Silicon Valley Moms and the Ritz

A few weeks ago, the Silicon Valley Moms hosted a “Brands and Bloggers” event at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel, CA.  The women of the LA Moms Blog came to join us in Orange County Moms for this special event. These event was about networking with representatives of brands, but we also had two great keynote speakers.

Kimberly Clayton Blaine of The Go-To Mom spoke about vlogging, or also known as video blogging.  Kimberly told us which kinds of electronic equipment she uses for vlogging, she prefers Sony products.  She also talked to use about branding our videos and why using HD quality is also important.  After listening to Kimberly speak, I wanted to run out and buy a new video camera.  Actually, I downloaded Best Buy’s iPhone application and was surfing their site for video cameras.

After Kimberly finished, we were treated to a presentation from Ciaran Blumenfeld of Momfluential Media and Jill Asher of Silicon Valley Moms Group about how brands and bloggers can work together.  Ciaran told some great stories about bloggers working with brands.  I was laughing so hard that I can barely remember the stories, but I do remember a comparison of “seven minutes in heaven” being spoken about.  Jill spoke about Silicon Valley Moms Group and the PR (Public Relations) pitches that they receive weekly, think thousands.  During this discussion, we had individual bloggers speak about their experiences with working with PR and brands.  We also had brands and their PR speak out about how their particular companies work with bloggers, and what has worked.

During both of these great keynotes I was a bit distracted though.  We were in this fabulous ballroom, with tons of great women.  They were speaking about something that we love, blogging, and how to make it better.  But alas, this was what was waiting outside the doors behind them. Wouldn’t you be distracted?


After these great speakers, we headed towards another room to interact more with each other (bloggers, that is) and the brands (awesome PR people).  Seriously, it was really great to spend some one-on-one with the representatives of these brands.  I always say that I’m a consumer. Which means, I like to spend money, even if I don’t have it.  I’m always looking to try out out new things for myself, and for my family.  Speaking of trying out things, Kelly really loved these Cinnabon Cupcakes, perhaps she even took some home with her.


It was great to catch up with the LA Moms, as I have met many of them before. You would think we live in different states, because us, “Orange County Moms”, act like LA is sooo far away, rather than an hour. Ok, it’s a little far for me, as I don’t like to leave my Orange County bubble.  And the Orange County Moms, it was a nice treat for us to have a Girl’s Night Out like this.

I wish I could have spent more time talking to everyone, but gosh, I got so tired.  It’s amazing how much energy that comes out of me when I get to talk to people I love.  That’s what I love about this blogging thing, the people.  Of course all of these fabulous women live in my home state, California, but I’ve connected with some many other people throughout the United States and even Canada.

I would love to give a great big shout out to all of the brands represented at this event.  I learned so much while there.  I’m going to do some more in-depth reviews and possibly giveaways with these brands in the near future for my review site. So be sure and check back.

SVMoms Brands CollagePhotos of brands taken by Carla Duharte-Razur of babyjidesign.

BitDefender was the Co-Host Sponsor of the event.

These brands were also sponsors:
Stride Rite
Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel
Busy Body Books
Whole Foods
Focus Features/BABIES movie
Joseph’s Rugs
Pretend City
Pose Prints
Eden Fantasys

4380761557_d7003015d8_bPhotos taken by Carla Duharte-Razur of babyjidesign.

And cause you knew this was going to be a long post, right? I’m proud to say that I’m a contributor to the newest group from The Silicon Valley Moms Blogs, The Orange County Moms Blog. So be sure to check out their new sister site, with some great moms from Orange County!


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