We’ve been working on Angry Kid’s room all week. I posted yesterday about our “cleaning” and staging of Angry Kid’s room. This was the first time that we’ve carefully planned a makeover project. Usually we are a “fly by the seat of our pants” type family. This isn’t always good in the long run.
When we first moved into the house, we had a ton of projects. We actually bought this house because 1. It was a one-story, 2. It had a driveway, and 3. It had an awesome garage. I know that not everyone looks for these particular features in a house, but we did. We lived in our old house for fourteen months. We thought we had bought our dream house until we saw the neighbors move in and fought the daily traffic to work.
We started with painting our house. The former owner had mostly white walls, some tacky wallpaper, and a brown walls in the master bedroom. We immediately started painting the house. Well Angry Husband painted, and I picked out the colors. Angry Husband can sometimes get a little carried away, i.e. get sloppy, when painting. Let’s just say that we had some umm, edging issues with the paint and the ceilings in our house.
We knew that when we started this project, that it was going to be done right, the first time around. We took care to clean out the room, we put tarps down, and we taped up the edges. Angry Husband and I marched to the paint store to buy all of our supplies. We were using three colors for this room makeover, so we had to get everything at once, and we rarely have time off together. Angry Husband usually grabs the standard blue tape, to mask off for painting projects, but this time he grabbed something else. He grabbed two containers of FrogTape. He told me that he had a ton of great things about this tape, and he wanted to try it out. Especially, since we are splitting the paint colors on the walls.
When we got home from the paint store (cough, cough Lowe’s), Angry Husband started prepping Angry Kid’s bedroom. I was so proud of him. He actually used his level when he applied the Frog Tape to the center of the room. We also taped brown paper underneath the tape at the baseboards.
Closet after prepping. Notice Angry Kid’s bed in closet.
Angry Husband then poured out the paint and begin rolling the paint on. He asked the clerk at the store to put primer into the paint, which made it a little thicker, but definately a good idea. As soon as I saw the first coat of paint go on, I knew that I had made the right choice in selecting paint colors. We let the paint dry for a few hours, and then Angry Husband removed the FrogTape in the center of the room. Check out how clean the lines are. We were immediately impressed.
I can’t wait to show you the rest of the room. There’s so many cool things that we have done in this makeover. I want to show you bit by bit. I will be posting more about it next week. With Angry Husband home this week on vacation, I haven’t had much time to download my pictures, blog, etc. I’m also attending a trade show this weekend in another state.
Disclosure: FrogTape did not sponsor this post, or influence my decision in purchasing or blogging about their product. Angry Husband saw it advertised somewhere. So at least we know that advertising does work.