Award Shows Need More Chicken

I rarely watch Awards Shows.  But lately, it seems it get involved and immersed in them.  I blame it on Twitter.  I could be doing my usual thing, watching my same ole’ TV, and then bam! Someone on Twitter starts talking about a particular Award Show, and I’m hooked.  I HAVE to turn it on. I was at my parent’s house tonight for dinner.  My mom actually cooked a meal, which deserves an award in itself.  It must have been a special occasion or something. I was sold when she mentioned cupcakes.

Before dinner was served, we sat down and watched the Red Carpet Event. Even my dad was chiming in about the outfits.  We argued as usual about people, movies, etc.  I was internally rolling my eyes, as Angry Husband was giving me that look. You know the one.  But while these events were going on, I was scrolling through Twitter on my iPhone.  Really, the only way I could survive this chaotic night was my Twitter peeps. I saw comments on people’s outfits, make-up, their dates, their interviews, you name it.

But really, this was my favorite part of the night’s Tweets.  Seriously, I love Chick-Fil-A and their marketing.  This is perfection for me, Chick-Fil-A and Louis Vuitton. I almost fell off the couch when I saw this picture they posted. These are some of the best dressed peeps, I mean cows there! It also made me sad, cause Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays, and I was craving some waffle fries after seeing this.

Chick-Fil-A and the Oscars

But I’m sure everyone already knows what was worn, what was said, and what was won.  So congrats to all of the winners! Now go eat more chikin’!

P.S. Photo from Chick-Fil-A’s Twitter stream. Follow them @ChickfilA

Spotlight Saturday 02.28 to 3.06.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1. Just a Girl: Painting Furniture

She shares some great tips on how to she preps and paints furniture. I have some furniture I need to paint soon. I’m keeping this post bookmarked!

2. Scary Mommy-Building Your Blog Audience with Social Media

How Jill uses different forms of social media to promote her blog, and how YOU can too!

3. Busy Dad-Neither I, Nor Beef, Will Ever Be The Same

Seriously, Busy Dad makes the best videos. I am amazed with the things he comes up with. This particular post is about BEEF. If you are a vegetarian, don’t watch unless you have humor.

4. The Nester-Using Chalkboard in Your Home

The Nester talks about several ways that you can use chalkboards in your home.  They are not just for school kids.  She also provides a link-up for other people whom have used chalkboards in their homes.  Go and check out all of these great projects.

5.  MomDot-Top 100 Mom Blogs of 2009

Trisha is a little late with her list this year. But, I’m ok with that. Because I’m on the list.  I’m not going to tell you where though. You will just have to find me among the other 99 blogs listed.

Silicon Valley Moms and the Ritz

A few weeks ago, the Silicon Valley Moms hosted a “Brands and Bloggers” event at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel, CA.  The women of the LA Moms Blog came to join us in Orange County Moms for this special event. These event was about networking with representatives of brands, but we also had two great keynote speakers.

Kimberly Clayton Blaine of The Go-To Mom spoke about vlogging, or also known as video blogging.  Kimberly told us which kinds of electronic equipment she uses for vlogging, she prefers Sony products.  She also talked to use about branding our videos and why using HD quality is also important.  After listening to Kimberly speak, I wanted to run out and buy a new video camera.  Actually, I downloaded Best Buy’s iPhone application and was surfing their site for video cameras.

After Kimberly finished, we were treated to a presentation from Ciaran Blumenfeld of Momfluential Media and Jill Asher of Silicon Valley Moms Group about how brands and bloggers can work together.  Ciaran told some great stories about bloggers working with brands.  I was laughing so hard that I can barely remember the stories, but I do remember a comparison of “seven minutes in heaven” being spoken about.  Jill spoke about Silicon Valley Moms Group and the PR (Public Relations) pitches that they receive weekly, think thousands.  During this discussion, we had individual bloggers speak about their experiences with working with PR and brands.  We also had brands and their PR speak out about how their particular companies work with bloggers, and what has worked.

During both of these great keynotes I was a bit distracted though.  We were in this fabulous ballroom, with tons of great women.  They were speaking about something that we love, blogging, and how to make it better.  But alas, this was what was waiting outside the doors behind them. Wouldn’t you be distracted?


After these great speakers, we headed towards another room to interact more with each other (bloggers, that is) and the brands (awesome PR people).  Seriously, it was really great to spend some one-on-one with the representatives of these brands.  I always say that I’m a consumer. Which means, I like to spend money, even if I don’t have it.  I’m always looking to try out out new things for myself, and for my family.  Speaking of trying out things, Kelly really loved these Cinnabon Cupcakes, perhaps she even took some home with her.


It was great to catch up with the LA Moms, as I have met many of them before. You would think we live in different states, because us, “Orange County Moms”, act like LA is sooo far away, rather than an hour. Ok, it’s a little far for me, as I don’t like to leave my Orange County bubble.  And the Orange County Moms, it was a nice treat for us to have a Girl’s Night Out like this.

I wish I could have spent more time talking to everyone, but gosh, I got so tired.  It’s amazing how much energy that comes out of me when I get to talk to people I love.  That’s what I love about this blogging thing, the people.  Of course all of these fabulous women live in my home state, California, but I’ve connected with some many other people throughout the United States and even Canada.

I would love to give a great big shout out to all of the brands represented at this event.  I learned so much while there.  I’m going to do some more in-depth reviews and possibly giveaways with these brands in the near future for my review site. So be sure and check back.

SVMoms Brands CollagePhotos of brands taken by Carla Duharte-Razur of babyjidesign.

BitDefender was the Co-Host Sponsor of the event.

These brands were also sponsors:
Stride Rite
Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel
Busy Body Books
Whole Foods
Focus Features/BABIES movie
Joseph’s Rugs
Pretend City
Pose Prints
Eden Fantasys

4380761557_d7003015d8_bPhotos taken by Carla Duharte-Razur of babyjidesign.

And cause you knew this was going to be a long post, right? I’m proud to say that I’m a contributor to the newest group from The Silicon Valley Moms Blogs, The Orange County Moms Blog. So be sure to check out their new sister site, with some great moms from Orange County!


Wordless Wednesday: Lazy Sea Lions

Sea Lions on a Buoy Near Dana Point Harbor

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

We set out to sea for an adventure

A few weeks ago, my BFF, Stacey texted me.  She wanted to know if Angry Kid and I wanted to go whale watching. I looked at the text for a few moments and responded.  Well you can only guess my response right now was something like, “sure, when, and how much?”  She told me that she would make the arrangements, and forward the information to me later when it was all confirmed.

Well she confirmed the details and sent me the place and time. Now all we had to do was show up.  What I didn’t expect was to go on a boat ride, the day after a tsunami warning. Good timing, right? But I chanced it, and took a even bigger risk.  I did not take anything for seasickness.  I figured, well, I can just lean over the side of the boat if I get sick, right?


Angry Kid and Stella were very excited to go on the boat.  I was a bit hesitant after seeing the waves coming in on the nearby jetty.  But we managed to go aboard the boat.  They warned us that the waves might be a little, umm choppy. I could already see the way going over the jetty, but I somehow managed to get onto the boat.  Angry Kid stood along the side rail and watching as we pulled out of the Dana Point Harbor towards the Pacific Ocean.


As the pulled out of the main harbor area, that is when the waves really started.  They were coming at full force.  It got quite rocky.  I made Angry Kid sit on the bench next to me. Stella was hanging onto Stacey and was not moving.  Here’s a picture of the waves we endured.


We went out about five miles from shore and went around from left to right. The Captain said that they saw some water spouts in the air, so we headed towards that way.  All of the rocking and motion from the waves was putting Angry Kid to sleep.  I was trying to keep myself from puking, and Angry Kid was sleeping.

Angry Kid Falling Asleep

Well we went from side to side in these choppy waves on the hunt for blow holes and whales. We did not see any whales. But we did see a great big pod of common dolphins frolicking in the ocean. They were a riot. They were doing flips and jumps, as we went by.  We stopped for a few minutes as they put on a show for us.


Dolphins off of Dana Point Harbor

Angry Kid decided that he would get up from his boat-induced nap to check out the dolphins. I kept telling him that there were dolphins around the boat, but he did not believe me. He finally got up to check them out himself.

Angry Kid Checking Out Dolphins

I wasn’t able to capture some of the dolphins “better” tricks, but Stacey did.  I found this photo on Facebook and had to “borrow it”.  This dolphin was quite the acrobat.

Dolphin Jumping Out of Water

With all of the turning that the boat was doing, added with the waves, Angry Kid got a little sick.  He told me that he needed to go to the potty.  He looked a little “green”. I said, “do you have to puke?” He nodded.  I told him to just puke over the side of the boat.  He looked at me, with a crazy look.  I said, “It’s ok, you can just stick your head over the side and feed the fishes.”  So he proceeded to do that. This was one of my most awesome parenting days, because he refused to eat breakfast and I didn’t force him.  It was probably a good idea that he had not eaten anything.  He sat down after his “episode”. With the boat rocking, and the water spraying on us, he proceeded to fall asleep again.

Comforting Angry Kid from the waves

Stacey took the picture above. Once again, I “borrowed” it from her Facebook. I’m a good friend like that.

As we came closer towards the Harbor, we saw a red buoy that it appeared to have some “natives” on it.  The boat went out of its way to cruise towards it.  I woke Angry Kid up to go and check it out. Stella got just as excited and went to the side of the boat with him.

Looking at the Sea Lions from afar

Once we got into the Harbor, the water current slowed down. Angry Kid got up and walked around. He announced that he felt all better now. He proceeded to climb up to the second deck with Stella. Stacey went up there also to supervise.  I had already gone up there prior to “find” Angry Kid.  I have issues with the height and was not going to climb up there again.

Climbing up to the second deck

After an almost two hour tour, we headed back towards the dock.  I was kinda excited, as my stomach was churning a little.  I freak out about everything.  I was pretty proud of myself that I did not get sick.  I gave myself a little pat on the back for that. I love the view of the dock from the boat.  The building is The Ocean Institute and the boat on the dock is The Spirit of Dana Point, a 118-ft. topsail schooner.

The Spirit of Dana Point and The Ocean Institute

I made Angry Kid run to the bow (front) of the boat.  I made him stick his arms out. I was trying to get a little “Titanic” photo. Of course, he had no idea on what I was doing. I said “learn forward, and stick your arms out”. This is what I got.

Bow of the Boat and Angry Kid

And of course, we had Stella and Angry Kid take a photo together. I’m sure in a few years, they will refuse. But we have to get our cute pictures of them together while we can now. Stella is only two months older than Angry Kid.  But she is much taller by several inches.  They’ve totally got the Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise thing going on with their height differences.

Angry Kid and Stella posing on the bow

Well we got off the boat, and headed for lunch after this. Angry Kid was fine and so was I.  We survived our whale watching trip and boat ride. We got to see some pretty cool common dolphins and some lazy sea lions.  Angry Husband asked me if “we saw any whales”.  I said, “no”.  He argued with me about, “isn’t that the point of going whale watching?”  I told him that in all my years of taking Marine Biology and living near the Coast, I barely saw a whale one time.  It is pretty much an urban legend to see a whale on a whale watching trip. But I’m ok with that.

P.S. This was not a sponsored post. Stacey is a HUGE fan of The Ocean Institute and their programs.  They even have Spring and Summer Camps.

P.P.S. My computer got very excited with my ocean pictures. They are a tad blue.  The ocean is more of a green color.

P.P.P.S. I’m good with this whale watching trip.  I don’t plan on owning or going on any yachts in the near future.

I Heart Faces: Hilarious Outtakes


This is my first time entering an “I Heart Photos” Photo Challenge.  I take pictures all the time, perhaps every day.  I’m that person with my SLR always hidden in my purse. I can’t help it. I feel in love with Amy and Angie at Blissdom. Really, what’s not to love, they are awesome gals.  So I figured that I would start entering some of their weekly contests.  I have so many photos in my archives that I’ve never shown anyone or posted. I went through all of my photos and hunted for one of my “better” outtakes photos.

This particular photo was taken at the end of the summer.  I went to dinner with some of the gals for their pre-race dinner as they were running the Disneyland Half-Marathon the next day. Of course, we took the kiddos along.  After eating dinner, the kids discovered this fountain.  It was summertime and it was hot. What do you expect with kids?  Well the security guard kept trolling this fountain and giving us the evil eye.  We were watching the kids, and it’s not like they were bathing in the fountain.

I can’t wait to participate in more of their challenges coming up!!!

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