I’ve never done a post about this, but I thought I would share some of these with you. I have software that captures information, and shows me how people get to my blog. I’ve seen some of the craziest search terms and references. I thought I would share ten of them with you.
1. Sitting Pig
Well I hope that people aren’t looking on my blog to see pictures of me, sitting. But I have a graphic that I used in a post, which features a pig sitting.
2. Dirty Sorority Songs, Gamma Phi Beta
I am not a Gamma Phi Beta, but an awesome A-O-Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi. I’ve written about sorority life, but never about dirty songs, nor Gamma Phi Beta
3. Strippers Vanilla Body Wash
Really, I do not know where strippers buy their body wash. I don’t think there’s a store, Stripper Beauty Products dot com. Maybe I should launch that site. I could sell all kinds of products related to stripping. But I did write a post about Victoria’s Secret’s body mist, Love Spell.
4. Pictures of Angry Lepercons
I did not spell this wrong. Yes, I know it is supposed to be spelled leprechaun. This was how it was spelled in the search. I did write a post for St. Patrick’s Day last year. I featured a friend from high school and an awesome video he made.
5. Fractured my Ankle Pedicure
I fractured my ankle in January of 2008. I have written about pedicures. But I did not fracture my ankle while getting a pedicure. I fell in my garage chasing Angry Kid.
6. How to put feet in gyno stirrups
I don’t think anyone needs a tutorial for this. In case you are wondering though, Angry Kid shows you the proper way to use them.
7. Ear Infections, Angry Toddlers
Angry Kid had many many many ear infections when he was smaller. Yes, it made him Angry…
8. Angry Quesadilla
Why yes, I do like cheese and tortillas. I don’t know what an angry quesadilla is, but send me one, please!
9. David Beckham No Clothes
I wrote a post about David Beckham and his wifey when I first started blogging. They were on the cover of “W” Magazine. Unfortunately, he had clothes on.
10. Colors for Girl Toddler Bedroom
I have no idea what color to paint your daughter’s bedroom. I have a boy. We are all things boy here. I prefer purple over pink if you want my opinion though.
*All of these searches came through in the past week. I’ve seen similar searches for the past few years. Do you have a blog? Do you get strange searches? What are some of the weirdest and strangest searches that you’ve gotten?
Photo found during a search.