I do not cook very much, rarely, or ever. Angry Husband will probably say that I’ve cooked maybe 5 times in our marriage. I know it’s more than that, like 10ish. I’ve always said, my skill is making money. I can’t cook. I don’t clean very well. And I’m not very crafty. But oohhh, I have a black belt in shopping and I’ve had a job since I was 14.
When we got married, I registered for Lenox’s “Poppies on Blue” pattern. I may have registered for EVERYTHING that they sold with that pattern. Seriously, we had so much stuff, it became overwhelming. We moved about 4 times in the first 5 years of our marriage. Every time we moved, that china and all of its accessories along with us. Right before we bought our house, I finally decided that the china had to go. We had barely used it. It wasn’t our every day china. I had never even seen my own mother use her wedding china.
So I placed it on e-bay and sold it piece-by-piece. I also sold some pieces to a friend. I had a few place settings left, and actually had a couple from Palm Springs drive 2 hours to come and get the china from me. Angry Husband was impressed, because I sold the china for more than it was probably originally paid for. I’m pretty good at e-bay, when I try a little.
After selling this wedding china, I decided that we needed some everyday china. I became a little obsessed (see a pattern here), and starting buying (collecting) Fiestaware. It all started with a few dinner plates, then salad plates, then bowls. I have tons of it now, and all different colors. I think that’s my favorite thing about Fiestaware. That you can mix and match the colors.
You can see some of my Fiestaware in the picture above. This is one of our kitchen cabinets. I have more pieces, but they are in random places around the house. Some of the pieces that I have are actually Vintage Fiestaware. My mom has found them in antique shops around Orange County. I’m currently on the search for my serving dishes. I only have one problem with Fiestaware though. They keep coming out with new colors. I have at least 25+ dinner plates. I want more. Because I love all the colors. Aren’t they pretty?
What do you collect?
P.S. The “My Precious” title was in reference to Gollum in Lord of the Rings. If you haven’t seen any of the movies, you will have no clue on what I’m talking about.