Angry Husband took vacation a few weeks ago to work on Angry Kid’s bedroom makeover. Maybe it was highly suggested by me, for him to take off. I just wanted it to be done, and not take six months. I took a ton of photos during the process, so I’m going to talk about his room makeover in separate posts. I’ve already done a post about prepping to paint the room. We paid extra attention this time, and made sure to prep it properly.
Our blank canvas. Notice Angry Kid’s un-assembled bed in the closet area.
We then prepped the paint. Yes, it is bright orange. I picked out probably twenty five different variations of orange before I finally decided on Valspar’s Roasted Squash. We purchased it at Lowe’s.
I know. The color is bright. This is the look that we were going for. Angry Kid will be FIVE in May. Perfect for a little boy. I then had my painter work on the closet. My painter, is really Angry Husband. I stood behind him and commented while he painting. This is what a boss does, right? By the way, I didn’t pay him anything to do this. Because being married to me is quite rewarding already. I pay him with my love.
We waited 24 hours for the paint to dry. We were anxious to re-assemble Angry Kid’s room. Actually, I was tired of tripping over everything in our house. Angry Kid wanted to play in his room, also. Originally, Angry Kid’s closet had the Elfa System filling up space. We decided to be more practical and increase our storage in the closet by adding some Expedit Shelves from IKEA. We’ve already had great success with the Expedit Shelves in our hallway closet.
You are now probably thinking. IKEA Expedit shelves do not come like this. How did they make vertical and horizontal Expedit shelves? We took two different types of Expedit shelves, and mounted them together with brackets. It was super easy. You have to be careful and pre-drill so that you don’t crack the melamine casing.
We also took the time to secure the unit to the wall. This is childproofing 101 people. No matter how old your kid is. Please attach furniture to the wall. This is a no-brainer. We used L-brackets.
We then re-installed the Elfa System from The Container Store. We did not our entire original system. We cut it down to about half of what we had. We gave the rest of it away to a friend. We still needed the racks for hanging clothes and putting other items up higher. I’m also giving you a sneak peek of the final room colors. Yes, we painted the room three different colors.
After assembling the closet back together, we put Angry Kid’s stuff back in. Most of this is temporary because I need to buy some more bins and labels. This closet is also about using storage effectively. We have a very small house and the toys and games need to be accessible for Angry Kid. Also, I don’t want to be stepping on tiny pieces throughout the house.
I can’t wait to show you the final project. We still have some things on order and other small things to do. It’s going to be quite awesome. And we are going for an extreme urban theme, if that helps a little.