The land of white picket fences

Angry Baby @ 16 months.-2006

I live in the land of  white picket fences.  I called it suburbia or Stepfordville. Yes, our houses look exactly alike. For me, this is a good thing.  I can only imagine how our “hood” would look, if my neighbors didn’t have to follow the “rules”. In the past two years, we had new roofs put on, and now we are getting our houses re-painted.  The total cost of the new roof and house painting to me, $200 a month for my HOA dues.  Which is totally worth it.

We got the notice two weeks ago about the painting. They were going to “wash” down our house first and then start painting a few days later.  Angry Husband said that they washed down the house while I was in Tennessee.  His actual comment was “the idiots are washing down the house and it’s pouring raining outside.”  This was a week ago, last Friday.  It raining off and on, Monday-Wednesday of this week. Guess when they started painting?

Oh yea, Thursday morning. You know the morning after Angry Julie had to work swing shift. When Julie has only had 2.5 hours of sleep.  Angry Husband is getting ready to take Angry Kid to preschool Thursday morning, and then he comes back in the house. It was around 7am, and he says, “umm yea, they are painting the house today, and they are starting now.” Sigh, of course they were. I was in my sleep zone.  I had my special spot in the down comforter.  And then, the ladder hits the side of the house. I can literally hear the dogs perk up.  And it starts…bark, bark, bark…

I drag myself to the garage.  I look at the dogs, and tell them to shut up. I then barely make it back to the bedroom. I get in my sweet spot again. And then I hear stomping, I look up. I go outside to look. I see the painters literally climbing onto my roof to get into my backyard.  The dogs are barking so much, they are loosing their minds.  I text Angry Husband. He tells me to “lock the dogs into the garage for the day.” I knew that it would not calm them down to lock them in the garage. I made a decision. It was an expensive decision.

In all my pajama glory, I put on a hoodie and my flip flops.  Yes, I was wearing my fabulous flannel pajama pants with the dogs on them.  I grabbed the leashes and my keys.  I put the dogs in Angry Husband’s truck, and headed straight towards my destination. I walked in there, and the employees started laughing at me. Yes, I went to the vet to board them. I did not care how much it cost me. I needed sleep.  I also knew that the dogs would drive my neighbors crazy, and I imagined the Animal Control Officer at my front door.

I checked them in, until Saturday. The painters told me that it would take them two days to finish painting. Did I get sleep on Thursday? Heck no! They made more noise than the roofers. Seriously, slamming ladders against the walls, stomping on the roof.  You would think that spending this much time on the paint, it would look awesome, right? Yea, it’s totally sloppy. I never got a nap.  I went to work and it was hell.

I am now home sick from work tonight.  I have a huge sinus infection headache.  I can’t tell if it’s from the cats at the vet, or the paint. I’m allergic to both.  But, it’s sooooo quiet in our house. It’s amazing how much noise our barky little dogs make. I kinda miss them.  It’s weird see their dog bed empty.

And the painting….still NOT DONE!

P.S. That totally adorable photo.  I took it in 2006. Angry Kid was Angry Baby, at 13 months old. Isn’t he cute?

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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