Twelve Months of Great Design with IKEA: February

I was a really big fan of IKEA when I was in college. They made simple, yet inexpensive furniture, which was perfect my lifestyle.  After college and through the early years of marriage, I had a different taste for design and style.  I really think that IKEA is a hidden gem now.  Lately, decorating is about integrating different styles into your home. I love this mix and max philosophy.  Now, I see IKEA in a whole new perspective.


February’s topic is about sleep. Are you tossing and turning all night? Did you know that you can customize your sleep experience to be the most comfortable for you? Have you heard about IKEA’S Sultan system?

IKEA Sultan Laxeby

You can tailor firm or softness on either side for “his and hers” sleeping at its best.  The slats are adjustable to get your body the perfect amount of support.

You can also try sleeping Swedish by using two sets of covers. Each person uses their own blankets, which helps if you are a “hot” or “cold” type person. Angry Husband and I already do this. We’ve always used our own blankets. At almost fifteen years together, we still haven’t learned to share, our blankets.

IKEA Mysa Vete

IKEA’s Mysa Vete is a 3-in-1 quilt. It is three comforters in one. You can use them all together, or split them up individually for a cooler comforter. This is also economical because you are using one product year round.  We mostly use our down comforters in our house. The comforters we use are a bit heavy. Having a comforter like this would enable us to have a “cooler” type of comforter.

Stay tuned for next month where I talk about organizing kitchens with products from IKEA.

Disclosure: Images provided by IKEA Design and the IKEA website.  I was provided a small item from IKEA for attending their online webinar.  I was not compensated with cash. I shop at IKEA. They did not persuade me to write this post.

Spotlight Saturday 2.21 to 2.26.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1. This Mama Makes Stuff-The Slim Slack

Carrie re-fashions a pair of men’s slacks into boy’s slim slacks.

2.  Livin’ The Simple Life-Folding Shelf Drying Racks

We’ve been looking for a way to get rid of our rolling rack in our garage. This is simple project which will eliminate the bulk of a bigger drying rack.  It’s also very inexpensive.

3.  Well, That’s Just Fabulous-Starting Over, This is going to be a long one

Danielle talks about picking up and moving to Chicago from Los Angeles all by herself. She has had some bumps along the way, but she’s planting down her feet.

4.  The Unexperienced Mom-Finding a Blogging Mentor

I met Tamara at Blissdom. She’s a realist like me.  She talks about finding someone to connect with during/through your blogging journey.  She is also launching a new website for blog conference newbies.

5.  Living with Lindsay-Real People Don’t Live in Magazine Spreads

Lindsay, a real life friend of mine, talks about getting ideas from design magazines and websites. But no matter what, your home is fine just the way that it is, and you never see people living in those magazines.

My Precious… Fiestaware

I do not cook very much, rarely, or ever.  Angry Husband will probably say that I’ve cooked maybe 5 times in our marriage. I know it’s more than that, like 10ish.  I’ve always said, my skill is making money.  I can’t cook. I don’t clean very well. And I’m not very crafty.  But oohhh, I have a black belt in shopping and I’ve had a job since I was 14.

When we got married, I registered for Lenox’s “Poppies on Blue” pattern. I may have registered for EVERYTHING that they sold with that pattern.  Seriously, we had so much stuff, it became overwhelming.  We moved about 4 times in the first 5 years of our marriage.  Every time we moved, that china and all of its accessories along with us.  Right before we bought our house, I finally decided that the china had to go.  We had barely used it.  It wasn’t our every day china.  I had never even seen my own mother use her wedding china.

So I placed it on e-bay and sold it piece-by-piece.  I also sold some pieces to a friend.  I had a few place settings left, and actually had a couple from Palm Springs drive 2 hours to come and get the china from me.  Angry Husband was impressed, because I sold the china for more than it was probably originally paid for.  I’m pretty good at e-bay, when I try a little.

After selling this wedding china, I decided that we needed some everyday china.  I became a little obsessed (see a pattern here), and starting buying (collecting) Fiestaware. It all started with a few dinner plates, then salad plates, then bowls. I have tons of it now, and all different colors. I think that’s my favorite thing about Fiestaware. That you can mix and match the colors.


You can see some of my Fiestaware in the picture above.  This is one of our kitchen cabinets.  I have more pieces, but they are in random places around the house. Some of the pieces that I have are actually Vintage Fiestaware.  My mom has found them in antique shops around Orange County.  I’m currently on the search for my serving dishes. I only have one problem with Fiestaware though.  They keep coming out with new colors.  I have at least 25+ dinner plates.  I want more. Because I love all the colors. Aren’t they pretty?

What do you collect?

P.S. The “My Precious” title was in reference to Gollum in Lord of the Rings. If you haven’t seen any of the movies, you will have no clue on what I’m talking about.

Wordless Wednesday: Paradise in Orange County

Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture(s) that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

My Theme Songs

Last week, JJ aka The Blah Blah Blahger did a post about theme songs.  She talked about Ally McBeal (and I’m the random one) and Michael Bublé.  I have many songs that make me remember a special time or a special place in my life.  I can’t hear AC/DC’s “Back in Black” without thinking of being a freshman in college, red plastic cups, and dancing at Kappa Sigma parties.  I hear John Michael Montgomery’s “I Can Love You Like That” and think of when Angry Husband was in the Marines and deployed overseas.  I’m a secret sap, I swear.  When I want to be inspired, I listen to Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” and sing along.

But lately, I need something upbeat that I can sing along too.  If I’m by myself, the Glee Soundtracks are on. If Angry Kid is in the car, he screams for me to put on Shop Boyz’s “Party Like A Rockstar”.  If I have to hear that song one more time… I used to run to it, not so much anymore.

These are my TOP 4 songs right now.  I’m pretty much obsessed with them. I will listen to them, over and over.  I have all four of them as my ringtones.  I admit it. Yes, I’m 34 years old, and listen to this type of music.

1.  Lady GaGa “Paparazzi” -Angry Kid even loves this song. He screamed for me to play it in the car the other day. My mom was with us too. She was cracking up, because Angry Kid was dancing along with the music in his carseat.

2.  Ke$ha “TiK ToK”-I heard this song on a TV show or something. I searched everywhere for it. Silly me, it was on iTunes Top Ten list of the week when I bought it a few weeks ago.

3.  Black Eyed Peas “I Gotta Feeling”-This song is the song in the commercial for the movie “Valentine’s Day”.  I did not know it was Black Eyed Peas.  I had to Google it. I’m a smart one, ya know.

4.  Miley Cyrus “Party In The USA”-I do not have a girl child. I’m late to the game.  We were dancing the night away at Blissdom. And then, this song came on…I feel in love instantly! I felt like such a dork asking someone who sang it.  I was in a group of moms, mom bloggers even worse. They just shook their heads at me.

And because you must see the fabulousness of Miley singing “Party in the USA”. Here’s a video of her singing it. This is from the 2009 Teen Choice Awards, where she is allegedly “pole dancing”. Yea, ok…it’s an ice cream cart. I think I need to dance more though; did you see how fit her back-up dancers are? Seriously!

A Headband Emergency

Ever since I started watching Gossip Girl, I’ve had an obsession with headbands.  Seriously Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) has influenced a new trend and movement just from a TV show. Do you watch the show? I do, because I love some drama. Seriously though, the fashion on the show is awesome.  I love their stylists, and what they put together for the actor’s wardrobes. It’s amazing!

I’ve never really been a hair accessory person. I have thick and fluffy hair. I do, I swear.  My hair is always too thick for cute clips and other things. I did rock the scrunchie in the 90’s though. I’ve always had long hair until the past few years. My hair was such a hot mess though when it was long.  I pretty kept it in a ponytail 24/7.  This is one of the main reasons that I decided to cut my hair so short, was the everlasting ponytail. I decided that I needed a style, and that would be easier for me to maintain shorter hair.

I’m trying to accessorize my hair a little more.  I don’t want to look or be called a boy.  I loathe the term “boy short hair”.  Please call it “pixie” or something else, that will imply cute and stylish. I’ve used hair clips, barrettes, flowers, and now the headband.  I am obsessed with headbands. I rock the headband. I’ve also found someone else who has an obsession worse than mine. Do you follow, or read Tip Junkie? You should, because Laurie and her site are fabulous. We bonded at Blissdom over our headband obsessions.

dancing4_thumbPhoto by Angie Arthur. She’s also the Co-Founder of i heart faces.

Hanging out with Laurie fueled my obession with headbands. I have quite a collection already.  They range from simple to quite fancy.  I started out with basic black headbands, but I’m moving onto to more colorful and fancy ones.

On Friday night, I was on Twitter.  I tweeted to Brooke that there was a headband on her site, that I needed.  I was not joking. I saw this headband and instantly decided it would be mine.  I actually met Brooke a few months ago at The Handmade Brigade. I got her business card and bookmarked her site. Brooke responded back that I should get the headband.  I don’t think she understood me. I had a headband emergency. I needed instant gratification. Brooke lives locally to me, which is a good thing.

I finally got a hold of Brooke on Saturday.  I spoke with her on the phone.  I told her that I had an event on Sunday.  I bought the perfect dress.  I neeeeeeeeeeed this headband to match the dress. She laughed a little, I’m sure. I said, seriously, where can I meet you? She knew I was not joking.  So we agreed that she would make me the fabulous headband.  I would meet her the next morning.

Brooke came through. She’s fabulous!!!! We chatted a little, ok maybe I blabbed my mouth off. But, she made me that most fabulous headband ever! We met in the Target parking lot at 9am Sunday morning. Cause I’m fabulous like that! I was hiding in my Tahoe with my unwashed wild hair barely awake. I felt like I was doing a drug deal or something. I was in my car handing over cash for a box.  It’s pretty funny when I tell the story in person.  But seriously, I can’t say enough good things about Brooke and her talents.  Here’s a close-up photo of the headband.  Isn’t it pretty? You can buy it HERE.

Not Quite Vintage Headband

As for my entire outfit with the awesome headband. Well, I think it came out well.  Don’t you think it looked great with my awesome dress, from Tar-jay? And the ocean view isn’t too bad either!


Spotlight Saturday 2.14 to 2.20.10

Spotlight Saturday

Here are FIVE of my favorite posts from the past week. Each week I will be highlighting some of my favorites. I have many blogs in my reader, as I have many friends with all different types of “niches” or “non-niches”. I will post serious stories, fun stories, pictures, recipes, etc. They will most likely be in a random order.

1.  Violence Unsilenced-Tanis

A post about domestic violence, child abuse, addiction, and adoption.

2.  Hostess with the Mostess-Fairy Sweet Birthday Party

What little girl wouldn’t want a fairy party? This party was all planned by the little girl’s mother.  With decorations, a toadstool cake, fairy wings, and pixie sticks. The photography makes everything pop and so memorable.

3.  Ciaran Blumenfeld-Advocates, Enthusiasts, and Advertising: Bloggers on the Brandwagon

Ciaran talks about bloggers and promoting brands. Did you do a post because you just *liked” the product, was a it a review, or were you paid to post. She outlines the distinctions.

4.  Scary Mommy-ChatRolulette-A Warning to Parents

Jill from Scary Mommy talks about a new website started by a 17-year old in Russia. This site accesses your webcam and projects you face-to-face with the world.  What a perfect place for a pedophile to hide out in.

5.  Coco’s Cuckoo World-Building Self Esteem. One kid at a time

Her kiddos Bram and Tess are always showing off fashion in their house. Courtney is always posting some HILARIOUS photos of them. A great post to make you smile.

My decorating inspired via magazines and paint colors

Inspiration from Magazines and Paint

If you’ve heard anything about the housing price situation in California, you will understand this.  We bought our house HIGH in 2005, and it’s a little LOW right now.  I know that it will eventually appreciate more, but sigh…I don’t like to look at those numbers. What we do know for certain, is that we are going to stay in our little house for awhile.  We live in a great neighborhood, and really there are no major issues. I would love an extra bedroom or two, and a bigger kitchen.  Since we are staying, I’m in the makeover decorating mood.

I’ve been going through magazines and websites looking for ideas.  I am feeling inspired.  I see all these awesome home and decorating blogs.  They make me think, “hey I can do that too.”  I am always a little conservative on the decorating of our house.  I have that “potential resale” factor in the back of my head.  It doesn’t help that my best friend is a real estate appraiser.  But I want to be a little wild.  I want to let loose.

We are starting with Angry Kid’s room.  I already bought new bedding for his room.  I’m usually a complete snob when it comes to things like that.  All of his bedding has either been from a boutique or Pottery Barn Kids.  I actually bought the bedding from Target. And it’s a bed in a bag! No, you won’t get to see the actually bedding, yet! I don’t want to spoil my “after” pictures. That wouldn’t be fun.

I headed to Lowe’s the other day to check out paint colors.  I got stuck in the “turquoise” section. Seriously, I don’t care of it’s the color of the year. I’m going to paint something turquoise.  But I wasn’t there to look at turquoise. I was there to look for colors for Angry Kid’s room.  I was looking for the perfect orange. Do you know how many oranges there are? Seriously, alot! I’m going to have to get some second and third opinions on these colors.

I’m also stocking up on the decorating magazines. I always get inspired by them.  I get new ideas every time I look at one.  Right now, with working and everything else going on, I am trying to stay at home a little more. I want to be able to be comfortable in my home.  I am always looking around, and getting little idea bubbles popping up. I then see that little devil on my shoulder, Angry Husband. The devil is saying, “ohhh geez Julie, what do you want me to build, construct, or make now?” There is always something.

What inspires you? Is it someone, something, a conversation you’ve overheard?

I’m participating in a  link-up at The Inspired Room. Check out more inspirations on her post.

P.S. Beckie from Infarrantly Creative wanted a preview of the colors for Angry Kid’s room makeover….Beckie the colors are in the first picture!

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Angry Julie Monday


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