Please forgive me if I have been out of it for the past few weeks. I did a complete flip with my work schedule. That is good news, and bad news all at the same time. Do you want to hear the good news? Well I’m off Mondays, till May. I won’t be Angry on Mondays. The bad news, I’m working nights, which is the swing shift. I also get off work at almost 3am most nights.
My sleep and eating schedule is completely messed up right now. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. I flip my phone to silent when I get home, which turns my alarm off. People are afraid to call the house, in case they might wake me up. People start calling at 9am, CALL! I do not want to sleep all day. What a complete waste. I mentally think of all these things I’m going to do during the day, but they never get done. I can barely do laundry.
I’ve had to deal with this type of work shift for seven years now. It used to be the preferred shift for me. This was pre-child. But now, I try and work it only four months out of the year. It’s very hard to be up in the morning with a wild child. It’s also hard for me to stay up this late. I don’t know how people do it, for years and years. I’ve had to also manage the caffeine, because you can’t drink too much, or too little.
Angry Husband is also quite good about sending picture texts of Angry Kid.
And of course, I had to lose my debit card again. I was completely stressed out all night about my debit card. It was in the pocket of my hoodie. The hoodie, I was wearing when I walked in today, wearing. I’m loosing my mind. Please help!
P.S. I took a shower early today, just so I could go to the store and get some caffeine…
P.P.S. The advantage of working nights….I get to take photographs like this at sunset. Seriously, this is barely edited. I just edited the exposure mostly. The sky was this beautiful.