Top Ten Search Terms

Search ButtonI’ve never done a post about this, but I thought I would share some of these with you.  I have software that captures information, and shows me how people get to my blog.  I’ve seen some of the craziest search terms and references.  I thought I would share ten of them with you.

1.  Sitting Pig

Well I hope that people aren’t looking on my blog to see pictures of me, sitting. But I have a graphic that I used in a post, which features a pig sitting.

2. Dirty Sorority Songs, Gamma Phi Beta

I am not a Gamma Phi Beta, but an awesome A-O-Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi.  I’ve written about sorority life, but never about dirty songs, nor Gamma Phi Beta

3.  Strippers Vanilla Body Wash

Really, I do not know where strippers buy their body wash. I don’t think there’s a store, Stripper Beauty Products dot com. Maybe I should launch that site.  I could sell all kinds of products related to stripping.  But I did write a post about Victoria’s Secret’s body mist, Love Spell.

4.  Pictures of Angry Lepercons

I did not spell this wrong. Yes, I know it is supposed to be spelled leprechaun.  This was how it was spelled in the search. I did write a post for St. Patrick’s Day last year. I featured a friend from high school and an awesome video he made.

5.  Fractured my Ankle Pedicure

I fractured my ankle in January of 2008.  I have written about pedicures. But I did not fracture my ankle while getting a pedicure. I fell in my garage chasing Angry Kid.

6.  How to put feet in gyno stirrups

I don’t think anyone needs a tutorial for this. In case you are wondering though, Angry Kid shows you the proper way to use them.

7.  Ear Infections, Angry Toddlers

Angry Kid had many many many ear infections when he was smaller. Yes, it made him Angry…

8.  Angry Quesadilla

Why yes, I do like cheese and tortillas. I don’t know what an angry quesadilla is, but send me one, please!

9.  David Beckham No Clothes

I wrote a post about David Beckham and his wifey when I first started blogging. They were on the cover of “W” Magazine. Unfortunately, he had clothes on.

10.  Colors for Girl Toddler Bedroom

I have no idea what color to paint your daughter’s bedroom. I have  a boy. We are all things boy here. I prefer purple over pink if you want my opinion though.

*All of these searches came through in the past week.  I’ve seen similar searches for the past few years.  Do you have a blog? Do you get strange searches? What are some of the weirdest and strangest searches that you’ve gotten?

Photo found during a search.

Spotlight Saturday 03.07 to 03.13.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1. Life with My 3 Boybarians-What is a permalink? How do I find mine?

Darcy talks about finding a permalink in your blog posts.  She also shows you how to add your permalink to link-ups.

2. For The Mommas-Getting Real with Your Finances

Shannon is a frugal blogger, with a MBA in Accounting.  She talks about budgeting and spread sheets.

3. Better in Bulk-How To Be A Happier Mom in 8 Easy Steps

Eight easy steps to remember in your stressed out daily life. We all need to take some time and smell the roses.

4.  Kara’s Party Ideas-Candy Shoppe Party

This was actually a wedding, not just a party. I love all the vivid colors used. Swoon….

5.  Shuggilippo: Speeches are for presidents and valedictorians

Jess talks about going to the infamous 2 yr appointment with her son, and being told that he needs speech therapy.

iGo Charge Anywhere

I have an obsession with my iPhone.  I think everyone knows that by now.  The  main problem with this obsession is the fact that I always seem to be charging the battery on it. I even did a post about our 9 chargers that we have. The main issue that I have with my iPhone is that the battery dies very fast. I have a ton of apps on my phone that I use daily.  Mostly the apps that I use for Twitter and well, using Twitter, can really suck the life out of my battery.

I attended this awesome event with Silicon Valley Moms last month.  I was introduced to this product called the iGo Charge Anywhere. This is a unique charger that you can use with out having a power source nearby.  Once the device is fully charged, you can just throw it in your purse or laptop bag.  I use it for “emergencies”, which means I’m going to be out and about all day, and have no time to charge my iPhone.  You can also use it for other devices too, like other mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets, smartphones/PDAs, MP3 players, portable gaming devices, digital cameras, GPS devices and more.

iGo Anywhere

Angry Husband had previously bought another back-up charger from an other company.  He told me that it was a piece of junk. He is a gadget guy.  He said that my iGo is a great product. Did I mention that I have an iGo? I use it EVERY DAY!

Here are many of the features of the iGo Charge Anywhere:

  • Charge plugged and unplugged – during use as a wall charger, the internal battery recharges and is ready to provide power when away from outlets.
  • Works as a wall charger to charge almost any device while simultaneously charging its integrated battery for device charging away from a wall outlet
  • Two USB outputs for simultaneous device charging
  • Includes iGo USB charging cable for even lighter travel Small and lightweight – fits in your pocket Includes foldable wall blades that easily store away
  • No need to buy a new charger when upgrading your devices; compatible with the latest models Works worldwide; no need for a voltage converter when traveling

The iGo is $49.99 and totally worth the money, especially if you are traveling and charging your devices all the time.  They also offer free shipping on orders over $25*.

Disclosure: I was given this product to try out free of charge. This did not influence my review of the product. I’m telling all of my friends about this. YOU should buy one too. I love mine!

We prepped for our project

We’ve been working on Angry Kid’s room all week.  I posted yesterday about our “cleaning” and staging of Angry Kid’s room.  This was the first time that we’ve carefully planned a makeover project. Usually we are a “fly by the seat of our pants” type family. This isn’t always good in the long run.

When we first moved into the house, we had a ton of projects.  We actually bought this house because 1. It was a one-story, 2. It had a driveway, and 3. It had an awesome garage.  I know that not everyone looks for these particular features in a house, but we did.  We lived in our old house for fourteen months. We thought we had bought our dream house until we saw the neighbors move in and fought the daily traffic to work.

We started with painting our house.  The former owner had mostly white walls, some tacky wallpaper, and a brown walls in the master bedroom. We immediately started painting the house. Well Angry Husband painted, and I picked out the colors. Angry Husband can sometimes get a little carried away, i.e. get sloppy, when painting.  Let’s just say that we had some umm, edging issues with the paint and the ceilings in our house.

We knew that when we started this project, that it was going to be done right, the first time around.  We took care to clean out the room, we put tarps down, and we taped up the edges.  Angry Husband and I marched to the paint store to buy all of our supplies.  We were using three colors for this room makeover, so we had to get everything at once, and we rarely have time off together. Angry Husband usually grabs the standard blue tape, to mask off for painting projects, but this time he grabbed something else.  He grabbed two containers of FrogTape.  He told me that he had a ton of great things about this tape, and he wanted to try it out. Especially, since we are splitting the paint colors on the walls.

When we got home from the paint store (cough, cough Lowe’s), Angry Husband started prepping Angry Kid’s bedroom.  I was so proud of him. He actually used his level when he applied the Frog Tape to the center of the room.  We also taped brown paper underneath the tape at the baseboards.

Prepping Room #1Room after prepping it.

Closet PrepCloset after prepping. Notice Angry Kid’s bed in closet.

Angry Husband then poured out the paint and begin rolling the paint on. He asked the clerk at the store to put primer into the paint, which made it a little thicker, but definately a good idea.  As soon as I saw the first coat of paint go on, I knew that I had made the right choice in selecting paint colors.  We let the paint dry for a few hours, and then Angry Husband removed the FrogTape in the center of the room. Check out how clean the lines are. We were immediately impressed.

Room Half-Way Painted

I can’t wait to show you the rest of the room. There’s so many cool things that we have done in this makeover. I want to show you bit by bit.  I will be posting more about it next week. With Angry Husband home this week on vacation, I haven’t had much time to download my pictures, blog, etc. I’m also attending a trade show this weekend in another state.

Disclosure: FrogTape did not sponsor this post, or influence my decision in purchasing or blogging about their product. Angry Husband saw it advertised somewhere.  So at least we know that advertising does work.

To clean a house, is to make a mess

I typically go by this theory of things..”I have to make a big giant mess to clean anything”.  I pick one room at a time and trash it.  I dump everything out, I purge, and then I put it back. This is how I function. Angry Husband does not think like this.  He hits every room, here and there. This drives me crazy, because he likes to shove things in places, and then I can’t find anything later when I need it.

We are in the process of re-decorating Angry Kid’s room.  We pulled everything out of his room. Angry Husband really had no plan for this staging.  He just randomly grabbed stuff and put it in spaces throughout our house.  There was no rhyme or reason to where something went.  I had a hard time finding anything this week.  I got so frustrated, I went around and took some pictures of Angry Husband’s staging. I was also taking photos of Angry Kid’s room throughout the process. Stay tuned for most of those next week.

The first photo is of the Master Bedroom. Do you see the furniture. I could barely get through the door.  Angry Kid’s TV was on the bed.  I could barely get in the room, to even use the bathroom.  There is no way that I’m going to Angry Kid’s bathroom.  Have you ever seen what a four year old boy does to a toilet? It’s not pretty.

Master Bedroom with Angry Kid's Furniture

Next, we move on to the home office.  This is mostly Angry Husband’s office, as I sit at the kitchen table.  My Macbook is not good enough for the office. Angry Husband’s PC is set up in there, along with a table for Angry Kid to draw on, etc.  He took all of the toys from Angry Kid’s closet and put them in the office.

Toy Graveyard

I probably should have organized this stuff before we started the room makeover.  Angry Husband has been on vacation all week to do this project. I should have prepped my way.  But it’s really hard when I worked the entire weekend before this started.  The garage was the last place that Angry Husband hit up. You can see the randomness here and there.  Angry Kid’s dresser made it to the garage.  I literally had to pick clothes out from here.  After we put his room back together, I actually went out to the garage to get clothes, because I was soo used to going out there.  Doesn’t everything keep their clothes in their garage?

Angry Kid's Furniture in the Garage

So what have I learned from all of this? Organize while the husband isn’t home.  No matter what, we will argue over EVERYTHING during any home project.  I’m always right. This is MY BLOG! And, don’t leave stuff out in the garage that Angry Kid can see. There were things that we were going to toss, and Angry Kid found them.

P.S. I’ve polled my friends. They also believe in this mess making cleaning strategy too. Can someone tell my husband this.

Tosh.0 and VCR Hack!

We just discovered Tosh.O on Comedy Central.  Seriously hilarious. This show features Daniel Tosh, a comedian, whom is quite sarcastic and snarky.  He provides commentary on videos and society.  Angry Husband and I love it. He’s a bit raw (some cursing that’s bleeped out), but we watch it when Angry Kid is not around.

He always play the most hilarious videos.  I was doing some laundry (new clean clothes for Angry Kid), and Angry Husband screamed for me to come to the front room.  He knows that I will usually roll my eyes at him, but this time I granted him with my presence. He told me that I HAVE TO watch this video. Yes, it was hilarious and a must watch.

So here you go, VCR Hack!

Wordless Wednesday: Impromptu Disney Trip with Daddy

Impromptu Disney Trip with DaddyTaken with Angry Husband’s iPhone and sent to me via MMS.

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Run Julie Run

Since it is that time of the year, running season, I should probably be running.  For the past few years, you would see tons of races posted on my blog.  I have not run one race at all in 2010.  I really haven’t run at all.  I’ve been too busy with work and the family, and well, everything else.  But I re-arranged my running music list today, so hopefully I will feel a little more inspired to run.  I do have some races coming up, that I’ve already paid for; so I need to get my feet into those shoes, put on that Garmin, turn up the iPod and get out on the road.

You are probably thinking? What type of music does Angry Julie listen to when she runs? Angry music, of course.  I thought I would share my list with you.

Angry Julie’s Running Playlist

  1. Black Eyed Peas-Boom Boom Wow
  2. The Ting Tings-That’s Not My Name
  3. White Zombie-Electric Head (The Ecstasy Pt. 2)
  4. AC/DC-Back in Black
  5. Metallica-Through The Never
  6. Britney Spears-I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll
  7. Dramarama-Anything, Anything (I’ll Give You)
  8. Britney Spears-Womanizer
  9. Metallica-Broken, Beat, and Scarred
  10. Pussycat Dolls-When I Grow Up
  11. Fergie-Fergalicious
  12. Salt-N-Pepa-Push It
  13. P!nk-So What
  14. Social Distortion-Ball and Chain
  15. Britney Spears-Gimme More
  16. Metallica-Cyanide
  17. Rihanna-Disturbia
  18. White Zombie-More Human Than Human
  19. Metallica-Seek & Destroy
  20. Metallica-Of Wolf And Man
  21. White Zombie-Thunder Kiss 65′
  22. Metallica-Sad But True
  23. Shop Boyz-Party Like A Rock Star
  24. Metallica-The Day That Never Comes
  25. Rage Against The Machine-Killing In The Name
  26. Pennywise-The Western World
  27. Metallica-Green Hell
  28. White Zombie-Electric Head (The Agony Pt. 1)
  29. Metallica-Fuel
  30. Metallica-Creeping Death
  31. Jane’s Addiction-Stop
  32. Metro Station-Shake It
  33. Metallica-Master of Puppets
  34. Metallica-The End Of The Line
  35. Bush-Machinehead
  36. Metallica-Frantic
  37. T-Pain-Church
  38. Missy Elliott-Ching-a-Ling
  39. Powerman 5000-When Worlds Collide
  40. Social Distortion-So Far Away
  41. Ke$ha-TiK ToK
  42. Miley Cyrus-Party In The U.S.A.
  43. Black Eyed Pea-I Gotta Feeling
  44. Lady GaGa-Paparazzi

This list is 44 songs, and 3.3 hours of FUN! Yes, I have the most random taste of music! Don’t HATE!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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