Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.
The Life of a Working Mom in the O.C.
Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.
Here are TEN great treats that you can make for Valentine’s Day. I’m always looking for great ideas for delicious treats, and the Holidays. I’ve scoured the interwebz and found TEN of my favorites.
1. Picky Palate: Red Velvet Chocolate Drenches Heartcakes
2. According-to-Kelly: A Kiss is Just a Kiss
3. Two Peas and their Pod-Oreo Brownies with White Chocolate
4. Martha Stewart-Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Hearts
5. Make and Takes-White Chocolate Popcorn with Valentine Candies
6. Cookie Madness-Secret Promises Cookies
8. Living with Lindsay-Valentine’s Day Flower Pot Treats
9. Going Gluten Free: Gluten-Free Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
It is ironic that the week before Valentine’s Day, that I’m so full of love.
I’m in love with blogging.
I’m in love with meeting other bloggers.
I’m in love with blog conferences.
I’m in love with learning from others.
I’m in love with photography.
I’m in love with the Internet.
I’m in love with my family who supports me and my blog.
I’m in love with Orange County, CA, as it doesn’t snow here and I was able to return safely.
As I sit on my Macbook (love) and my iPhone, I see the traffic and the new subscribers. I see the tweets and pictures. I’m so filled with love from my former and new friends that I’ve connected with over the past weekend. This was my second blogging conference in my little blogging life. I’ve been doing this for two and a half years now. It is amazing how much I’ve accomplished in the past year, really.
I started my journey on a plane ride. What a coincidence that I ran into Jim, at the airport. Jim and I have a shared love of Monster Trucks and all things Star Wars. I was already nervous about flying. Perhaps, I may have taken a Xanax. I was able to chat the entire way without thinking about the bumps along the way. We met up with Tanis at the airport and I got one of my first giggles for the weekend, her sparkle stick aka her cane. Tanis recently had surgery, but made the trek all the way from Canada to come and speak this weekend. We hopped into a cab with some great gals, Brittany and Liz, from Fleishman-Hillard whom were here for the Tastemakers Potato Challenge.
We arrived at the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center, which was huge. I was overwhelmed. I went on the hunt for my roommate, Shannon. I didn’t realize that the hotel was so big, and that she would be on the far end of this huge monstrosity. I was literally sweating by the time I finally reached the room. I did not think about sweating in Nashville, because the weather outside varied from 30-40 degrees. I was able to collect myself and meet some old and new friends for dinner.
Laurie from Tip Junkie, Tiffany from SITS Girls, and Sugar from Sugar in the Raw
Look at me, surrounded by beautiful, talented and intelligent women, and one man, Busy Dad. Each of us has our own skills and talents. How amazing that we were able to all connect through this conference, over a few days, to make things happen for the next few years.
This is why I blog.
This is why I flew across the country to Nashville.
This is why I’m not Angry.
This is why I will go again next year.
Stay tuned for more details about Blissdom in the next few days. Now, I just need to edit my photos, edit my videos, and think of more fabulous things to stay. I just couldn’t get enough. As my friends, Lindsay and Shannon said, “Where is Julie? Julie is with a different group of people every time we see here.” That’s me. The Ambassador of randomness and friendship, who’s not so Angry in person.
P.S. I wasn’t being snarky at all in this post. I was speaking the truth. I will add this to the list of the best experiences in my adult life. It ranks up there with the firearms safety class I went ton for work a few years ago. But alas, Blissdom can’t compete with guns and unlimited free ammo.
I’m sitting here on my third day at The Blissdom Conference. It is being held in Nashville, TN at The Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center. I’m overwhelmed with friendship and information. It’s like a girl’s weekend with 500 of your best friends. Everyone “gets” you and they know what you are talking about. I will write out more as the week goes on. But, you’ve got to see this hotel, it’s amazing. It is like an entire city is just right here. I’m going to share some photos with you. And you can only imagine the blisters I have right now, from walking, and walking….
The life of a blogger…
Here I sit at LAX waiting for my flight to go to Blissdom. What is Blissdom? Well, a blogging conference of course. For me, this is a chance to hang out with all my friends and contacts that I’ve met the past few years via my blog. How cool is that! I have a this blog thing, and I make friends doing it.
I spent the past few days running around like a crazy woman. I had to buy some things, do laundry, clean the house, etc… Angry Husband has been sick all week long. So I’ve had to arrange myself around his sickness also.
I was able to organize myself, and I’m only missing my camera battery charger. I looked everywhere last night. But here I sit, with a fresh haircut, and pedicure. I’m leaving my nice 70 degree weather for somewhat cooler weather. But alas, a vacay away…
And I love me some people watching…you should see the freaks here at LAX. While I was in the security line, this ditzy girl held up a little silver gun-thingy. It had rhinestones on it. She shouted at the security peeps, “this is only a belt buckle, it is not a real gun.” You are so smart Ms. Thing with your blond hair and pink highlights. I wish I could have taken a photo of that.
As I sit here indulging in my $5 yogurt parfait from Starbuck’s, I see some entertaining people. I happened to run into Jim aka Busy Dad in the security line. YAY! I just told Jim, I wish I could have a camera on the back of my laptop. The guy sitting in front of us, has jeans on, a sport coat with gold buttons on the sleeves, a sailor hat, long hair, long beard, and a napkin tucked into his shirt. You can only imagine. I’m trying not to stare. If you know me, this is hard.
I hope to do more witty posts along the way. I’m all for entertainment, people!
Wish me luck!
Welcome to “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture that you took in the past week and link back to it here.
Today is Groundhog Day. When you think of Groundhog Day, you probably think of that cheesy movie with Bill Murray from 1993 (the same year I graduated high school, scary). But actually, there is some history to good ole’ “Punxsutawney Phil”.
German settlers landed in Punxsutawney, Philadelphia in the 1700’s. They brought with them a tradition known as “Candlemas Day”.
Candlemas Day is a Christian feast commemorating the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple.
The German shepherd would rather see a wolf enter his stable on Candlemas Day than the sun. A proverbial belief in Germany concerning Candlemas is that the badger peeps out of his hole on that day, and if he finds snow walks abroad; but if he sees the sun shining, he draws back into his hole.-NY Times 1899
The Germans brought this superstition back with them to America. But the badger is substituted in America for the groundhog which is from the squirrel family is substituted. Did they say squirrel family? You know that I’m a huge fan of squirrels!
Here is the Candlemas Religious Citation that was recited by the Germans:
If Candlemas day be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight. If Candlemas day brings clouds and rain, Winter is gone and won’t come again.
So that is the history of Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil. But do you want some interesting facts?
Do you want to celebrate Groundhog Day with the kiddos? Explain it to them in kid-fashion. Here are some sites with cute crafts for Groundhog Day.
Check out the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to see what Phil saw today!
My awesome groundhog picture was found on the Interwebs. It was everywhere. I had to use “this” one, cause it looks Angry!
Yes, really…there is a place called Tankland. Tankland is located in El Monte, CA in the Whittier Narrows Recreation Area. Angry Husband took Angry Kid there recently for a little field trip. This was definitely a boy’s day out, as they also went with a group of other friends that Angry Husband hangs with. I graciously gave up my Tahoe for the day so they could carpool to this museum, which Angry Husband promised would be an awesome day. I mean really, Angry Kid and tanks…what a wonderful combination, right?
At least I know that Angry Husband is providing educational entertainment while I’m at work. I always love the random picture texts that I get from Angry Husband. I barely heard from Angry Husband all day. But, I received this photo in a message from him. There were no words in this text message, just the picture. This is sooooo typical of Angry Husband.
Angry Husband told me that they were given a map and booklet explaining all of the vehicles located at Tankland. I was going through the pictures asking questions. His reply is, “I don’t know, we had a map.” So I’m just going to post all the pictures. But as you can see, Angry Kid enjoyed his day with daddy.
I’m adding more photos to this set as I edit them. Be sure and check my Flickr account for more photos from Tankland.
The American Society of Military History was incorporated in California in 1962 as a California Non-Profit Educational Organization. The purpose of the Society is to perpetuate our great American Military Heritage and to restore and preserve its equipment. The exhibits you are about to see are either restored or waiting to be restored. These exhibits were used by the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.
We have no governmental financial assistance. All restoration is done by our membership and volunteers.
Here’s information on their visiting hours and entry fees. They are also available for birthday parties.
So if you are around Southern California, and know someone who loves tanks, and/or military history, this would be a great day trip. Angry Kid had a blast. He came home and told me all about it. I can also cross this off the list of things, that momma didn’t have to endure. Yay, win-win!
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Copyright © Angry Julie Monday