Our one hour at Disney


My mom and I took Angry Kid to Disneyland this past Sunday.  It was another impromptu, unplanned trip.  It was a beautiful day, so we figured, why not.  We approached the parking structure and saw that the cars were starting to back up a bit. We still got in line.  We even cringed a little, when we kept going higher and higher in the structure. But we made it, and parked the car.

We headed towards the trams and picked our side to wait.  We waited for our turn, while we got our usual “people watching” in.  It is amazing what you will see at Disneyland.  I wish I was a bit faster with my camera, because if I could capture some of the people and outfits that we saw.  This is probably why I will never be a good paparazzi photographer.  I’m just not fast enough.

I did get some pictures of Angry Kid making faces at me, and the new trams with doors installed.  We waited about ten minutes for the tram, and were on our way.  We headed into Disney’s California Adventure, because Angry Kid wanted to go on the Toy Story ride. We got our obligatory Disney churro and headed towards the ride.  After forty-five minutes, we hopped on for an rootin’ tootin’ adventure on Toy Story.

The worse part of the ride, because truly, it is a great ride, is the exit.  The ride exits into a store, not just any store, but a toy store.  As soon as we made it down the stairs, Angry Kid made contact with a $30 Toy Story Lego set.  I told Angry Kid, “no”, as his birthday is coming soon.  He did not like my response.  He began to kick and scream.  Well, my mom and I each took one of Angry Kid’s arms, and promptly drug him out from the store.  Well also promptly placed him into the stroller, and headed towards the entrance of the park.

Angry Kid shouted some wonderful things on our way out, such as “I hate you momma. I want another churro. I want that Buzz Lightyear Lego Toy.” I looked at my watch, and realized that we had only been there one hour.  It was probably a good thing, my mom and I were both discussing some fabulous Disney ice cream.  Angry Kid probably saved me at least 500 calories.

But, I did capture some “sweet shots”. So my photo above is designated for today’s “Sweet Shot Tuesday” with Darcy from Life With My 3 Boybarians.

Sweet Shot Day

Oh, and the photo is Angry Kid overlooking the new “World of Color” at Disney’s California Adventure Park.  It opens on June 11, 2010. The Angry Family can’t wait!

Video courtesy of Disneyland News.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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