As you know that I attended the Blissdom Conference in Nashville last weekend. And if you didn’t know this, well you must not read my blog. I mean really, who wouldn’t read my blog. Anyway, I lost my camera charger for my SLR somewhere in my house. My camera died halfway through Saturday night. I was pretty bummed because I knew that the night was young, and there were pictures to take.
They had this great Casual Pajama Party and Movie Night Planned. It was great,e veryone dressed really comfortable. There was food and snacks. But I knew it would good if I stayed around for awhile. I was only able to take 2-3 photographs while I was there. But then, the fun began. Hmmm, oh yes, karaoke……cause you know karaoke brings out the magic in people. Everyone becomes a professional singer. Even bloggers. I saw some great entertainment when the karaoke began. But really, I’m so glad that I had my purse with me. My purse is always full of junk, but I had an epiphany…you see, I had my Flip Mino in my purse. How awesome is that! I love this little mini video camera.
Because it captures awesome events like this…
P.S. If you don’t know who this duet is, well…you need to get out more, or online more. It’s Tanis, The Redneck Mommy and Jim, Busy Dad.
P.P.S. I suck at editing videos. Really, I don’t know what I’m doing. HELP!!