I typically go by this theory of things..”I have to make a big giant mess to clean anything”. I pick one room at a time and trash it. I dump everything out, I purge, and then I put it back. This is how I function. Angry Husband does not think like this. He hits every room, here and there. This drives me crazy, because he likes to shove things in places, and then I can’t find anything later when I need it.
We are in the process of re-decorating Angry Kid’s room. We pulled everything out of his room. Angry Husband really had no plan for this staging. He just randomly grabbed stuff and put it in spaces throughout our house. There was no rhyme or reason to where something went. I had a hard time finding anything this week. I got so frustrated, I went around and took some pictures of Angry Husband’s staging. I was also taking photos of Angry Kid’s room throughout the process. Stay tuned for most of those next week.
The first photo is of the Master Bedroom. Do you see the furniture. I could barely get through the door. Angry Kid’s TV was on the bed. I could barely get in the room, to even use the bathroom. There is no way that I’m going to Angry Kid’s bathroom. Have you ever seen what a four year old boy does to a toilet? It’s not pretty.
Next, we move on to the home office. This is mostly Angry Husband’s office, as I sit at the kitchen table. My Macbook is not good enough for the office. Angry Husband’s PC is set up in there, along with a table for Angry Kid to draw on, etc. He took all of the toys from Angry Kid’s closet and put them in the office.
I probably should have organized this stuff before we started the room makeover. Angry Husband has been on vacation all week to do this project. I should have prepped my way. But it’s really hard when I worked the entire weekend before this started. The garage was the last place that Angry Husband hit up. You can see the randomness here and there. Angry Kid’s dresser made it to the garage. I literally had to pick clothes out from here. After we put his room back together, I actually went out to the garage to get clothes, because I was soo used to going out there. Doesn’t everything keep their clothes in their garage?
So what have I learned from all of this? Organize while the husband isn’t home. No matter what, we will argue over EVERYTHING during any home project. I’m always right. This is MY BLOG! And, don’t leave stuff out in the garage that Angry Kid can see. There were things that we were going to toss, and Angry Kid found them.
P.S. I’ve polled my friends. They also believe in this mess making cleaning strategy too. Can someone tell my husband this.