game. He nodded at me. I guess that means yes.

I can’t wait to take him to more games, so that I can attend.  I think I know what our summer activity will be this year.  We waited till this year to expose Angry Kid to things like this, because he can get bored very easy. Plus, baseball games are not cheap.

Wordless Wednesday: Fruit Garnish

Fruit Garnish

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Mouth Guards Without Sports

When you hear of someone getting a mouth guard, you instantly think of someone who plays sports. You go to any sporting goods store and see a variety of sizes and colors.  But I’m not looking for a mouth guard for sports.  I had to get ANOTHER bite guard for my mouth, for sleeping.

This is the second time I’ve had a bite guard.  I had the first one for several years.  In 2008, I got veneers on my top teeth, which completely changed my bite.  I’ve been waiting awhile (heck, they are expensive) to get a new bite guard. I picked up my new pretty one today.

I hate that I have to wear this every night, but it prevents more dental hazards.  I have a really bad problem with night grinding.  I have had root canals and crowns put on all of my molars from my grinding. I’ve had some of my molars crowded twice because I’ve cracked the crowns.

Mouth Guard for Night Grinding

So now I have my super expensive acrylic night guard which was specially made for me. The worst part, when I’m wearing it, I have a really bad lisp and Angry Husband makes fun of me. Ugh, but it is completely worth of it, if I get proper sleep and I don’t wake up with a headache tomorrow.

Yes, all of my grinding is from stress.  I would like someone to take all of this stress out of my life, pretty please? Well, most if it is caused by me. Note to self: must be less OCD and ADD. Is that possible?

Baby Gift Suggestions

Yesterday, Sunday, I attended a baby shower for a long time friend, from high school.  She was one of the first people that I met when I moved to Orange County.  We were tight in Jr. High, but moved onto different groups of friends throughout high school. After graduating high school, we lost touch. We were reunited ironically when Angry Kid had one of his febrile seizures as a baby. My friend is a nurse at a local hospital.

I was excited when I found out that my friend was pregnant.  She recently got married, approximately one year ago, and now she was expecting a baby girl. When I saw the baby shower invite, I instantly knew that I had to get my friend some special things.  I actually got this text message from her last week, “Is it bad that nothing on my baby registry excites me?” I replied, “No.”

I sent some e-mails, checked my stock of stand-bys, and also hit Target.  I gave my friend some things that I knew she would appreciate, and wouldn’t be like the other blankets, towels, and onesies that I knew that she would receive.

Fiona The Fawn Wood Teether

Fiona the Fawn Wood Teether from Little Alouette was/is precious. Fiona is handmade with locally sourced hardwoods, and if not left unfinished, is finished only with certified organic flax seed oil. After teething is over, Fiona can be used as a pretend play toy.

Fiona was a hit.  When my friend opened the gift, I said, “let me explain this little deer to you.” There were lots of questions about little Fiona and she was passed around. Isn’t she beautiful?

Wet Bag in Spotted Owl from Snuggles of Love

Wet Bag from Snuggles of Love is a great for the diaper bag, and also very cute and trendy. When my son was a baby, I kept freezer bags in my diaper bag for those “accidents” that he had, daily.  My son had reflux and he was constantly spitting up and making a mess on his clothes.  He also had many diaper accidents.  I loved this bag because it’s re-usable.  There are so many cute patterns to chose from also.

Waterproof Crib Mattress PadWaterproof Crib Mattress Pad from Carter’s was a staple in our house.  We had about three of them, but those lap pads.  When Angry Kid was a wee tiny infant, we laid those lap pads across the crib where we put him down.  As he got older, and moved more, we went through these crib mattress pads as much as we did with crib sheets.  One little tiny diaper leak can make a huge mess, and these wash up so easy.

SwaddleMe Adjustable Cotton Wrap

SwaddleMe Adjustable Cotton Wrap was a suggestion from a co-worker. Angry Husband and I could never perfect the baby-burrito was Angry Kid was a baby. He has had the one arm that would slip out and ruin our perfect swaddle. My co-worker swears by this as she is an avid swaddler. I’ve seen in with her kids, it works! I wish I would have known about this in 2005, when Angry Kid was in baby stages.

Gerber Cotton GownsAngry Husband and I both loved these Gerber gowns when Angry Kid was first born.  He practically lived in them at home.  It was so easy to do diaper changes in the middle of the night.  We didn’t have to undo a million snaps or put anything over Angry Baby’s head.  We just pushed up the gown and changed his diaper.  We were both sad when he outgrew the gown-stage.

I threw in some other odds and ends into her gift. But she adored everything.  I noticed some of her other gifts were things that I told her to register for.  I only have one child but I learned fairly quickly what works and what doesn’t.  My poor friend though, I think she got five versions of the same flowered blanket.  I told her to organize everything, and then do a huge return.

That is what I did after all my showers were done.  I did a return of the duplicates and got a gift card.  I then itemized everything that I was missing/needed and went back to make the purchases.  The nursery was fully stocked and ready when Angry Baby arrived, which was four weeks early, by the way.

There were some other things that I wanted to get my friend, but I’m a complete procrastinator and everything was online.  I did not have time to order it and get it all shipped in time. Maybe I will save those ideas for her “welcome home” or “hospital gifts”.

Legoland and Clutch Powers 4-D

Last month, we were treated to a preview of the new Clutch Powers 4-D Movie at Legoland California.  We had been to Legoland about two years ago, when Angry Kid was just a wee one, Angry Toddler.  He is way into Legos right now, so he was very excited about going to Legoland.  We started off our adventure at the Sea Life Aquarium.  It had opened within the past year and we had never been there either. Angry Kid loved looking at all of the exhibits in the aquarium.

After touring the Sea Life Aquarium, we grabbed a quick snack and headed for the main gates of Legoland, which was right next door.  It was a perfect day to go to Legoland. The weather was beautiful and it was not too hot outside.  We headed towards the theater to watch the premiere of their new 4-D movie, Clutch Powers.

Angry Kid loved this movie.  He kept the glasses on the entire time, and I was giggling when he kept reaching out in the air.  He kept asking to watch it again.  He came home and told everyone at his preschool about the cool 4-D movie.

After watching the movie, we ventured around the rest of Legoland.  Angry Kid kept stopping to see all of this displays.  We had a delicious lunch and went on several rides.  We finished the day off by spending copious amounts of money at the Legoland store and Limited Edition Lego Sets, that we’ve never seen before.  I was “Mother of the Year” that day.

We were also given a copy of the DVD LEGO: The Adventures of Clutch Powers.  I think Angry Kid has watched the DVD at least fifty times.  Angry Husband even remarked that is a great movie and he enjoys it also.

Disclosure: We were invited to Legoland and Sea Life Aquarium for a complimentary visit for the day.  We were also provided with a complimentary DVD.  The link to the DVD is an affiliate code. Angry Kid is a huge Lego Fan. He had a great time. I was not persuaded or influenced in any way when writing this blog post.

Spotlight Saturday 04.04 to 04.10.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1.  Musings of a Housewife-Random Reader Questions Vol. 11

Jo-Lynne answers some questions that she gets from blog readers.  She also designs blogs.

2. Extraordinary Mommy-Visiting The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Danielle attended an event in Los Angeles for Child Hunger Ends Here with ConAgra Foods.  She makes excellent videos and posts them on her blog. This video is a must-see.

3.  Centsational Girl-Grown Up Girl’s Room

Kate recently re-decorated her daughter’s room, and it is beautiful.

4.  Full Circle-Garlic Cheddar Biscuits

Kimmie makes the “famous” Red Lobster Style Drop Biscuits

5.  Twenty Four at Heart-Photographing People: Photography Friday: Week 3

Suzanne is featuring photography tips every Friday. Suzanne is a friend of mine and she really cracks me up. She is super shy in real life, and quite frisky on her blog.  I love her for that.

2010 Ultimate Blog Party

Welcome to the Party!

Come on in, stay awhile!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

My name is Julie. Angry Julie is a nickname given to me several years ago by a co-worker.  It has kinda stuck like all of the other nicknames that people call me: Jules, Hula, and one of my favorites, Mary Sunshine.

I’m in my mid-thirties, married, and have one son. He will be five next month. How did my premature tiny boy get to be five? My husband and I both work out of the home. Oh, yea we live in Orange County, California also.

I’ve been blogging since June of 2007.  I will have my three year blogoversary in just a couple of months.  I am not a niche blogger.  I try and vary my blog topics to make it a little more interesting.  I talk about my son, Orange County, shopping, decorating, simple recipes, and well, mostly about me, this is my blog.  The title is “Angry Julie Monday”, not The Angry Family’s Daily Rituals.

Angry Julie, Headband, and CameraPhoto by Mishelle Lane aka Mishi

This is how I look most often. I’m wearing a headband, and carrying my camera.  Ever since I got my stylish Epiphanie Bag, I carry my camera everywhere. You never know when you might get the right shot. I’m a budding photographer and trying to get out of the bad habit of using automatic.  Unlike most of my other bloggy friends, I’m a Nikon. As in, I shoot with a Nikon.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the past year, that I’ve taken:


The Beach in Laguna Niguel, CA.

California Adventure 1-17-10

Disney’s California Adventure in Anaheim, CA.

Future Photographer

Angry Kid taking photos with my camera at Monster Trucks.  This photo taken with my iPhone.

Ferris Wheel @ Irvine Spectrum

The Ferris Wheel at the Irvine Spectrum in Irvine, CA.

So have fun and enjoy reading my randomness, that is if you stay. It’s ok, you can bookmark me and comeback later. Because you will, trust me.  Everyone wants to hear about my obsession with cupcakes, Monster Energy Drinks, Harveys Seatbeltbags, Disneyland, and well, procrastinating on working out.  It’s only April, I can still work on all of those non-resolution things, right? We haven’t hit the end of the first quarter yet, right?

But really the best thing I’ve done all year? Is make friends with other people who also take pictures.  It’s about time that I get some photos of me.

Angry Julie and her MonsterMe and my precious, The Monster Energy Drink. Taken by Jen Johnson.

Oh, and be patient with me.  I will come visit your blog. It may take me some time.  I might be leaving comments at 4am or so, but I will visit! I promise!

Thanks for taking the time out to read my blog!

And hey It’s a Party! Time to Celebrate!

Shots with my ladies! BlogHer BlogHer 09′

Gadgets for the Home, More About Housewares

I attended the International Home + Housewares Show last month with Hoover.  I loved all of Hoover and Dirt Devil’s products. But I also wanted to share some of the other things that I learned about while there.  This show is closed to the public, so I wanted share some of my favorites.

Pantone’s Color of the Year is Turquoise. I have loved turquoise for awhile now. Even my blog design is done in turquoise.  It is probably my favorite color right now. I better stock up this year since EVERYTHING seems to be turquoise.  I want to paint several rooms in my house this color, shhh don’t tell Angry Husband.

Housewares 4

KitchenAid released their Special Edition Candy Apple Red Mixer this year, and it’s so beautiful.  I’m in love with the glass bowl.  But, I gasped in awe when I saw that they are releasing an Electric Blue Mixer.  They also had many of their other electronic appliances in the electric blue.  We currently have a primer gray mixer.  We’ve only had it for a year.  I’m quite envious of this electric blue now.  The representative at KitchenAid also told me that you will be able to buy the glass mixing bowl separately soon.  I’m quite excited, because I think it makes the KitchenAid look even more retro than it is now. I do not know the exact release date, but it is coming soon.

KitchenAid at Housewares 4

Wilton had each of their displays divided up by Holiday.  It was great to see all of their new products coming out.  I loved all the great things that they had for Halloween and Christmas.  I saw some cute baking pans, boxes, and decorations.  Everything to make your baked goods looking unique.  I was mesmerized by the Christmas stuff though. It seems all of my photographs were from their Christmas and Holiday decor.

Wilton @ Housewares 2

I also got to meet up with the Bosch folks and test out their Tassimo again. I was introduced to the Tassimo at The Silicon Valley Mom’s Event that I attended in February. I love how it has a bar code reader that identifies the size of drink, brewing time, and precise temperature to make the perfect beverage.  Although I am not a coffee drinker, I got the perfect cup of hot chocolate.

Bosch TassimoPhoto by Mishelle Lane

I was trying to take in all the awesome products that were at The Housewares show when I realized that my time was running out and I had to catch a flight.  I was meandering through all the displays like a crazy woman.   I actually got stopped by awesome people at Regal Ware.  They took the time to explain their Unity Cornerstone Collection to me.  Ever since Angry Husband has started watching The Food Network, he has become somewhat of a kitchen snob.  He has realized that someones you need to buy specific tools for certain recipes/projects in the kitchen.  When we got married, many moons again, we got a simple pots and pans collection.  Well we now don’t buy just a pots and pans collection, because we have never found a specific set that covers all of our needs.  Regal Ware has created the Unity Cornerstone Collection which is a complete set that utilizes three different materials to be used for specific cooking needs.  You will no longer have to buy mix and match pots and pans. All of your needs are covered with this one set. We are currently looking for new pots and pans, and I think that this might be just the right set for us.

Unity by Regal Ware CollectionPhoto from Regal Ware

I learned about so many things while at The Housewares Show, that I’m quite overwhelmed. I’m always eager to learn about new gadgets and products. Angry Husband would have loved to go to this event.  Because he’s a gadget guy. I will also be doing some specific products reviews of items that I learned about at The Housewares Show. Stay tuned for those later.

Disclosure: Hoover sent me on this trip.  I was under no obligation to blog about any products or items.  My opinions above were formed by me.  Regal Ware sent me an informational press release and photos about their products. I requested the information, as I forgot to take pictures. I am genuinely interested in all of these products.

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Angry Julie Monday


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