We recently made a trip to the Lego Store at Downtown Disney. When I purchased some of Angry Kid’s Christmas presents there, I received a treasure box. I saw that there was instructions on the box to come back at the beginning of the year. I showed Angry Kid the box, and he was excited to fill it up with more Legos. The best part, they were free. The worse part, more Legos.
I swear, we have thousands of Legos at our house. Our house is exploding with them. I have to find more places to store them. Most of our Legos are the gray and black species. If you are a mom or dad of a boy, you will understand. The gray and black Legos signify something, the dreaded Star Wars Lego kits. We are huge Star Wars fans in our house. Angry Husband and Angry Kid live and breath Star Wars. But when it comes to these Lego sets, they are exploding all over our house and our cars too.
I think Angry Husband gets excited when Angry Kid gets a new kit. They take the time to build it together. They play with it. They ohhh and ahhh… And then, about three days later, it is in a million pieces on the coffee table, in the cup holders of my car, and in the bath tub. Angry Husband will let out a big sigh, and say, “I should have glued that together”.
My mom was with Angry Kid and I at the Lego Store. He was eye-ing the Death Star. My mom was intrigued. I started giggling to myself. You know the giggle. The one you get when Grandma looks interested in buying a toy that the kid wants, and you don’t have to buy. Then I told her. Yea, um mom, The Death Star costs over $400. Her eyes got really big. I said, ohh but Angry Kid says he “neeeeeeeds it”.
Tonight, Angry Kid was playing with his Legos in the family room. He was doing a great job of putting them away. But at one point he stepped in the box of Legos. He yelped out, “Owwww that hurts”. I laughed at him, and replied back, “Now you know how we feel. Legos hurt when you step on them. Now put them away.”