Wordless Wednesday: The Easter Bunny Came Early

Easter Bunny Came Early This Year

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

A New Closet for the Angry Kid

Angry Husband took vacation a few weeks ago to work on Angry Kid’s bedroom makeover.  Maybe it was highly suggested by me, for him to take off.  I just wanted it to be done, and not take six months.  I took a ton of photos during the process, so I’m going to talk about his room makeover in separate posts.  I’ve already done a post about prepping to paint the room.  We paid extra attention this time, and made sure to prep it properly.

Prepping the closetOur blank canvas. Notice Angry Kid’s un-assembled bed in the closet area.

We then prepped the paint.  Yes, it is bright orange.  I picked out probably twenty five different variations of orange before I finally decided on Valspar’s Roasted Squash. We purchased it at Lowe’s.

Valspar Paint from Lowe's-Roasted Squash

I know. The color is bright. This is the look that we were going for. Angry Kid will be FIVE in May. Perfect for a little boy.  I then had my painter work on the closet.  My painter, is really Angry Husband.  I stood behind him and commented while he painting. This is what a boss does, right? By the way, I didn’t pay him anything to do this.  Because being married to me is quite rewarding already. I pay him with my love.

Angry Husband painting the closet

We waited 24 hours for the paint to dry.  We were anxious to re-assemble Angry Kid’s room. Actually, I was tired of tripping over everything in our house.  Angry Kid wanted to play in his room, also. Originally, Angry Kid’s closet had the Elfa System filling up space.  We decided to be more practical and increase our storage in the closet by adding some Expedit Shelves from IKEA.  We’ve already had great success with the Expedit Shelves in our hallway closet.

Orange Closet Makeover

You are now probably thinking.  IKEA Expedit shelves do not come like this. How did they make vertical and horizontal Expedit shelves? We took two different types of Expedit shelves, and mounted them together with brackets.  It was super easy. You have to be careful and pre-drill so that you don’t crack the melamine casing.

Expedit 1
Expedit 2

We also took the time to secure the unit to the wall. This is childproofing 101 people. No matter how old your kid is. Please attach furniture to the wall. This is a no-brainer.  We used L-brackets.

Securing Expedit Shelf to Wall in Closet

We then re-installed the Elfa System from The Container Store.  We did not our entire original system.  We cut it down to about half of what we had.  We gave the rest of it away to a friend.  We still needed the racks for hanging clothes and putting other items up higher. I’m also giving you a sneak peek of the final room colors.  Yes, we painted the room three different colors.

Orange Closet with IKEA Expedit and Container Store Elfa System

After assembling the closet back together, we put Angry Kid’s stuff back in.  Most of this is temporary because I need to buy some more bins and labels.  This closet is also about using storage effectively.  We have a very small house and the toys and games need to be accessible for Angry Kid. Also, I don’t want to be stepping on tiny pieces throughout the house.

Finished Closet

I can’t wait to show you the final project.  We still have some things on order and other small things to do.  It’s going to be quite awesome.  And we are going for an extreme urban theme, if that helps a little.

i heart faces: Focusing on Angles Photo Challenge

Churro Face

I took this photo on a random trip to Disneyland with my mom and Angry Kid.  He was being good that afternoon, so he was rewarded with a scrumptious churro.  If you look close enough, you can see the sugar all over his mouth. This is a common pose for Angry Kid.  As soon as I bring out my camera, he always gets “right up in it”.  I should know better, as his favorite song is “Paparazzi” by Lady Ga Ga.

I am entering this photograph in the “i heart faces weekly challenge”. The theme this week is: focusing on angles. I always try and get a great angle and/or original perspective when I take my photos. Plus, Angry Kid is really fast and somewhat hard to catch.

I can’t wait to check out all the other fabulous photos that have been entered!

Harveys Limited Editions 2010

I’m a huge fan of Harveys Seatbeltbags.  Especially since they are a local company from Orange County.  I always get compliments on my bags, especially when I travel out of the area.  I have been known to shove everything but the kitchen sink into my bag.  I may have even used my bag as a camera bag too.  Every year Harveys comes out with Limited Edition bags to add to their already awesome collection.  I saw on Harveys’ blog that they were releasing their newest “Limited Editions” on Saturday, the 20th.

I debated off and on about going to the event.  I had to work late the night before, and if I didn’t go, I could sleep in.  Well, our front door was being painted on Saturday morning. Guess who rang our doorbell at 8am, right on the dot? Yes, the painter.  So since I was up, I started checking Facebook.  I saw that the Harveys’ Facebook page stated “that people were already lining up”.  So I took a minute, and then promptly jaunted to the shower.  I think Angry Husband was shocked to see me up that early, as Angry Kid was still asleep. I said something to Angry Husband like, “I’m going to Harvey’s, limited edition purse, people standing in line, going to get a Monster, and will call you in a bit”, and when on my way.


It was a beautiful day, and I was greeted by other Harveys’ fans at their store in Santa Ana.  I got there about an hour before they opened and the line was already wrapping around the building.  The gracious employees were walking around modeling the new awesome bags.  I knew instantly that I wanted, well needed, one of their new bags.  This would be my second “Limited Edition” as Monique bought me the Wahoo’s Bag in 2008.  Their are only 250 of the bags in each type.  They were passing out numbers to the people in line.  I chose my number and my bag. Yes, I got my golden ticket.

The Golden Ticket to my bag

While in line, I was able to chat with the other “fans”. I will call them “fans” because wow, I thought I had a purse collection. These people put me to shame. I have five Harveys’ purses, and some other accessories.  There were people whom had twenty five plus bags.  I am quite the collector of purses and shoes, but I think I would have to use an entire room to display/store a collection like this.  I seriously love the people from Harveys. They are awesome.  They’ve even heard of my blog, maybe because I comment on their blog a lot.  I love everything about this company and I’m a huge supporter of local businesses.

The People of Harvey's

I was taking their picture from afar, as I didn’t want to lose my place in line.  I think I saw at least thirty different types of purses while I was in line.  I saw many that I gasped about.  I have complete regrets about not purchasing some of the bags.  But I will not have any regrets this year, because I was getting my special bag.  When I got my chance to go inside the store, I did not immediately head to the cash register.  I chose to look around instead.  It had been a few months since I’d been there.  I can’t go into their store without buying something. So I try and gain some self control over myself by not going in.  Shocking really, if you know me well enough.  I loved the time and effort that they put in for this event.  They served coffee and candy, to go with their themed bags.  Since I’m not a coffee drinker, I headed towards the candy buffet.

Candy Buffet @ Harvey's

After gathering some candy, and talking to the owner of Harveys, Dana Harvey, I headed back downstairs to make my special purchase. While I was downstairs, I took some photographs of the new bags.  My pictures of the bags aren’t the best, because I was having flash issues.

The Sugar Plum or "Candy" BagThe “Sugar Plum”

The "Coffee" Bag 2010 LTD EditionThe “Venti Upside-Down, Soy Caramel Macchiato with Sugar-free Vanilla Syrup and a extra shot of espresso w/whip” or as I would like to call it, “The Coffee Purse”

Well, if you can tell from my Golden Ticket, I got “The Coffee Purse”.  I will call it “The Coffee Purse” as I’m way too ADD to remember the entire name.  I could also call it, “The awesome limited edition purse with the really long coffee name”. What do you think?  I was pretty excited as I made my purchase.  I even took it out in my front yard for a photo shoot when I got home.  I tried to get the best lighting for my photos, and it was way too dark in my house.

My Coffee Bag

I’m in love, all over again…

and I don’t even drink coffee.

P.S. My photos might not reflect the true colors of the purses. Like I said, flash issues. And I have a thing for “color washes”. Leave me alone. I’m not a pro photographer by any means.

Spotlight Saturday 03.14 to 03.20.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1. Playgroups Are No Place For Children-Please look like you’re surprised and pretend that it’s the first time you’ve ever heard this idea

Jennifer shows a great way to dispose of, I mean package toys for travel and restaurants.  She’s awesome like that!

2.  The Chronicles of a SAHM-Dirty Little Secret

Cyn aka Nap Warden talks about her secret.  The pictures are priceless. I’m not going to hint about her secret. You will have to read it on her blog.

3.  Petit Elefant-How to plant a vegetable garden

Allison shows a simple and fun project that you can do with your kids.  Spring has sprung! Time to plant your veggies!

4.  Simple Mom-An Essential Checklist for Moving Into a New Home

A great list of things that you need to do in preparation for moving, so simple!

5.  According-To-Kelly-Wordless Wednesday: The Color Turquoise

Kelly recently took a giant step and painted her kitchen cabinets turquoise.  I love turquoise.  She promises that she will post more photos soon.  I’ve seen it in person and let me tell you, it’s gorgeous!

Mostly Computerless

Macbook and New Hard Drive

I feel in love instantly. I took the plunge last March, ironically a year ago today.  I bought my first Mac, a Macbook actually.  I saved up my money, sold my old computer on Craig’s List, and took the plunge. I know that I bought my Macbook last year on this date, because my warranty was about to expire.  I purchased the extended warranty a few weeks ago. So now it is covered until 2013.

But I had a problem with Mr. Macbook recently. You see, he started getting slow.  I diagnosed it, and also took it into the Apple Store.  I found out that my hard drive was almost full.  The Genius told me that my hard drive was almost at capacity and that 3/4 of the info on it was pictures and iTunes.  I had already purchased an external hard drive, but it was not enough.  He also warned me that if I dropped the external or lost it, my pictures would be gone.

I decided to buy a new hard drive after this discussion.  I was taught how to install it, etc.  But I’ve had some issues since installing it.  I have all of my files backed up on our Time Capsule, and they are downloaded.  I just need to get everything working.

I will do some posting as soon as I get it back to full working order.  I was trying to edit some photos the other day, and it kept getting slower and slower.  I knew that I would have to do the hard drive transfer soon.

I can’t wait to show you more photos of Angry Kid’s room, and to talk about the Housewares Show that I went to in Chicago.

P.S. I’m using Angry Husband’s PC right now. I hate it!

Wordless Wednesday: Chicago

Chicago 2
Chicago 10

Chicago 33
Outside at Housewares 7
Outside Housewares 6

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Holly and Her Yellow Purse

Chicago 30

I had the awesome opportunity to go to Chicago this past week. I got to hang out with really cool people like Holly. We had a great time and had lots of laughs.  Mishi and I keep teasing Holly about her beautiful she was and how we wanted to take her home.  Well not only is Holly beautiful, but quite silly too. And she totally rocks that yellow purse!

This is my entry this week for i heart faces’ contest “bundled up”.  Cause even though it was cold outside, we all bundled up and headed out for a photo shoot.  I can’t wait to share more of the photos that I took this past weekend. I got some great ones of the city, and all my new friends that I made.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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