Wordless Wednesday: Ferris Wheel @ The Irvine Spectrum

Spectrum 7

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I’m am doing a link-up every Wednesday now! Post a picture that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Musical Beds

This is what I like to call it in our house. You never know where someone is going to be sleeping at night.  We may also start off in one bed and end up in another. It’s sorta similar to the musical chairs game.  Why is our house like this? Hmmm, someone has a snoring problem in our house. Angry Husband snores like a bear. Sorry Angry Husband, but you do.

For example, Saturday night we both started in the Master Bedroom.  I flopped around, and said the usual, “flip on your side, move over, etc.” I might have even umm shoved someone with my elbow..

Master Bedroom Bed

But I couldn’t handle it, so I moved to the couch. I think someone sleeps on our couch almost every night. Angry Kid falls asleep on our couch a lot. Sometimes we move him, sometimes we don’t. Doesn’t my couch-bed look lovely? At least I took the down comforter from our bed.

Living Room Couch

Angry Kid has an awesome bed. His mattress is brand new and quite nice. Angry Husband has actually slept on his bed a few times. It’s kinda funny to see him covered up in dinosaur blankets. His legs also hang over the bed. Shocking, but Angry Kid actually slept in his own bed, Saturday night.  We moved him there, does that count? You can see him hiding under all those blankets. Oh, and the Christmas sheets, those are coming off today.  I needed to find the other set of flannel sheets for his bed.

Angry Kid's Bed

Angry Husband is not that heavy.  He did a sleep study sometime last year, where they told him he was fine. But ohhh, the snoring needs to stop. Or maybe I need another bedroom with a fabulous bed.  Do you have someone with a snoring problem in your house?

P.S. I slept on the couch again by choice last night. I DVR’ed Big Love.  I wanted to watch it in peace.

Happy 101 Award

This is kind of ironic that me, Angry Julie, is posting about a Happy Award? It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? Well Ms. Courtney over at Coco’s Cuckoo World bestowed this on me. It’s been a while since I’m given out awards, etc. etc. etc. I’m busy, being tired. I’ve been playing catch up with work, home, family, and everything else since the Holidays! Courtney is from Texas. You know how those Texas people are, right? Loud!! Well Courtney is loud, you can tell from her blog, but really, she’s hilarious. I read something in every one of her posts, and go, seriously, this woman is so much like me, it’s freaky.  It’s probably good that she lives far away, because we would be in the mall fighting over the perfect jacket or something.

Anyway, I’m supposed to point out ten things that make me happy! So here is goes! Oh, and pay attention, five of you reader-type people are getting tagged at the end.  That is if you are still reading my nonsense.

1. Glee

EVERY time I watch this show, I smile. I sing along to everything. I look forward to it so much that I do not watch it live.  I wait until the next day, when I have peace and quiet with no interruptions. I have to admit, sometimes, I watch it several times before I hit that “delete” button on ye’ole DVR.

2. WordPress

I fought change for almost a year.  I’ve been using the Blogger platform since October of 2005. I was scared, I admit it. I was afraid that I would have this blog and not know how to use it.  I needed to realize that I know more about html, blogging, and all this interwebz stuff than I thought. Silly Julie! I’ve had some issues, more like questions. Thankfully, I’ve had some friends, cough cough Shannon, help me out. Ok, it did take some long distance phone calls, but totally worth it!! It’s not scary, I promise! Best blog thing I did in 2009, was to change to WordPress.

3. Skype

Do you Skype? I do. You are probably thinking, “Isn’t Skype for video conferencing?” Well yes it is. But there is also a chat function. How many times have you gotten pissed off because AIM, GChat, or Facebook chat locked up and shut down? Right when you were in the middle of a gossip session! Well I’ve been chatting on Skype a lot lately, and it NEVER has locked up on me. Oh, and yes, I’m quite chatty!

4. Aquage Transforming Paste

I use Aquage Transforming Paste every day on my hair. I have naturally curly hair. Yes, my hair is short, but it gets all funky when it’s completely dry. I start to look like I have a mushroom on my head. Now who wants that look? I prefer my hair a little slicker. This stuff is the best, but soooo hard to find.  I have my people with hair supply connects get it for me.

5. California

I’m very happy right now that I live in Southern California. I keep reading about all these freezing temperatures.  We had a few highs fo 75+ degrees this week.  I don’t do cold weather well, and I think I would be a little stir crazy right now if I was snowed in, or something.

6. Monster Energy Drinks

I have a slight addiction to caffeine. Leave me alone. I know it’s a bad habit.  But I can’t go a day without my Monster. It’s my trademark drink.  Angry Husband drinks Monsters too. I think it’s something that we can actually agree on.

7. Stacey

What a great BFF. She brought me cupcakes today, to work! She also took a birthday gift and my laptop back to my house, just cause I asked her too, ok maybe I begged. I appreciate you Stacey!

8. Disneyland

We’ve had Season Passes to Disneyland for 3 years now.  We go several times a month.  I’m happy that we live fifteen minutes from there.  Angry Kid also never gets bored there, and he sleeps when we get home. How perfect is that!

9. Sundays

We had shift change today. I have Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays off. I’m telling you this in case you want to stalk me or something. I can’t tell you the last time I had Sundays off. It’s been quite awhile. I really don’t know what to do with myself. You have no idea how exciting this is.

10. Angry Kid

Yes, he drives me insane most days. But really, everyone kinda pushes me over the edge.  I took Angry Kid to the dentist last week, because HE BEGGED me to make him an appointment. He was soo excited to go. What a weirdo!

So now it’s your turn!!! I’m tagging these FIVE BLOGGERS to be Happy!

1.  Working Mommy-I commented on her blog, and now she’s over here commenting on mine! That’s how it works! Comments make us bloggers happy!

2.  Lee-Ann-Crazy girl lost me in my Blogger to WordPress switch. She’s found me again. We met through a parenting forum.

3.  Sasha-A devout lover of Sephora and all things make-up! We found each other on BabyCenter. Her Wild Child is just like Angry Kid.

4.  Shan-Fellow member of MomDot forums. She is also switching to WordPress, and I think she might be loosing her mind in the process.

5. Bringing Up Burns-Erin is quite the crafter! We actually went to High School together.

So now my top FIVE, it’s your turn to post about TEN things that make you Happy, and umm tag, some other victims…

Goals Rather Than Resolutions

I wrote a “Resolutions” post last year. I read it this morning and started laughing.  I pretty much have not followed through with any of the things I wrote about. I have become more organized at work, and I’ve bought Angry Kid less clothing. That’s following through, with something, right?

Because of this, I’ve decided to write down “Goals” more than resolutions this year. I think the goals are easier to achieve and check off on my master to-do list.  Plus, having an entire year gives me a good time frame to achieve those goals.

So here it goes, my FIVE MAIN GOALS for 2010! (I’m starting with five for now)

1. Learn to edit videos. I received a Flip video camera for Christmas last year, as in 2008. I can upload videos to various sites. But, I want to be able to edit them, add text, and be a bit more creative.

2. Ten races in 2010. I would like to participate and run ten races this year.  I’ve been quite busy and the last race that I ran was on the 4th of July in Huntington Beach.

3. Be more organized. Yes, I say this every year.  I started the year off by going through all my junk and work.  Angry Husband is also in the process of organizing the garage right now too. We have the supplies to be organized, we just don’t always follow through.

4. Focus on photography. I want to take some type of class to learn more about my camera.  I use a camera 40+ hours a week at work, but I shoot mostly on auto.  I want to be able to do more with my camera and photos.

5. SAY NO! I say yes to everything. Then I completely regret it and complain to everyone around me.  I can’t do everything. I don’t have the time.

I have more things that I want to achieve this year. But really, I’m going to start small and start with five.  I could do ten things for 2010, but that would be a bit much for me right now.  I’ll let y’all know when I achieve some of these goals, okay!

Photo from Photobucket.

Mama, can we go to Pretend City again?

Last week, Angry Kid and I were invited by Aracely to go to Pretend City. It’s local here in Orange County.  It seems that a ton of people that I know have gone there already. Shocking, since we usually check out the “new” kid places in town.  Hey, I need to find more places to entertain my kid. He needs to be busy.

Punching In @ The Time Clock @ Pretend City

Of course, we picked a rainy day during Holiday vacation, right? I had to go check the museum out at their busiest time.  I’m such a good planner like that.  Angry Husband would have lost his mind and turned around if he saw how many people were there, seriously.  But I’m much braver than that. Well not really, we had nothing else to do that day.

So I met up with Aracely, and watched Angry Kid walk away.  I was not going to stalk Angry Kid, and follow him everywhere. I let him roam.  I watched the other people, chase their kids around. Umm no thanks, exhausting.  I sat there, and chatted with Aracely for at least two hours, maybe more. I checked on Angry Kid off and on. He was in the art room coloring, or in the grocery store shopping. He showed me all “the monies” he made from his various jobs.

Future Plumber @ Pretend City

I would found him like this, you know “workin”. Cause that’s what four year olds do, right? They are plumbers. He even had a time card to punch in, at every station (job). He was so happy working on those pipes.  He walked around with me and showed me all the other jobs that he worked at. I tried to get a picture of him standing underneath the “Police Station” sign, but all I could was him working “Dispatch” in his fingerprint shirt.

Dispatcher @ Pretend City

Angry Kid tried to hide from me when it was time to leave. I knew that. I expected that.  But I was able to coax him out of there with a promise to come back again. He told Angry Husband all about it that night. EVERY DAY now, he asks if he can go back to Pretend City. I sigh, and say “soon, we will go back soon”… I guess it’s time for a membership.

And my visit wasn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns like it appears to be.  I was a little frustrated while I was there. I noticed that they had no proper kid identification system. Even Chuck E Cheese matches up the parents with the kid.  Pretend City needs some kind of hand stamp or wrist band. They have no gatekeeper or guard at the door.  They are good about helping look for a child if you can’t find them, but they would have no clue if the kid was completely gone.  Also, they had vending machines.  The vending machines were not working at the time. The guy from the vending machine company came and serviced them while we were there. He also told me that they have the credit card machine disabled. Angry Kid was screaming for food. And without an ATM machine and/or credit card machine on the vending machine, we were without snacks.

Would I go there again? Absolutely. Every kid’s place has some quirks.  Even Disneyland.

Wordless Wednesday: Sunset From My Garage


Welcome to my first “Angry Julie Monday Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I’m going to be doing a link-up every Wednesday now! Post a picture that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Preserving My Holiday Photo Cards

Holiday Photo Cards
Every one of my Holiday decorations was put away on December 26th.  Angry Husband was itching to remove it all Christmas night.  I got a little antsy too.  But the one thing I left up, was the Holiday cards.  I thought we needed to spend a little more time with the cards. I decided to finally take down my Holiday cards today.  We are in organizing mode at the Angry House.  We are starting with our garage. What a mess that is right now. Our trash day is Thursday, and our trash can is already full.

For the past three years, I’ve been preserving our Holiday photo cards using this method.  It’s pretty simple and keeps the individual years together.  All you need is three simple things: 1. Holiday photo card, 2. Hole Punch, and 3. Notebook Ring.  The notebook rings can be found at any office supply store.

Supplies Needed for Card Preservation

After punching holes in the corner of each card, you start putting them on the notebook ring.  You then close the ring.  It’s very simple. Even I could do this. Oh, and that fabulous photo card above? It’s from Kelly, you know the same Kelly from Just Spotted and According to Kelly.  Her card was double sided.  I used her card as an example so everyone doesn’t have to know her last name. Below this paragraph, you can see what it looks like when all the cards are finally on the notebook ring.

Organized Cards

I have three years of cards now saved.  I wasn’t always this brilliant.  Here they all are displayed on the nifty notebook rings. The awesome 80’s card at the top of my 2009 cards is from JJ, yes from Jen Johnson Photography and The BlahBlahBlahger.

Three Years of Cards

After you’ve put the cards on the rings, you can decide how to store them. You can put them all in a photo box, a closet, a tote, wherever you feel like it. I place them inside a box with my Holiday decorations.  I get to pull them all out every year and see how everyone has changed, and how much everyone’s kids have grown.

Now enough of this Holiday stuff….it’s back to cleaning I go….

Cafe Rio arrives in Orange County

Angry Kid was out of preschool last week, so it’s been quite hectic around here. I was looking for things to do with him.  I was on the phone with Kelly, and she said, “Cafe Rio is open now, do you want to go?” Kelly has been telling me about Cafe Rio forever.  Seriously, since I met Kelly this Spring she kept telling me about how awesome it is.  A few months ago, we both saw that they were opening a Cafe Rio in Lake Forest.  We had no clue on when it was opening, but we knew that they were building one.

Cafe Rio Truck

I made plans with Kelly and we met up in the parking lot of Cafe Rio. I didn’t know that it was supposed to rain that day, but the sky was falling. People seem to totally freak when it rains in California. I circled around and finally found a parking spot. It was lunch time and the new hot restaurant in town was quite packed. We ran around and took some quick pictures. The boys were quite crazy and excited to see each other.  They even posed for this picture. Well, I took about five pictures of the same pose, but this was the best one.

The Usual Suspects @ Cafe Rio

We headed into the restaurant and got in line.  I had no clue on what to get. Kelly had to tutor me in Cafe Rio.  I expected an expert would know what to order, right? She told me to order the sweet pork barbacoa salad.  She said that’s her favorite.  I’m easy to please, and we have similar tastes, so I ordered that. Cafe Rio has free quesadillas for kids 6 and under, so I ordered a quesadilla for Angry Kid.  We then had the wild children find us a table. They did a great job finding a table, and even sat down to wait. Awesome! Before completely sitting down, we filled up our drinks.  Kelly reminded me that they have the best ice ever. Kelly is an ice fanatic and well, I love pebble-style ice. Yum, my Dr. Pepper never tasted better!

Cafe Rio Ice

Even between chasing Angry Kid around and multiple demands for beans, then rice, then chicken…I finally got to eat my salad. It was delicious. Yes, I’m sold. I’m a total Cafe Rio fan now. Where do I sign-up for the Fan Club? Is there one?

Sweet Pork Barbacoa Salad at Cafe Rio

Kelly and I are awesome bloggers and stuff like that…so we captured the dining experience on Whrrl. Have you tried Whrrl yet? It’s quite awesome.  Click on this link for the story.

I can’t wait to go back to Cafe Rio soon. Oh wait, silly me. I went back with Angry Husband on Saturday night.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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