Welcome to the Party!
Come on in, stay awhile!
My name is Julie. Angry Julie is a nickname given to me several years ago by a co-worker. It has kinda stuck like all of the other nicknames that people call me: Jules, Hula, and one of my favorites, Mary Sunshine.
I’m in my mid-thirties, married, and have one son. He will be five next month. How did my premature tiny boy get to be five? My husband and I both work out of the home. Oh, yea we live in Orange County, California also.
I’ve been blogging since June of 2007. I will have my three year blogoversary in just a couple of months. I am not a niche blogger. I try and vary my blog topics to make it a little more interesting. I talk about my son, Orange County, shopping, decorating, simple recipes, and well, mostly about me, this is my blog. The title is “Angry Julie Monday”, not The Angry Family’s Daily Rituals.
Photo by Mishelle Lane aka Mishi
This is how I look most often. I’m wearing a headband, and carrying my camera. Ever since I got my stylish Epiphanie Bag, I carry my camera everywhere. You never know when you might get the right shot. I’m a budding photographer and trying to get out of the bad habit of using automatic. Unlike most of my other bloggy friends, I’m a Nikon. As in, I shoot with a Nikon.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the past year, that I’ve taken:
The Beach in Laguna Niguel, CA.
Disney’s California Adventure in Anaheim, CA.
Angry Kid taking photos with my camera at Monster Trucks. This photo taken with my iPhone.
The Ferris Wheel at the Irvine Spectrum in Irvine, CA.
So have fun and enjoy reading my randomness, that is if you stay. It’s ok, you can bookmark me and comeback later. Because you will, trust me. Everyone wants to hear about my obsession with cupcakes, Monster Energy Drinks, Harveys Seatbeltbags, Disneyland, and well, procrastinating on working out. It’s only April, I can still work on all of those non-resolution things, right? We haven’t hit the end of the first quarter yet, right?
But really the best thing I’ve done all year? Is make friends with other people who also take pictures. It’s about time that I get some photos of me.
Me and my precious, The Monster Energy Drink. Taken by Jen Johnson.
Oh, and be patient with me. I will come visit your blog. It may take me some time. I might be leaving comments at 4am or so, but I will visit! I promise!
Thanks for taking the time out to read my blog!
And hey It’s a Party! Time to Celebrate!