My Epiphanie

While I was in Chicago, I met Mishi and her new friend, Lola.  Lola is not actually a person, but a camera bag.  Prior to meeting Mishi and Lola, I had seen some chatter about Epiphanie Bags on Twitter.  But I had never seen one in real life.  I was instantly drawn to Mishi and her red bag.  I wanted to touch and fondle it. I’m admitting it publicly here.  I had been coveting these bags for about a week prior to our meeting.  I was so excited to see one in person.

I had to admit to everyone that I was a challenged photographer.  I usually shove my camera and lenses in my purse.  I like to be somewhat fashionable, and my current camera bag, well, looked like a camera bag.  My camera was in my Gucci purse at the moment.

Sassy in the CityMishi and I in what I would like to call “Sassy in the City”. Photo by Lee Vandeman

But even though I was a sassy diva, I secretly yearned for a new camera bag. I take my Nikon DSLR everywhere with me.  I could take a point and shoot, but I haven’t found one that I love.  I’m totally spoiled by my DSLR.  I’ve got a smaller one, a Nikon D60, so it is a little more compact than the average DSLRs. When I saw Mishi’s Lola, it was confirmed, I needed an Epiphanie Bag.

Chicago 13Mishi in action and Lee observing. YES, it was fairly cold at that moment.

I should have taken more of Mishi’s Lola, but I knew that as soon as I arrived home, I would be placing an order.  I found one of Mishi’s photos. Ok, so I borrowed it from her Flickr account.  But I love the view that she provided.

Mishi's Epiphanie BagPhoto by Mishelle of Secret Agent Mama

So you know what I did when I got home from Chicago. I hopped on Epiphanie’s website and ordered myself a “Belle”.  I had some “extra” money put away, and I know that it was my destiny for her to be mine.  Plus, I’m huge fan of anything turquoise. I anticipated her arrival, by checking the tracking for it daily. I received my bag last Thursday and instantly took some pictures of it. It is so beautiful and perfect for me!

My Epiphanie Bag "Belle"I immediately snapped this photo with my iPhone.  I literally ripped apart the box after UPS left it on my doorstep.

I used all day when I went to Clash at Clairemont on Saturday.  It was big enough to carry my lenses, slave flash, my camera, my wallet, snacks, etc. etc. etc.  Angry Kid kept shoving stuff in there. At one point, I even had a half eaten burrito and a bag of popcorn. I haven’t cleaned it out, because I’ve been uber tired. But here is my bag’s current condition.  I need to see what surprises Angry Kid left me in there.

Epiphanie full of skateboard stickers

Epiphanie is also sponsoring a contest. It ends on 3-31-10 at midnight.  I’m entering it because I have the chance to win a Canon 5D Mark II or $2500 Gift Certificate to Southwest Airlines.  You know that I would choose the Canon camera so I can be cool like all the other bloggers. Allegedly, anyone and everyone uses Canon.  If someone is going to hand me a brand new Canon Camera, of course I’m going to use it.

But really, I love this bag. It’s stylish and does not look like a camera bag.  It completes me.  It’s a win-win!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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