I’ve had my iPhone since September. I use it a lot. Don’t get me wrong. But seriously, I feel like the phone is always charging. If I’m out an about, I’m using it. If I’m in the car, at work, or in the house, it’s charging. Angry Husband has the same issue too. As a matter of fact, he told me tonight, “I didn’t answer the phone because I only had 13% of my battery left.” He called me from the house.
Because we are both so mobile, we’ve acquired many iPhone chargers. We also have an iTouch that belongs to Angry Kid. He mostly watches movies on it. We use it as a pocket DVD player. Well, we’ve acquired quite a collection of chargers and/or charging cords. We have NINE, yes 9 cords. I actually counted 10 at first, but I went around and counted today. I even did an informal charger poll on Twitter and my Facebook account today. I think the average person had three cords for each iPhone. That can get quite expensive.
Why am I talking about cords and charging? Well I watched many webcasts today about Apple’s new iPad. What a horrible name. Seriously, I would have much rather preferred the iTablet, like the rumors. But they did say that the battery lasted 10 FULL hours. As an iPhone owner, I let out a loud chuckle. I have an iPhone and a Macbook. Neither of these devices last as long as Apple says they do. Don’t get me wrong, but these battery time frames are totally wrong.
1. Angry Julie Work Van 2. Angry Husband Work Car 3. Angry Tahoe 4. Angry Truck 5. Kitchen Charger 6. Bedroom Charger 7. Macbook Charger 8. PC Office Charger 9. Angry Julie Work Office Charger
Do you have an iPhone? Do you charge it a lot? Please don’t say we are the only ones with this issue? How many chargers do you have? Is nine, an excessive amount of chargers?
You will laugh at this one, though. Angry Husband bought the bedroom nightstand charger for one of my Christmas presents. I take my baby (iPhone) with me to bed every night. I sit there and go through my reader or go on Twitter. This is how I relax. He was tired of hearing me bitch about my battery dying. Because I also use it as an alarm clock.
Oh, and the iPad? For $499, you get 16 GB of storage, with Wi-Fi built-in. For $599, you get 32 GB of storage. For $699, you get 64 GB of storage. What do you think? Are you sold? Are you pre-ordering. Meh, I wasn’t that impressed. Angry Husband wants one. But he was annoyed about paying more fees to AT&T. Because well, that’s another thing, we have like no cell service in our house right now. It’s ridiculous.