Airing My Dirty Laundry, Literally

I’ve always been on top of my organizing and cleaning.  I admit that I pay someone to clean my house, but otherwise I’m pretty organized.  We live in a small house so every bit of space counts. We have cabinets, drawers, shelves, and containers throughout the interior of the house.  But, our garage, well, lately it seems to be somewhat of a catch-all.

Angry Husband is always working on some kind of project (Angry Kid’s room), and I tend to dump my bags of stuff on the floor of the garage.  I always have some bag with me, full of junk.  I’m notorious for having clothes, books, and toys throughout the garage in these bags.  I usually sort through them once a week or so.

But I’ve never seen our garage this bad lately, especially the laundry area.  I’m quite OCD over our laundry.  It started a long time ago, as I mostly hang dry my clothing. Then, we had Angry Kid.  I used to sell most of Angry Kid’s clothing on e-bay and other forums.  I had to spot check everything, and also hung dry most of his stuff. It started to look like a Chinese laundry in there, with junk hanging everywhere.  Luckily, I finally got a rolling rack, so it has toned down a little.

Laundry Area in the Garage

I’m presenting my unedited/uncleaned version of my garage laundry area. Can you see the chaos? There is no organization to all of this. It is a mess.  I wish we had an interior laundry area.  I’m constantly cleaning dust and debris off of everything. This is what happens when you have a husband who’s always using some kind of power tool in the garage.

Sorting Laundry

This is how I sort my laundry before washing it.  I collect all of the laundry in baskets and dump it on the ground.  We have a ton of laundry. You would think that a family of three, wouldn’t have this much laundry, right? Well, Angry Husband and I both wear uniforms, and we have an almost five year old boy, enough said!

I take this pile and sort it be colors, etc.  It works for me, at the moment.  I really need to find a better way to organize this mess.

Stuff from Angry Kid's Pockets

This is what the top of the washing machine currently looks like. Notice the cars, shells, and other random stuff.  ALL of this has come from Angry Kid’s pockets.  This kid is amazing.  I always find these “treasures” in his pockets. The water bottles are mine.  They are for my running fuel belt, completely discarded here on the washer. Obviously, it’s been awhile since I’ve used them.

Top of dryer, cleaning products

This is how the top of my dryer looks right now. I’ve somewhat organized stuff in a plastic basket.  It contains dryer sheets, miscellaneous stain products, baby wipes, and other random stuff.  I use Tide Cold Water Liquid, and whatever-is-on-sale fabric softener.  I also have a jar on top for collecting my prize. Because if you leave money in your pants, throw it in the laundry basket, it becomes my prize.

So, you are probably wondering why I’m showing off my hot mess of a laundry area, right? You know there’s a reason for this? Well, today I’m leaving to fly to Scottsdale, Arizona.  I’m meeting up with some other great bloggers for a special event. Bosch is hosting us for a Blogger Retreat called “Hamper to Hangers”.  We are going to learn some tips on how to simplify our laundry time, so we can have more time to spend with our family.  I’m all about time management.  We are also having a special treat, because organizational experts from The Container Store will also be interacting with us. We will be visiting Bosch’s Flagship Brand Gallery.

I’m quite excited to learn more about Bosch’s products, and better ways to use my “laundry time”. I can’t wait to share everything.  Oh, and I will be taking photos, that’s priority number one for me.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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